In the battlefield outside the Secret Society, the armies of both sides were scuffling, and in some pile of stones near the Secret Society's headquarters base, a nutrition pod fell silently to the ground.

In the nutrition cabin, the eyes of a long-haired and powerful man kept trembling.

His body began to twitch slightly.

The nutrient solution in the chamber began to bubble one by one.

Half a minute later, the man opened his eyes!

Two bolts of lightning shot out from both eyes, piercing through the glass of the hatch and going straight into the sky!

After a few breaths, the nutrition chamber exploded, and the fierce flames surged, and the air flashed and thundered, and thunderbolts continued!

The mighty man raised his head to the sky and roared, and the rolling sound waves swept the entire battlefield!

I saw him soar into the sky, and under the interaction of flames and thunder and lightning, he was like a god descending from heaven!

Inside the base of the Secret Society, Ke Gu and the others looked at the figure outside, and their faces were all relieved.

Ke Gu said with a smile: "The Emperor has finally woken up, he is enough to block the pace of the alliance army, let Dr. Dagu operate the energy amplifier with peace of mind, don't be anxious, and save the test subject from getting out of control." "

In the research institute at the bottom of the basement, Dr. Ogu sighed when he got the news.

"I really want to see the emperor's performance, but it's a pity..."

As the main creator of the Emperor, Dr. Dagu can be said to be the person in the world who wants to witness the Emperor's demeanor, and as a professional, he can also judge what shortcomings the Emperor is from his performance.

This will give him more experience in future research.


As Dr. Oki shook his head and sighed, on a large instrument not far in front of him, three large birds were wrapped in a cloud of light, and the three birds were wrapped in flames, lightning, and frost.

Dr. Ogu smiled.

"Don't be angry, this instrument will increase your strength several times, although the process will be very painful, but as long as you endure it, you will soon succeed, as long as the transformation is over, you will be a new first-level god!"

The more Dr. Ogu spoke, the more excited he became, and the experiment in front of him was arguably the greatest achievement of his life, and it had been improved over the decades.

Today, the energy amplifier has reached a perfect level.

This experiment can be said to be very smooth, and it only takes a quarter of an hour to complete the complete transformation!

And Dr. Oki's assistant, it was a young man, and he looked at the three divine birds that were gradually merging, and his eyes were also extremely eager.

The greatest test in the world is taking place before him, and a first-class god will be born under his gaze!

Outside the base, the emperor in the air coldly glanced at the alliance army in front of him, and there was no trace of emotion and color in his flickering eyes.

At this time, he was like a god watching the common people.


Minna looked at the man in the air, and a monstrous wave rolled up in her heart!

That man's momentum was clearly at the level of a divine beast!

And it's stronger than ordinary divine beasts, close to a first-level god!

This is the mysterious being of the Hidden Society with first-level god-level power?

Is it a human?

The alliance thought it was a divine beast.

But after glancing at Xiao Ya, she asked with some uncertainty: "Xiao Ya, apart from your race, are there any other races among the divine beasts that can become humans?"

Xiao Ya shook his head, looked at the human man in the air, and said: "Among the divine beasts, only our Ladias and Ladios clan can become humans, that person is not a divine beast, but a real person!"

Minna nodded silently.

Unthinkable that the Hidden Society's genetic experiments have reached this level?

It can raise the strength of human beings to the level of a first-class god.

What exactly does their research look like?

This made Minna extremely curious and very vigilant.

Since the Secret Society can create a warrior of this level, will there be a second?

It's scary to think about!

And it quickly occurred to Minna that if she wanted to raise the strength of human beings to this level, ordinary genes would definitely not be able to do it, and only the genes of the divine beast level could cause this level of strengthening!

In other words, there are likely to be divine beasts in the Secret Society!

Minna looked at the man carefully.

The surrounding flame and lightning elements are dense, and it seems that it should be a fusion of fire and electricity attributes.

It is very likely that the gene of the fire attribute came from the blood of the Yan Emperor that he took from the Yan Emperor when he was in the imperial capital.

Is it enough to have some blood to support a successful trial?

Not afraid of trial failure?

It seems that that kind of technology is quite mature, and this must be because there are divine beasts in the Secret Society that continue to provide genes for them to do research!

There is a high probability that it is a divine beast with electric attributes!

I don't know how many more such fighters there are.

Which one is that divine beast?

She said solemnly: "Xiao Ya, go all out, lead him to a thousand feet in the sky, only by fighting there can you avoid the ripple below!"

Also, the Three Divine Pillars can't fly, they can only support you below, but after their skills have passed a distance, I don't know how powerful they will be, be careful yourself!

It's best to use meditation to the maximum number of times, and in addition, the light wall and reflection wall, the two skills that reduce physical and elemental damage, should also be maintained, and the mysterious guardian and tailwind should also be maintained, these two skills can make you immune to ailments and double your speed at the same time!

Also, looking at the flames and lightning around the man, he should be good at fire and electric attacks, so be careful.

Then pay attention to the injury, use self-regeneration at any time, and stay in peak condition! In this way, even if the opposite side is really a first-level god-level strength, you can resist for a long time!

I'll contact the headquarters later and teleport the Divine Beast Ganosekt, he has the ability to fly very quickly, he can fight at high altitudes, and he can join forces with you against that man!"

Hearing the words of Mirna, Latias opened his mouth silently.

Is this how human trainers fight?

All the auxiliary skills that can be used have been used, and the enhanced skills have also been pulled to the top, if the divine beasts fought like you, the world would have been blown up a long time ago...

Minna glanced at Xiao Ya and said, "Don't take it personally, that man is obviously not easy to deal with, if you are careless, we will plant it this time!"

And the other party doesn't know how many such warriors there are, and which one is the hidden divine beast, these are extremely dangerous factors, if you underestimate them, you will capsize in the gutter!

Have you forgotten our battles? If you don't use enhanced skills, a group of super high-ranking Pokémon will be able to suppress the Divine Beast! Not to mention that the opposite side is still a Divine Beast-level combat power!

Only by raising one's own strength to the peak can one ensure that the situation of the battle will not be tilted on their side!"

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