Now that the Hades King has come out to fight against the Phoenix King, even if it is unlikely to win, it will be able to make everyone appreciate it.

Hades, as the most belligerent of the country's four heavenly kings, was ready to challenge the Phoenix King when she appeared, but her family was afraid of angering the Feng King and causing an accident to the Hades, so they stopped him and prevented him from coming up to challenge.

But seeing that King Feng was about to leave the imperial capital, the King of Hades couldn't hold back the desire in his heart after all, and rushed up to fight with King Feng.

King Feng looked at the small human in front of her, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, she felt funny in her heart, these human beings, really didn't see their transformation method~

This phoenix king was transformed into the pink kitten that appeared in the villa!

He nodded slightly, agreeing to the Immortal's challenge.

Now that the matter has come to this, let's have more fun with these humans~

Seeing that the Feng King agreed to fight with him, the Hades King raised his fist excitedly and shouted, "Everyone stand back!" "

The trainers behind the Feng King all retreated to a long distance, and below, the family members of the Hades King looked at the Hades with some concern, if the Feng King came ruthlessly, then the Hades would be in trouble!

There are also many do-gooders who take out their mobile phones to carry out this wave.

Some of the titles are "The Imperial Capital Surprises the Phoenix King", and some are much more straightforward, writing "Hades Challenge the Phoenix King!" No matter which one it is, it has attracted the attention of countless netizens in an instant, and each live broadcast room is full!

In the air, the Hades King directly let Dolong Baruto use his exclusive skill, Dragon Arrow!

This move can launch two attacks in an instant, if the opponent has two opponents, it will attack each of them once, if there is only one opponent, it will attack him twice, which will cause a huge amount of damage!

Two dragon arrows slashed through the sky and attacked the Phoenix King's body!

Two purple flames rose from the Phoenix King's body, burning the arrows to the ground.

Hades' pupils shrank, purple flames? Sacred fire?

This is the strength of the legendary Pokémon? Easily defuse the attack of your strongest trump card!

"Doron Barutto, use the Dance of the Dragons!"

The Hades King knows that if he wants to fight with the Phoenix King alone, it is tantamount to a fool's dream, so the Dragon Dance is a must, but I don't know if the Phoenix King will give him time to strengthen.

King Feng looked at Duolong Baruto, who danced the ancient dance, not to mention stopping it, he almost couldn't help but applaud with his wings~

After six Dragon Dances, Doron Barutto's strength had risen to the point of being extremely strong, and he looked at the Phoenix King in front of him, and the desire to fight also rose in his heart.

That's a legendary Pokémon, even if you can't defeat her, it's great to be able to fight her one or two!

He raised his head to the sky and let out a dragon roar, and used the dragon dive under the command of Hades!

The breath of the dragon was mighty, and Duolong Baruto turned into a hundred-meter divine dragon and swooped towards the Phoenix King!


King Feng let out a cry, and his body didn't dodge, so he stopped in place and let him hit him.


After a loud bang, the huge power of the dragon's swooping emanated, but the Phoenix King's body did not move at all!

On the other hand, under the full impact, he felt like a human sprinting 100 meters and hit a steel plate, the steel plate was not fine, but he was shocked and his head was bleeding...

Duolong Baruto shook his somewhat cloudy head that was hit, and it took a long time to recover his strength, and there was a deep awe in his eyes when he looked at the Phoenix King, is this the strength of the Phoenix King?

His full force attack couldn't shake her in the slightest?

The Hades in the rear also opened his mouth in shock.

He muttered, "Is this the gap?" The gap between a trainer and a divine beast..."

The people of the imperial capital who watched the battle also fell into a dead silence.

Hades's multi-dragon Baruto is definitely an existence located at the apex of the trainer, and he didn't expect that after performing six dragon dances, the dragon super trick released with all his might didn't cause the slightest damage!

This intuitively shows the huge gap between the divine beast and the quasi-god!

King Feng was laughing silently in his heart, as a full-level divine beast, if he was shaken by a quasi-god who was only a super high-ranking god, he would simply take a piece of tofu and kill him~

He looked at Doron Barruto, and with a flap of his wings, a hurricane blew out, blowing Doron Baruto and Hades away.

Looking at the one person, one dragon and one coffin turned into three meteors, King Feng's eyes were bent into a slit, which looked very pleasant~

This scene was naturally seen by many powerful trainers around, and they complained in their hearts.

Luo Chen also sneered.

'This phoenix king is very evil... No wonder they are teased in the villa. ’

Wen Lu, who was not far away, was being held by the demonic fire red fox's telekinesis, floating in the air, she looked at the Phoenix King, and her heart jumped.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, just now in the villa, it was the Phoenix King who was playing games with us, now I think about it so happy~"

The demon fire red fox looked at Wen Lu with a strange face, recalling what happened in the villa, she didn't feel that there was anything to be happy about.

Hades was defeated, turned into a meteor and didn't know where to fly, the people of the imperial capital were naturally in an uproar, and the family members of Hades chased straight in the direction of the meteor, if Hades had an accident, their Xia family would lose their backbone!

Seeing that everyone in the Xia family was rushing towards the meteor, the national champion Li Fujun stood on the body of the giant golden monster and flew into the air and stopped in front of everyone in the Xia family.

He said softly: "You don't have to look for it, Xia You is fine, it's just that he was blown away, or it won't be long before he can fly back by himself, you don't have to worry." "

Only then did everyone in the Xia family settle down, and Xia You's son Xia Jiuyue said, "Senior Li, are you also ready to challenge King Feng?" "

Li Fujun shook his head lightly and smiled: "I'm not as stupid as Xia You, a dignified first-class god, it's not something we can defeat, my old bones, if I let King Feng fan his wings, I guess I won't be able to climb up~"

Hearing Li Fujun's joke, Xia Jiuyue was not annoyed, he just nodded and said: "What Senior Li said is that my father is just eager to fight with the divine beast, so he made a reckless move, and we have also persuaded him, but he can't persuade him, you also know that my father is more belligerent." "

Hearing Xia Jiuyue explain a few words for his father, Li Fujun chuckled and said: "Naturally, I still know very well what Lao Xia is like, okay, let's get out of the way and let King Feng leave, so as not to cause trouble." "

Later, Luo Chen saw that everyone was scattered, and King Feng waved his wings again to leave, he took out the master ball and threw it hard.

At the same time, he shouted loudly: "King Feng, please wait a moment, an old friend has come to chat with you!" "

The master ball shot out a red light and returned to Luo Chen's hand, and in the red light, the mighty figure of Emperor Yan gradually appeared in the air, and the flames swirled around his body, majestic!

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