Luo Chen smiled.

"Well, I didn't care much about that before, so I forgot..."

Minna looked at him helplessly.

"Can you forget this kind of thing? Do you only have Pokémon in your head?"


Minna shook her head and said: "The four empires have all gone through thousands of years, before the emergence of the Alliance, before the Pokémon came to the world, there were seven empires in the world, but with the passage of time, three of them have turned into historical dust, and only the current four empires have continued. "


Luo Chen touched his chin and thought about it, the secrets kept by the alliance should have something to do with this, right?

The four empires are all countries before the advent of Pokémon, so there should be some records of the history before the appearance of Pokémon, and the current world is unknown to anyone about the history of thousands of years ago.

Maybe something shocking happened in that part of history?

That's why the alliance and the four empires have been guarding this matter?

After reading that account, Minna felt that it was full of loopholes, does that mean that the truth will be even more unacceptable?

Therefore, later generations whitewashed it and revised that account many times, but it still made the alliance and the empire uneasy, and did not make those accounts public.

Luo Chen felt that his guess was correct!

At least the general direction can't go wrong.

He wondered if he should go to the imperial palace in the imperial capital when he had time to find out if there were any records of relevant aspects.

But about the Seven Empires in Minna's mouth, Luo Chen is still a little curious.

"Seven Great Empires, in addition to the current four, which are the other three major empires?Is the Golden Empire and the Silver Empire two of them?"

When Minna heard Luo Chen's words, she was surprised in her heart.

"How did you know about the two empires of gold and silver?"

As soon as the words fell, she seemed to remember something, and immediately said with a sudden face: "Oh~ Emperor Yan told you, right? But those two empires appeared seven hundred years ago and were destroyed 370 years ago, not the original seven empires.

At the beginning, one of the seven empires, the Guhua Empire, was destroyed by these two empires, and the two empires of gold and silver divided the people of the Guhua Empire, and they were hostile to each other, you should have heard Emperor Yan talk about the situation of the two empires, right?

Their strength was too strong, so strong that the alliance at that time did not dare to enter their territory, so there was no department of the alliance in the Dongzhou Continent at that time, and the trainers of the alliance rarely entered there, which also caused the alliance to not know much about the two brilliant empires that were born out of nowhere. "

As soon as she said the word Emperor Yan, Xiao Ya beside her snapped her fingers.

An invisible telekinetic barrier instantly enveloped the three of them, so that her words were not heard by Zhang Li and his wife behind her.

But the previous conversation between her and Luo Chen had already shocked Zhang Li and his wife beyond measure.

Only at this moment did they know that the three people in front of them were definitely not ordinary people!

Nine out of nine are people from the Alliance!

And the status is not low!

What they say is top secret!

At this moment, the two of them also dispelled the idea of challenging Luo Chen and them, and they overheard their conversation, these secrets that are not secrets in Mirna's mouth.

Will the other party use the topic to play and blackmail them?

But I can't blame them, you yourself are saying these things on such occasions...

Xiao Ya coughed lightly and motioned for the two to look behind.

Only then did the two of them notice Zhang Li and his wife in the back, and Xiao Ya said: "The words you said later about Emperor Yan and the Gold and Silver Empires were blocked by me, so there is no need to worry." "

With that, she snapped her fingers again and lifted the barrier.

Mierna glanced at her gratefully, and said hello to herself, and unconsciously said some news about being blocked by the alliance, but fortunately she was blocked by Xiaoya in time, otherwise the consequences would be a little difficult!

She looked back at Zhang Li and his wife and asked, "Something?"

She wondered what the two were doing behind her.

Zhang Li immediately said: "Oh, hello, hello, I am the owner of this hotel, come and ask what you think of our meal..."

Minna said with a strange expression, "That's the reason?"

Zhang Li's face was embarrassed, but after thinking for a few seconds, in order to prevent the other party from misunderstanding, he told his original intention, and then apologized for hearing their conversation outside of him.

Minna waved her hand indifferently and said: "It's okay, it's not a big deal, as long as you don't spread it all over the city, as for the battle, forget it, we will have something to do later." "

The couple nodded their heads again and again, and then hurriedly said goodbye and left.

After the two of them left, Luo Chen hurriedly asked Minna to continue, he was very interested in these things!

After Xiaoya unfurls a barrier again.

Minna organized her language for a moment and continued, "During the hundreds of years that the two empires were pitted against each other, they had very little contact with people from the other continents, so the intelligence alliance about them was also very limited.

Later, the two empires fought for unknown reasons, and after many years of great war, the entire Dongzhou continent was shattered, and there were still people in the alliance at that time who watched the battle from a distance, and they also recorded this incident.

And after the incident, in order to prevent the world from being afraid of the news of the destruction of the continent by the divine beast, the alliance blocked this news, plus the people of the Dongzhou Continent rarely interacted with people from other continents in those hundreds of years, so not many people at that time knew that there was a continent on the other side of the sea,

After several generations of changes, the records of the Dongzhou Continent are only rumors, and even most of the family's records of the Dongzhou Continent have been destroyed by the Alliance, and no one knows that there were once two huge empires in the world that were powerful enough to override the Alliance!

As for the reason for the war between the two empires, it is really unknown to outsiders, and the alliance's speculation is that their friction has risen to a white heat, so they have started a full-scale war, but I think this is very nonsense.

As the patron saints of the two empires, the two veins of Lokia and Fengwang opened up their firepower, and a fierce battle occurred, the entire continent was shattered, countless living beings died, and almost all the people of the two empires were killed and injured!

This battle is obviously not dominated by the two empires, otherwise they would have broken their brains to fight until both sides are all killed?

So I suspect that it was the two Divine Beast groups that had a full-scale collision, and the two sides were red-eyed, regardless of the life or death of human beings, which led to this tragedy! Human beings are just innocent victims of the Divine Beast War..."

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