In the brightly lit cabin, the sudden appearance of pirates and robbery left all the passengers confused.

No one understood where this group of seemingly"backward" pirates came from.

Although they didn't quite understand, it didn't stop everyone from panicking.

After all, what they were facing now were vicious pirates. Therefore, most of the passengers retreated while screaming, and the whole scene was in chaos. It took Barbossa a lot of effort to suppress the riot.

And using the musket and sword in his hand, he made all the passengers obey his orders, with men standing on the left and women on the right.

Seeing the situation on the scene fall into his hands, Barbossa nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, very good, thank you for your cooperation, everyone, you are all smart people"

"Now take out the most valuable things on you. Do not keep them privately, otherwise you know what will happen."

Barboza winked at the people around him, and several pirates understood and walked out of the crowd.

One of the pirates took out a clean tablecloth and skillfully made it into a simple bag.

The other pirates followed suit. The pirate who had wrapped the bag walked up to the first passenger, a middle-aged woman with a plump figure.

Facing the vicious pirates, the middle-aged woman tremblingly took out the pounds on her body and put them in the bag.

The pirate was confused, looked down at the pounds, and then looked up at the middle-aged woman.

A fearful but somewhat flattering smile appeared on the middle-aged woman's stiff face, but this smile angered the pirate, and the pirate angrily picked up the pounds and smashed them on the woman.

"Listen carefully, ma'am, take out your valuables right now, not these waste papers."

Not only the middle-aged woman was dumbfounded, but also the other passengers on the coach.

These pirates must be mentally retarded, not even knowing the British pound.

The middle-aged woman was almost scared to tears by the pirates, and said cautiously:"Is this the money?"

Barbosa walked over, picked up the British pound that fell on the ground, looked at it for a few seconds, and then laughed.

"Maybe you are right, these things are indeed money, but unfortunately, these money cannot be used in this era."

The middle-aged woman did not understand what Barbosa said. What did he mean by these money cannot be used in this era?

Barbosa laughed and said,"Dear fat sheep, maybe you don't know at all that you have left the familiar time and come to the Age of Exploration in the 17th century."

To be honest, Barbossa didn't quite understand what kind of era the Age of Exploration in the 17th century was.

But these words were said by his captain, the mysterious wizard.

Barbossa felt very powerful and quoted them.

These words once again made the cabin, which had been tending to be quiet, explode.

The Age of Exploration in the 17th century, what kind of international joke is this?

How could they come to this backward and barbaric era?

Many people were unwilling to believe these words and thought that Barbossa was just playing tricks.

Such an outrageous lie dared to be told openly. Didn't these pirates think that everyone was a fool?

They thought that they could scare everyone present by pretending to be a group of backward and barbaric pirates.

Seeing that the crowd was rioting again, Barbossa had to yell:

""Quiet, quiet!!!"

At this moment, several Titanic security guards who were in the crowd saw an opportunity.

One of them rushed forward like an arrow from a bow, hit Barbosa, knocked him to the ground, and then snatched the musket from Barbosa's hand.

Without the danger of the musket, the remaining few people became bolder.

One of them picked up a chair and smashed it viciously on the head of a pirate who was closest to him.

He originally wanted to knock the pirate to the ground and knock him unconscious.

But what he didn't expect was that he didn't knock the pirate to the ground, but directly knocked the pirate's head out.

Ah this...ah this... shoot The man looked at his hands in bewilderment, not understanding when his strength had become so great?

He actually smashed a pirate's head off?

But soon, the man realized something was wrong.

The pirate's head was smashed off, but why didn't his body fall down?

More importantly, he didn't see the pirate bleed a drop.

This was wrong, very wrong.

The next second, the passengers present saw a very horrifying scene.

The headless pirate stretched out his hands and staggered forward.

And his head that fell to the ground kept yelling,"Who can help me? Put my head back quickly."

This scene once again made the crowd exclaim.

Instead, the pirates burst into laughter, as if seeing their companions being beaten was a very happy thing.

After a while, the headless pirate finally picked up his head from the ground.

Then he put it on his neck and turned it a few times, and the head that was blown away was replaced.

This ridiculous yet weird scene immediately defeated the resistance of all the passengers present.

The passengers finally understood that these pirates were not human at all.

How could a person's head be replaced like this?

These pirates were real monsters.

Facing pirates, people may still have the courage to resist, but facing monsters, people's courage seems a little cheap.

In this way, Barbossa took control of the situation again without any effort.

The passengers in the cabin could only old Hand over all the valuable things around you.

Except for the British pound.

The pirates have no interest in these banknotes. After all, this thing is not valuable at all in this era. It is just a piece of waste paper.

What they need are gold rings, earrings, and gems.

These things are valuable.

Rowe has been watching this robbery. From the beginning to the end, everything went smoothly except for a small commotion in the middle.

After realizing that the pirates were not ordinary people, but a group of monsters, the passengers in the cabin were very cooperative.

In front of this monster, everyone chose to pay the money obediently and avoid disaster.

Rowe didn't find anything wrong with the passengers at the scene?

They looked just like ordinary people.

After robbing the passengers in the first class cabin, Captain Barber and his men continued to set off and went to the second class cabin to continue robbing.

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