The next day, the news that the Titanic was hijacked by a group of pirates quickly spread throughout the ship. From the waiters to the boiler workers, everyone heard the news.

Many people found it unbelievable.

It was such a day and age, how could pirates still appear.

It was even ridiculous that the Titanic was hijacked by pirates. Many people thought it was a joke.

For example, Deputy William Murdoch.

He was not on duty last night, so he went back to his room to sleep early and had no idea that pirates had boarded the ship.

It was not until he went to work today that he heard that the Titanic had been hijacked by pirates.

When he heard the news just now, William Murdoch could hardly believe his ears

""Pirates, are you sure?" He looked at the first mate Wilder in surprise.

Wilder nodded,"Yes, they are pirates, and not ordinary pirates, but a group of skeleton pirates."

It was getting more and more outrageous.

William Murdoch reached out to touch the first mate Wilder's forehead, wanting to see if he had a fever or was confused. What skeleton pirates, how could there be such an outrageous thing in the world.

The first mate Wilder slapped the other's hand away and roared in a low voice:"I'm not kidding you, Murdoch."

Murdoch finally got serious and asked,"How many pirates are there, and how many weapons do they have?"

Wilder said:"There are probably dozens of people, and their only weapons are swords and a flintlock."

Murdoch was stunned and looked at Wilder in disbelief. Dozens of pirates armed with swords and an outdated flintlock rifle hijacked the Titanic.

What a joke?

There were at least several hundred staff members on the Titanic. At least one-third of the sailors were retired soldiers, including him, who had received rigorous training.

However, Wilder told him that hundreds of well-trained soldiers were defeated by dozens of pirates with swords.

Even the Titanic fell into the hands of pirates. When did these people become so incompetent?

This world is too magical.

The first mate Wilder saw what Murdoch was thinking and said angrily:"Damn it, I told you, they are not ordinary pirates, they are skeleton pirates with immortal bodies."

"Even if your head is knocked off, you can pick it up and put it back."

"How do you expect us to defeat such an enemy?"

However, Murdoch did not believe Wilder's nonsense at all. He would rather believe that the other party had a fever and was confused, or took too many drugs, than believe that there were any immortal skeleton pirates in the world.

This was really nonsense.

Murdoch turned and left. He first went to the security room to take out the revolver locked in the safe, and then summoned a few men to go to find trouble with the pirates.

He wanted to tell the pirates with facts that the Titanic was not a place where they could run wild.

After finding out that the pirates were currently dining in the first-class restaurant, Murdoch immediately rushed in with a few men, gripped the revolver in his hand, and aimed at a man who looked like the pirate leader.

"Don't move, or I'll shoot."

The pirate being targeted was none other than Hector Barbossa.

Although Rowe was now the leader of this group of pirates, in the eyes of outsiders, Barbossa was more like the captain.

Even Rowe had to admit this.

When Barbossa saw someone pointing a pistol at his head, he didn't panic, but laughed.

"Relax, young man, tell me why you are here. What do you want to do by barging in here aggressively?

Murdoch said loudly,"I want you to get out of here immediately and leave this ship."

"This is impossible, young men, this ship is our prize, and all of you are our prisoners."

"Whether you are a prisoner or not is not up to you to decide."

Murdoch felt that he should teach these pirates a lesson and tell these despicable pirates that not everyone will surrender to them.

Murdoch moved the muzzle of his gun slightly, aimed at a pirate, and pulled the trigger decisively.

After a gunshot, the bullet flew out of the barrel and instantly hit the pirate's forehead, and the unlucky pirate fell down.

Murdoch said:"This is a warning. If you don't leave, don't blame us for being rude."

However, what Murdoch didn't expect was that the pirates were not afraid, but burst into laughter.

"It's you again, Robert. How unlucky are you?"

"Someone knocked my head off yesterday, and someone blew my head off again today."

""Robert, you are so unlucky."

Murdoch was dumbfounded. The reaction of these pirates was completely different from what he imagined. They didn't even care about the death of their companions. However, the next second, something incredible happened to Murdoch.

The pirate who fell to the ground after being shot in the head suddenly sat up. There was even a bullet hole on his brow. Murdoch could even see the floor behind him through the bullet hole. The head that was shot in the head climbed up from the ground aggressively.

"Damn you, I'm going to catch you and hang you at the highest point of this ship."

The pirate cursed as he rushed towards Murdoch, who subconsciously pulled the trigger continuously.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, the sound of gunfire came one after another, making bullet holes in the pirate's body one after another.

However, the pirate rushed over without feeling anything, threw Murdoch, whose mind was blank, to the ground, and swung his fist at Murdoch's head.

The pain of the distance made Murdoch come back to his senses. He suddenly turned over, pressed the pirate under him, and punched him.

The pirate returned a punch, not to be outdone, and the two sides wrestled together, you punch me, I punch you, without any beauty.

It was like a street fight between two gangsters.

Several of Murdoch's men were already scared, their legs were weak, and they dared not move. They could only watch Murdoch fight with the pirates.

Sitting in the restaurant, Rowe, who was enjoying breakfast, couldn't stand it anymore, and said to several pirates:

"Go, separate them."

If the fight continued like this, Murdoch would definitely suffer a great loss, after all, pirates were immortal and had no sense of pain.

But Murdoch was indeed a real human being.

He was destined to suffer in this battle.

Upon hearing this, several pirates rushed forward and separated Murdoch from their companions.

At this time, Murdoch's nose and face were already swollen, the corners of his eyes were cracked, and blood was slowly flowing down. He was as embarrassed as he could be, completely different from the high-spirited man when he broke into the door just now. He was like a completely different person.

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