Luo Wei knew what Princess Peach meant. If he couldn't defeat Cool and fell into Cool's hands, he would be doomed.

Think about the captured penguins and Mario's brother Luigi in the plot. They were almost sunk into the lava by Cool.

If it weren't for the twists and turns in the plot, these people would have died long ago, and not even a trace of their bodies would be left. Even their bodies were melted by the lava, and not even their ashes could be found.

But this still couldn't make Luo Wei take a step back.-

"Don't worry, I am confident that Cool Ba is definitely not my opponent."

Although Luo Wei was very confident that he could teach this big turtle a lesson, Princess Brigitte was still unwilling to let Luo Wei take risks, and explained to Luo Wei in detail how powerful Cool Ba was.

During the period, she also emphasized that Cool Ba had the Invincible Star in his hand, which was a BUG in this world.

Once the power of the Invincible Star was obtained, no one could resist it.

If it were not for the time limit of this thing, it would be enough to create an incredibly powerful monster.

Luo Wei knew that Princess Brigitte was worried about him, and smiled, patted his shoulder and said,"Don't worry, I have a way"

"What method?" Princess Brigitte was very curious.

Luo Wei snapped his fingers and disappeared in front of Princess Brigitte. The invisibility magic worked as usual. Princess Brigitte looked around for several times but still couldn't find Luo Wei.

"Come out."

Finally, she gave up, and Luo Wei appeared in front of him out of nowhere.

"This is invisibility magic. I can use this magic to get close to Coolba. When Coolba is talking, take out a mushroom and throw it into his mouth."

"I remember that there should be a mushroom in the Mushroom Kingdom that can make people smaller, right?"

Princess Peach's eyes lit up, and she thought that Rowe's idea was really great,"As long as Cool eats the mushroom, we can definitely defeat Cool."

The most powerful person in the Turtle Army is Cool. Once Cool is defeated by them, the Turtle Army will be nothing.

Princess Peach is confident that she can lead the Mushroom Kingdom to defeat the Turtle Army.

"Without further ado, let's go immediately."

Lo Wei said that with the shrinking mushroom in hand, ten Cool Kings were no match for him, and he could get rid of Cool King in a minute.

Princess Brigitte was a little surprised. She originally thought that Lo Wei would wait until Cool King attacked the Mushroom Kingdom before taking action, but she didn't expect that Lo Wei actually planned to go to the Dark Land to attack Cool King.

That was Cool King's territory, and Cool King's spies were everywhere.

"Isn't this too risky?"

However, Rowe only used one sentence to convince Princess Brigitte,"Do you plan to let the war happen in the Mushroom Kingdom, or do you plan to keep the enemy out of the Mushroom Kingdom?""

"I will prepare to shrink the mushrooms now."

Princess Brigitte is a very obedient person. Since the war with Cool is inevitable, the only thing she can do is to stop Cool and the enemy outside the Mushroom Kingdom.

The people of the Mushroom Kingdom saved her and trained her to become the princess of this country. Naturally, she must contribute to this country.

Princess Brigitte acted decisively and summoned the top leaders of the Mushroom Kingdom to tell them about her plan to go to the Dark Land to deal with Cool.

This matter immediately aroused opposition from countless mushroom people.

"No, absolutely not."

"Your Highness, this is too risky."

"I think we should contact the Jungle Kingdom and unite with them to fight against Cool."

Princess Brigitte knew very well that she had no way to convince these mushroom people with her own strength, so she simply called Rowe over and told him the plan to attack Cool.

As for whether the plan would be leaked and arouse Cool's vigilance, Princess Brigitte had never considered this at all.

In her opinion, the people of the Mushroom Kingdom would never join Cool, and even if they did, Cool would not accept it.

So this plan had no risk of being leaked.

After hearing this plan, the senior officials of the Mushroom Kingdom thought it was a good plan, so they volunteered to follow Rowe to fight against Cool. As for Princess Brigitte, she stayed in the Mushroom Kingdom to take command.

Such a dangerous matter, of course, cannot be left to the princess.

"Stop arguing, let me take care of this matter, no discussion, unless you don't think this princess is... and I don't think there is anyone in the kingdom who is stronger than me."

Princess Brigitte decided to cut the Gordian knot, her sharp eyes swept through all her companions, no one dared to look at the princess at this time.

Because they were indeed no match for Princess Brigitte.

So the matter was decided.

Princess Brigitte returned to her bedroom and changed into a set of clothes that were easy to move in, and the top leaders of the Mushroom Kingdom took this opportunity to prepare a large number of mushrooms.

In addition to the shrinking mushrooms that Rowe asked for, there were also enlargement mushrooms.

That is the enlargement mushroom that can make you bigger after eating it, and both strength and endurance will be significantly enhanced.

In the original plot, after Mario ate this mushroom, his physical fitness suddenly improved several times.

But this mushroom has another feature. Once attacked, it will lose its force and the whole person will return to its original appearance.

The only thing that is not clear is how large the attack range is.

Can ordinary attacks make the enlargement mushroom lose its effect, or can fatal attacks make the mushroom lose its effect.

If it is the latter, then the role of this mushroom is great. It can help people block a fatal attack, which is equivalent to having an extra life.

"Can I try this mushroom?"


The mushroom man nodded, indicating that Luo Wei deliberately enjoyed it to his heart's content. They still had a lot of mushrooms like this, and even if there were none, they could still cultivate them.

Luo Wei swallowed the enlarged mushroom in one gulp. When the mushroom slid down his esophagus, it immediately turned into a powerful force that nourished Luo Wei's body.

Luo Wei felt that this force drilled into his cells, bones, muscles, and organs, making his body grow as if it were inflated.

He was originally about 1.8 meters tall, and after eating the mushroom, his height exceeded 2.4 meters. His arms were thicker than his thighs before, and they were all solid muscles.

Clenching his fists, Luo Wei punched out, and the air was blown up, setting off a huge wave, blowing the nearby mushroom people up.

Seeing the mushroom people screaming in the air, Luo Wei quickly summoned the flying magic carpet, whooshed over, rolled up the mushroom people flying in the air, and put them safely on the ground.

Luo Wei looked down at his enlarged palm and smiled slightly.

This is great.

He can be sure that his strength is about three to five times stronger than before.

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