Su Mo Appears! Kamen Rider Faiz! is my friend

“Ding! The host’s bondage object has been detected-what a coincidence! It is fighting with the owls Orfienuo and Maoofieno! The battle situation is not optimistic!!!”

The reason why Su Mo left suddenly.

It was because of such a system prompt sounded in my mind.

Those who bond with him are in danger.

will automatically remind him.

I have to say, this function is indeed possible.

Whether it’s Qianqiao or Jiehua, as long as they encounter danger.

Su Mo can know immediately, and use the aurora curtain to reach the destination!

At this very moment.

Gan Qiao and Kiba Yuzhi are also fighting fiercely.

Although Kiba Yuji and the owl Orfienuo suffered some injuries before.

But it’s 2V1 after all!

The two of them went up together, even if they were in their prime.

I also couldn’t stand it.

Even Kaitaro can see it.

Coincidentally, it’s a headwind now!

I couldn’t help feeling a little anxious.

“At a time like this… we can only contact that guy!”

Although Kaitaro is very repulsive to Su Mo’s character.

But in this situation, only with Su Mo’s help can there be a chance to turn things around.

Therefore, he took out his mobile phone and called Su Mo.

But at this moment! ! !

A silver light curtain like a wall appeared in the center of the battlefield!

“what is this?”

The owl Orfienuo looked at the light curtain in front of him.

Subconsciously stopped the movement of continuing to attack.

I was full of doubts.

And Kiba Yuji and Ganqiao also stopped fighting one after another.

See this light curtain!

Gan Qiao was overjoyed, he knew it.

The appearance of the light curtain means that Su Mo, who is also a teacher and friend, is coming!

There he is!

This battle must be won! ! !

It was not Yuji Kiba who saw the aurora curtain for the first time.

But the mood is a bit complicated.

“That dark knight…will appear too?”


Is he an enemy or a friend? ! !

Keitaro, who was standing outside the battlefield, froze for a moment.

Good guy!

He hasn’t called yet. Does Su Mo have telepathy, knowing that they are in trouble?


Under the gaze of everyone at the scene.

An evil figure surrounded by dark purple air came out of the light curtain.

The chest armor has a golden logo with a diagonal cross.

The diffuse compound eyes are like demons, making people dare not look at them!

The energy crystal on his forehead shone with a dazzling and evil purple light! ! !

[Kamen Ride! ! ] (Kamen Rider!!)

【Dark Decade-Violent Emotion! ! ! 】

(Dark Emperor Cavalry-Passionate State!!!)

Debut! ! !

Although the form of the dark knight in front of him is different from last time.


Through that evil, dark, terrifying breath.

Yuji Kiba understands!

This Dark Kamen Rider is the guy who released himself and Kaitang last time.

“Damn it! Another Kamen Rider is here!”

The owl Orfienoch’s eyes were gloomy.

The body tensed up.

Just Kamen Rider Faiz requires him and Kiba Yuji to work together.

Now there is another…


Still a Kamen Rider who is clearly stronger than Faiz.

The owl Orfienuo didn’t make a move immediately.

Because, in the news he got.

The Kamen Rider should be the [tool] used by those above to eliminate those [disobedient Orfienuo]! ! !

To put it simply, with his [obedient] Orfi Enoch.

They should be in the same camp.

Logically speaking, one shouldn’t attack one’s own…

In addition, he was also a little curious.

Kamen Rider Faiz, and other Kamen Riders.

He has heard of it all.

But the one in front of me…

I really haven’t heard of it.

Then, a pale green phantom was projected on the ground.

That’s the upper body of the owl Orfienuo in human form!

opened his mouth and asked:

“who are you?”

“We shouldn’t have any conflicts, right?”

Hearing this, Su Mo chuckled lightly.

said casually:


“It’s just a passing Kamen Rider.”

“As for the contradiction…”

“It didn’t exist.”


“Now there are.”

“Just to remind you, Kamen Rider Faiz is my friend.”

The teacher’s face is ugly, which means.

Isn’t it just like Kamen Rider Faiz, to be an enemy of himself? ! !


Although Qianqiao has long regarded Su Mo as her good friend.


This is only one-sided.

Now hear what Su Mo said.

Gan Qiao couldn’t help feeling a warm current in her heart.

they are!

friend! ! !

Holding the Faiz sharp blade tightly, he stood beside Su Mo.

Side by side, I don’t know if it’s because of psychological reasons.

Skillful feeling, own strength.

It seems that he has gained quite a bit of improvement.

At this time, the owl Ophelia did not give up.

Gritting his teeth, he continued to ask:

“Are you sure you want to fight us?”

“Even if we lose…”

“But if the two of us work hard together, at least we can kill Faiz!!!”

Qianqiao’s state is not much better than that of the owl Orfi Enoch and Kiba Yuji.

If Kiba Yuji ruled the two of them, it would really be a life-for-life style of play.

Su Mo will not die.

But he was already injured.

There is no doubt that he must die! ! !


What everyone at the scene didn’t expect was!

Hearing the words of the owl Orfienoch.

Su Mo was slightly surprised.

“Oh? You?”

“There is a conflict with me, but you are the only one.”


? ?

? ? ?

Everyone subconsciously looked at Yuji Kiba next to the owl Orfi Enoch.

Good guy!

What Su Mo means…

It is because of his own strength that he disdains and ignores Kiba Yuji.

Still from the heart, don’t regard Kiba Yuji as an enemy?

“Don’t! We can’t let him go this time!”

“This guy, what a coincidence to attack together just now!!!”

Kaitaro thought that Su Mo didn’t know what happened just now.

He also thinks that Yuji Kiba is a good Orfi Enoch.

Hastily sounded a reminder.

“Oh? Is what he said true?”

Su Mo turned his head, and the purple evil demon looked at Yuji Kiba.


Kiba Yuji subconsciously took a step back.

Swallowed, then quickly explained:

“I did attack him just now, but…”

“I thought he was going to kill me, saying that he would never let me go again, and then let the robot that turned from the motorcycle attack me…”

“That’s why I…”

Hearing these words, Ganqiao was stunned.


Kneeling thank you list: [Heisei Gangster_Feng Mo Shi Wang] [Yellow Xiahou Sauce A] [Yale Bruce] [Kazema will not be in a daze] [Protein Your Son] [SP Meeting-Wouldn’t it be nice to prostitute for nothing] [Love Hei Silk] [Tang Ruofeng who loves Beijing Crispy Candy] [Dao Zhuo who likes flute slides]

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