"Hahahaha, Blood Shadow, good news!"

"This time, the players in the Black Mist Forest were completely suppressed by us, and those few big guilds fought openly and secretly, and the hunting team organized by them did not pose a threat to us at all. "

In the Cross Coffin Guild, the elder Black Sha shouted the good news to the blood shadow of the president.

Ever since their people and the players in Jiuli City met, the struggle between the two sides has not stopped, but fortunately, after their planning, all the crises have been turned into dangers, and they have dealt a heavy blow to the opponent, and now the confrontation activities are basically under their full control.

"It's not enough, their living force has not been affected, it will be much easier to notify the hunting troops and let them attack the opposing priest specifically, reduce their endurance first, and then launch an attack.

Blood Shadow said.

"Yes, I'll do it right away.


as the black demon was about to leave, someone hurriedly ran over and said to the blood shadow: "President, something is wrong, we have a team of more than 200 people who have been wiped out. "

Which guild did it?"

"It's not a guild, it's the Qingqing Zijin who got the first kill achievement, that girl is the same as the hanging, the damage is terrible, the fight is the same as the special card screen, flashing everywhere, and the group injury skills are also frequent and fatal, we more than two hundred high-level assassins launched an attack together, and the result was wiped out by the opponent in less than three minutes."

With that, he released the video of the fight.

"Good guy, this Qingqing Zijin is really beautiful, just this battle video, I can rush for a year!" Bloody swallowed vigorously.

"The damage is so high?!"

The blood shadow next to him stopped the video, looking at the 3000+ critical damage floating in the air, he couldn't help but be surprised: "I'm afraid that the attack power of this Qingqing Zijin is more than 1500 points!"

"1500 points?"

This attack power, eighty percent of them have several top-grade gold weapons, Blood Shadow, do you think we want to target this Qingqing Zijin, if we can blow up her equipment......"

Blood Shadow was silent for a while, and then asked, "Do they know about this matter of Dry Bone?"

"You should know that this information was reported by Dry Bone's subordinates." "

Did you send someone to follow you?"

"No." The

player shook his head: "This Qingqing Zijin's perception ability is very high, and the tracking of ordinary assassins will be discovered by him, so they didn't rashly send people to follow, but the opponent's activity area is still under control, and they are not very far away from the dry bones."

"Since that's the case......"

Blood Shadow: "Then let the dry bones deal with her, this Qingqing Zijin's attack power is so high, then her blood defense must be limited, with the ability of the dry bones, it shouldn't be difficult to kill her, not to mention that there is a blood dance by the side to assist ......"

"Yes, president."

"Wait, didn't the dry bones encounter a rare boss, how is the situation now?"

"It's already being brushed, and a few minutes ago I said that the condition is very good, and the boss can be killed in about three or four hours."

"It seems that that the equipment still gives a lot of improvement to the dry bones, and it can actually single-handedly take on the high-level boss of level 30......" Blood Shadow smiled, and waved his hand at the same time: "You all go and do things, and notify me immediately if there is a situation." "




Qin Zijin entered the target forest.

This area is large, with dark light and dense forests, and trying to find the area where the boss is located in this environment is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

The Shadow Ghost is trying to use this to stall for time.

It's a pity that he couldn't have imagined that on Qin Zijin's body, there is also a knight order that can detect a large area.

The unlocked Knight Order has a detection function, which can clearly sense nearby quest bosses.

Especially angels.

The detection range of this type of boss is quite wide.

When I found the angel in the dungeon before, it was ...... a whole mountain away


[Mineral Detector: Found a small amethyst mine with ***** coordinates. "


[Mineral Detector: A small sulfur mine was found, and the coordinates were *****.

"Ding ......"

and "Ding ......"

explored along the way, and the harvest was quite good, two good ore veins were found, and there were some ordinary copper ores.

However, half an hour passed, and he still did not detect the other party......

"This shadow ghost can't be nonsense, right?"

Qin Zijin couldn't help but be suspicious.

But just as he entered the pitch-black rocky hills, the knight Ling, who had not moved all along, trembled violently, and then sent out a silver light and flew towards the depths of the hills ahead.

"Finally found you!" Qin

Zijin smiled.

Quickly following the light, while opening the angel's mutant pupil to check the situation around a kilometer, he found his target within a few minutes.

Dozens of Assassins lurked in the rubble a kilometer away.

And their place is a circle.

If nothing else, the center of the circle should be the location of the boss.

Qin Zijin glanced at the direction where the silver light flew over, and officially determined his target location, he did not startle the snake, but chose to avoid all the assassins.

In the end, it took more than ten minutes, he finally avoided all the eyeliner and arrived at his destination, under a boulder, Qin Zijin saw a cave.

It was a gap between two boulders.

The boss should be inside, as the silver light has been hanging above the cave.

And there are patrolling assassin squads outside.

"There is a blind spot in the field of vision!" Through

the observation power of the angel's pupil, Qin Zijin found the blind spot of the other party, and then directly activated the 'Wang Maiden's arrogant dance skill, triggering the teleportation effect when approaching the entrance, and the whole person disappeared in place, and then came to the cave.

The people outside still don't know what's going on.

Qin Zijin didn't waste any time, and went directly to the cave to explore the past, well, quickly and quickly, without giving the other party time to react.

Crunch crunch ......

It didn't go far before a group of skeleton monsters appeared, which were obviously deliberately gathered by the other party, in order to stop all players who broke into the cave.

But it's a pity that Qin Zijin just had a few swords in his hand, and he cut all these monsters into rotten skeletons.

After a few minutes of walking, he finally reached the depths of the cave, where there was a huge underground palace in front of him, and hundreds of assassins in it were orderly besieging a big boss with a pair of huge wings - [Light Angel]!

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