
[Bone Umbrella Sword] (Dream Bone Set: 1/14)

[Quality: Platinum]

[Attack: +350-500]

[Strength: +40]

[Agility: +40]

[Special Effect: Umbrella Form: Block 15% of Physical Damage Taken, Stay in the Air +100%] [

Special Effect: Sword Form: Increases Attack Speed by 10%, Armor Piercing +100.] [

Special Effects: Familiar: Reduce the equipment level requirement by 10. [

Level requirements: Level 35]

[Requirements: Female, charm value 100. [

Introduction: Legend has it that there was a princess who fell in the land of the dead, she liked to wear a long dress to walk in the dark and secluded forest, and the imperial general who died for her turned into a ghost general, continued to guard her safety, and made the dreamy 'Dream White Bone Suit' for her......]



Although it is only a weapon, it provides 350-500 attack damage, plus 40 strength and 40 agility, which is quite impressive.


This piece of equipment also has two major special effects.

Umbrella form, damage reduction and ability to stay in the air!Sword

form, increase attack speed and armor piercing!

This is a real combination of attack and defense.

In addition to bringing high attributes to Qin Zijin, it can also increase his operability in disguise, and in the future, he will definitely be able to deal with ..... more easily in the face of large-area coverage attacks

"Strange ....."

"Is there a display problem with the number of suits?"

Looking at the number of equipment sets, Qin Zijin frowned slightly.

Sets in God's Domain are marked with the total number of set parts at the back, with 3-7 pieces for regular sets, 9 pieces for rare sets, and 12 pieces for vanity sets.

But unexpectedly, the number of equipment in front of him in this 'Dream White Bone Suit' reached an astonishing 14 pieces, which was more than the total number of regular parts + rare parts!

"14 pieces!"

"What is the origin of this Dream White Bone Set?"

Qin Zijin was shocked.

The 14-piece set of equipment is indeed fantastic, even in the later stages of the previous life, he has rarely heard of equipment with so many parts, not to mention that it is only ...... in the early stages of the game

Thinking of this, Qin Zijin shook his head with a smile and didn't dwell too much.

Anyway, it's also beneficial and harmless, for him, the more parts of the set, the more buffs and skills he gets, and 14 pieces is definitely a number ...... to be happy about


This is level 35 equipment.

Even if there is a 'mastery' special effect and a skill gem to reduce the level requirement, he can't use it until he exceeds level 20, but the quest still hasn't appeared, which ......

"It's time to turn it on, right?"

Qin Zijin was speechless.

According to calculations, today is the day when the dungeon will be opened, but Jiuli City has not released a reminder announcement that the dungeon is coming, which is really a bit strange .....

Shaking his head and sighing, Qin Zijin got rid of his current thoughts.

Then take out a gemstone.

[Unbanned Gems: Gems that contain special powers, and after use, the user can learn a skill of another class.]

It's a gift from Cole, a gem that can learn other class skills!

In the late game, the price once exceeded 10 million yuan, but even with such a high price, such props rarely appear in the market.

But who would have thought that he, Qin Zijin, would be able to get one before level 20, and without thinking about it, he directly chose to use the gem ......


[You use the "Unlocking Gem" to learn a skill of another class!]


[You have obtained a C-level skill - Flash!]


[Flash: Flashes to any location, you can pass through obstacles, if the obstacle is too thick, it will be blocked by the object, the maximum flash distance is 25 yards, the cooldown is 60 seconds, and it consumes 200MP. ————

gems worth tens of millions, Qin Zijin directly used them to learn C-level skills.

There is no way, the skill of flashing must be learned, otherwise there is no way to avoid the angel's 'Holy Light Judgment', and the next exploration will not be possible.

After all, the effect of 'soul rejuvenation' is once a day.

If he didn't learn this skill, he would have to wait a day before farming the second angel, which would be a waste of time ......


After learning the skill, Qin Zijin directly tested, and when the light flickered, his whole person had already appeared 25 yards away.

Seeing this effect, Qin Zijin nodded with satisfaction.

Although it is a C-level skill, there is a reason why it is called a mage magic skill, it is really too much pulling space after flashing, and it is teleportation, in the hands of top masters, this skill can directly avoid more than 90% of enemy attacks, and can dominate almost any evenly matched individual combat .....


Eight o'clock in the morning.

The two sisters went online.

While waiting for Qingqing Zijin, they opened the forum to entertain time, and they were shocked by the information inside.

Kill more than 300 Assassins from the Dark Faction and

slay the Assassin 'Dry Bones' who have left all the major guilds helpless.

It's a little too striking.

You know, they've only been apart for about ten hours.

In such a short period of time, their sister Zijin actually changed the situation in the Black Mist Forest by herself, and instantly won the love of more than 100,000 players, which is incredible......

"Let's go.

"We've got to go to another area. Slightly

late for more than ten minutes, Qin Zijin didn't waste time, and walked directly with the two sisters towards the place marked on the map.

His target is still the fallen angels.

Originally, Jiuli City's mission was the main body, after all, monsters were everywhere.

But the rewards given by these angels are too many.

Especially the power of angels.

For him, who is not ready to be baptized by the Light, the best way to access the power of the angels is to receive the blessings of the Light from other angels.

So Qin Zijin won't waste his time now.

The next goal is to focus on the angels and knights first, the tasks of goblins and elves are secondary, and the tasks of Jiuli City have become easy to brush.

As for summoning pets,

it's an important thing.

However, Qin Zijin still planned to wait until he finished swiping the level 20 activity dungeon.

Because after brushing the dungeon, he will be able to approach the level of 30, and when the time comes, his own strength will be greatly improved, and with the special effect of reducing the level of the 'Girl's Declaration', he will definitely be able to easily deal with the boss ...... above level 40 at that time


Two hours later.

Qin Zijin is about to arrive at the target area.

But at this moment, a loud voice suddenly echoed in everyone's ears.


[World Announcement: Due to the imminent movement of the dark forces, Jiuli City has felt tremendous pressure, and now it is in urgent need of raising the new force of the city, therefore, Jiuli City has spent huge resources to prepare to open the teleportation array leading to the 'Mother Worm's Lair', and after 12 hours, all adventurers who meet the level requirements can enter it for training, and adventurers who complete all the trials will receive rich rewards from Jiuli City!].

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