"Take it.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Qin Zijin threw a dagger to the little fruit knife.

Although the gold equipment at this stage is very valuable, in his case, gold equipment is really not a rare thing.

From the Black Mist Forest to the White Bone Mound, as well as the killing of dark players, these events have all allowed Qin Zijin to harvest a lot of equipment, if he didn't have a Beamon Beast Skin Bag, it is estimated that he would not be able to take away his loot ...... now

"Thank you, Sister Zijin!" "


"One step further!" The

little fruit knife first thanked him, and then clenched his fist.

For her, this is not just a piece of gold, but a symbol of her and Zijin's sister The relationship has been further enhanced.

In this way, she is not far from the day when she has the permission to try on Zijin's sister's suit, and she is even quite close, maybe in a few days... Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, ......hey

, "Sister Fruit Knife, it's time to start fighting. "

It's coming, it's coming. Carrying

her beloved dagger, the little fruit knife burst into the forest, and after a few minutes of attraction, more than twenty rickets the size of a child chased after her.

[Scythe Imp] (Bronze Monster) Lv33......

Level 33 monsters!

But luckily enough, these monsters don't have stealth skills, and the work of the little fruit knife is not too difficult.


sonorous sonorous ...... Qin Zijin carried a straight thin sword and killed it, and the group injury skill was activated, and countless sword rays galloped out .....





Although it was not an instant kill, it couldn't stand Qin Zijin's fast attack speed, and almost without waiting for this group of monsters to vent their emotions, they were slashed clean by the continuous sword rays.


[Kill the Scythe Imp, reputation +10, experience +100.]

[Killing the Scythe Imp.....]



A Scythe Imp will bring 14 reputation points to the team, with two teammates each having 2 points, and Qin Zijin owning 10 points.

In addition to this, there are plenty of loot drops.

The demon hurriedly ran up to clean up the battlefield, for her own task, she is now more and more proficient, and the speed of cleaning the battlefield is also quite ......

In this way, several people cooperate with each other to maximize the efficiency of brushing.

About ten minutes later, Qin Zijin's 'Death and Evil Eye' effect was triggered, and the terrifying energy instantly covered the surrounding area of 30,000 square meters, and all the monsters had the effect ......of 'Energy Corrosion BUFF' hanging on their bodies





It's not very damaging, but it's long-lasting.

Exactly 3600 seconds lasted!

19 o'clock in a second.

That's 68,000 damage in an hour

! Who can withstand this output?

I saw that those inexplicably injured monsters were also panicked, and they raised their machetes one after another, and began to search around, all trying to find the hateful spellcaster and break him into pieces! Unfortunately,

the system limited their movements.

For the opponent who was two hundred meters away from him, their group of ordinary monsters had no way to find him, so they could only scurry around until they died.

Uh, uh, uh, uh......

The mobs within the skill range wail one after another, and each monster can bring 10 reputation and 100 experience to Qin Zijin.

I have to say that this skill is really fierce.

The only drawback is that there is no way to know the location of the monster's death, from the time the skill was triggered, until now, as a spellcaster, he still doesn't know where to go to collect his loot, which is a little uncomfortable......

"Let's go, there's nothing strange here. With a

sigh, Qin Zijin led the team towards the depths of the north.

Stop and stop along the way, and kill countless monsters, especially when the Eye of Death and Evil is triggered, you can instantly clear all the monsters within 30,000 square meters.

With such a map cannon, Qin Zijin's gains were huge, and his reputation and experience points were skyrocketing wildly.

What's more.

He figured out some of the effects of killing the evil eye.

The provocation rate of this skill should be related to the opponent you are facing.

When facing the player, the Evil Eye has a very high chance of triggering, almost within five minutes.

But when facing monsters, the probability of triggering the Dead Eye is relatively low, and it takes about ten minutes to trigger once.

Of course, this can also be the result of luck.

However, Qin Zijin didn't dwell on it too much, after all, probability is too metaphysical, and no one can say for sure, especially the probability of the traverser, which is even more mysterious. Shake your head, don't think about it, and move on ......


Another hour passed.

Qin Zijin left this forest, and the death and destruction of the evil eye was too fierce, and he almost wiped out the monster cleanly.

Although it is difficult to collect loot.

However, the super-large area of the map cannon attack still allowed him to gain a lot of prestige and experience.

The level of several skills has been upgraded, especially the 'Swift Combo', which has broken through level 4 at this time, and its explosive power has been raised to a height again.


Qin Zijin didn't leave for long.

A group of players who have received special tasks have come to this area in high spirits.

Then ......

They were Muggles.

In the huge forest, there is not a single sickle imp to be found, this Nima ......

"I just want to know, what about Lao Tzu?!"

"Is there a problem with the designated area of this mission?"

"Let's go, go ahead and have a look." "

A group of players still didn't give up, and they all walked towards the depths of the forest.

Half an hour later.

They're more Muggles.

"What the hell is the situation, there are no monsters?"

"It's a bug, right?!"

"It feels like we've been tricked by NPCs!"

"I finally got a hidden class, and you told me there were no quest monsters?"

The group of players was furious.

In order to get this hidden mission, they put in a lot of effort, but when they arrived at the mission location, they found that there was no task monster, this game of riding horses, playing really special fuck!

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