Chapter 76 Epic Enhancement! Dragon pattern black gold ancient knife!

The crowd gathered in front of the huge wellhead.

Above the wellhead, the strongest beef tendon is used to wrap the steel rope, and the outside is made of several layers of fine beef tendon wire, and in the middle is a pure steel that has been hammered thousands of times, and the gap is bonded with isinglass.

This rope is very strong, can withstand the weight of three or four people, and does not rot for thousands of years.

He Jiong saw that the rope on the well mouth was still strong and durable, and immediately sighed at the wisdom of the ancients.

Lin Chuan: “Pull the well rope up!”


This is the kind of well that shakes the handle, Peng Peng and Honglei pulled the well barrel up by themselves.

It took nearly a hundred meters of well rope to pull the well barrel up.

It wasn’t until the well barrel was pulled up that everyone saw clearly, where is the barrel?

It is clearly a huge basin that can stand two people inside, and at the same time, on the well rope at the bottom, there are two grippers that stabilize the shape of the body when similar to the bus stop seat.

If you want to use this thing to get water, who will believe it? This is clearly to let people go down!

But there is an underground river below, which is a real thing.

Lin Chuan also wanted to understand why he built a mausoleum here.

He Zhang Liang was not a saint either, and built a huge mausoleum underground, and the builders at that time also needed water.

A large number of laborers naturally come to this rushing underground river.

In addition, the establishment of the mausoleum has the saying of holding water, no matter how fierce it is.

He Jiong looked down: “It’s so deep below, I don’t know what there is?”

Huang Lei visually inspected: “Such a large bundle of rope, nearly a hundred meters, right?”

Lin Chuan wanted to probe with qi technique, but unfortunately, the wellhead was still too narrow relative to the depth, and there were a lot of different qi mixed in it, and it was impossible to analyze it at all.

At this time, Lin Chuan faced the drone: “Program group, send a drone down.”

Huang Lei’s eyes lit up: “What a good idea!”

Hong Lei slapped her forehead: “Yes, we work so hard to make the show, we should also let the director team work hard.”

Honey smiled and said, “Little brother is so witty.”

There was a lot of talk in the live broadcast room.

: One meter wellhead, just right to use a drone.

: I remember that there were two more critical treasures before, one of which was jade, which could shield the crisis in the tomb.

The other is a pen, the key that opens the door of the mausoleum

: So, there must be danger below, and maybe there is danger in this well!

: Let the drone go down and check it, if the machine can do it for you, it’s best not to let the guests get into danger.

: By the way, what is the use of coming here without the key to open the tomb door, little brother?

: Just kidding, I’m a thief who comes to your house and has to walk through the 150 main gate?: I almost forgot, the little brother is also a grave robber!

: What is a tomb robber, the king of the tomb robbery world! The stakes are high, and this matter is attracting worldwide attention.

Of course, the program team can meet the needs of on-site personnel, it must be met.

It’s no longer simply a show, it’s revealing a thousand years of ancient ruins.

To this end, the director team selected a most professional drone pilot, let him remote control, the drone went down the wellhead, detected safety at the same time, and made everything underground public.

The lights on the drone are turned on to maximum power, and the surroundings are all black, which is the light-absorbing material on the walls of the well.

Just control the drone, straight down.

In about a few minutes, the drone finally reached the very bottom.

Falling from the wellhead, the drone came to a spacious underground river, at this time the drone seemed to be located in an intersection,

At the spacious intersection, there is a boat tethered to the side of the wall, which can probably carry more than ten people.

No matter how far you go, east, west, south or north, there is a way to go.

Of course, there is only one right path, which is hidden in four paths.

The director group was confused.

Lin Chuan continued: “Probe if there are any creatures underwater?”

The underground river is very clear and rushing, and the underground water of this section of the river is not deep, it is about half a meter, and you can see the bottom at a glance.

There are no sea beasts.

However, it was the sharp-eyed spectators who found a blurry red float at the bottom of the river in the distance.

: The director team, bring the camera closer, what is the red thing that is not pulled under the water just now?

As the camera gradually approached, it suddenly frightened all the audience.

In the middle of the river, there is a corpse that has not been corrupted or soaked for thousands of years!

After thousands of years, the corpse has not decomposed, as if it were a living person, but the skin is blue and white, and the eyes have been closed.

Dressed in red, it looks very penetrating!

Honglei looked at the picture transmitted by the mobile phone, almost vomited out, too scary, how can there be such a thing under the water?

Hong Lei’s face was frightened white: “How can you wear a red dress and throw yourself into the water to die?”

Chen Xi explained: “During the Warring States period, the doctrine of the Yin and Yang family prevailed, and the colors of the flags and clothing of the various vassal states were very particular.”

“The Yin and Yang family believes that any dynasty and vassal state has a virtue given by heaven, which is represented by the five elements, and Chu is located in the south and is the main fire, so it likes to use red as a clothing decoration.”

“The reason why they chose to throw themselves into the water and die is because the people of the Chu country live in the land of water.

They believe that water is the sacred source of all things, and that they can cleanse the soul after death, and in the customs of Chudi, water burial is carried out in a big way!”

Hong Lei squinted her small eyes: “I always feel panicked when I see a corpse!”

Huang Bo also got goosebumps: “Don’t say it, I’m also a little.”

Huang Lei: “Then I’m quite good, I’m not afraid of the living, I’m not afraid of the dead, I’m afraid of the dead for a while!”

The girl was timid, and Honey immediately pushed Huang Lei and said coquettishly: “Teacher Huang, don’t be scary!”

There is only one red corpse in this way, and the drone randomly chose a north side and flew over.

Soon it flew to the end, and at the end was a huge circular square-like space

After the content in this space was broadcast, all the viewers who watched felt cold sweat on the soles of their feet and were terrifying.

This space, which is thousands of square meters, as if the size of a stadium, is actually a corpse accumulation ground!

There are thousands of corpses piled up inside, and they look like they are all laborers who died back then!

The scene is extraordinarily terrifying and full of eerie atmosphere.

Peng Peng was so frightened that he directly dropped his phone on the ground, “What kind of thing?” It scares me to death!”

Zi Feng was also pale-faced, saying something, and did not dare to go down.

Although I know that those are corpses and have been dead for thousands of years, I can’t cross the hurdle in my heart.

In addition, to the audience’s strange feeling, why are all the corpses showing no signs of decomposition?

: It’s scary to death, before this kind of picture appears next time, can the program team give a high-energy warning!

: How come these people are all men?

: Stupid, these people know at a glance that they are unlucky laborers who were caught digging mausoleums back then.

The tombs of ancient princes, after they were built, had to kill all the laborers, so that no one would reveal their location.

: Cruel, to be honest, if we really travel back to ancient times, we will not live too well.

: This is the truth, how can there be so many times in the past is Princess Wangye, it’s too fake!

: But this corpse accumulation has come out, and it can already be confirmed that this is the Overlord’s Tomb.

: According to the tomb keeper, it is not that there are a total of five branch mausoleums, the little brother did find a branch mausoleum, as for whether it is connected to the main mausoleum, it is not clear!

: Finding a branch mausoleum is already quite powerful, it only took a few days, Brother Lin Chuan is really a god man in the golden world!

While many spectators were discussing, a systematic prompt sounded in Lin Chuan’s mind again.

(Played to 60% to reward god-level crafting ability!)

(Hint: When the play degree is increased to 65%, the Kirin King Blood is rewarded!)

After a system prompt, Lin Chuan’s hands-on crafting ability was directly filled, reaching the limit of what humans can achieve, in addition, the items made with his hands also included some additional small effects.

Crafting capabilities include all aspects such as handicraft, carving, callouse, and more! At the same time, Lin Chuan glanced at his popularity value.

From entering Peach Blossom Village, teaching the celebrity guests super strong body strengthening techniques, to warning the wind and sand after coming out, rescuing Naza, and determining the location of the Overlord’s Mausoleum in this palace

These wonderful operations, shocked hundreds of millions of viewers, also provided Lin Chuan

Up to 430 million popularity!

Seeing that he was about to enter the Overlord’s Mausoleum, Lin Chuan naturally wanted to spend all his popularity points and give himself a wave of strengthening.

“Fifth Roulette Draw, four times!”

In my mind, the golden roulette wheel flashed out and drove four times in a row.

(Congratulations, you got the Navy Six Style Moon Step!)

(Congratulations, you have gained the power of armed color!)

(Congratulations, you obtained the Black Gold Ancient Sword Enhancement Karon Pattern Black Gold Gu (congratulations, you have obtained the Eight Strange Skills and Ten Unhoop!)

400 million popularity value lottery, a total of four props were obtained.

Two of them are from the pirate world,

Moon step, a kind of relying on stepping on the air, instantly rises into the air, and obtains the ability to bounce in the air.

It should be counted as a body law!

The second, armed color domineering, makes the skin turn into a steel-like color, and at the same time obtains steel-like strength.

It can increase defense and destructive power!

Imagine hitting someone with a fist and a hammer, even with the same force, the power is very different.

The third type, the Black Gold Ancient Sword Enhancement Card.

In fact, the little brother’s black gold ancient knife is already very strong, but there are still some limitations.

In the face of the mysterious side of the monster, it may be a little overwhelmed.

In addition, the existence of the underwater dragon fire at that time was not a small threat to the black gold ancient knife.

After all, it is a steel product, and if it is a mysterious dragon fire, it can also be melted into iron juice.

“I’ll go out, don’t follow me, don’t shoot me!”

After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he walked out of the building.

For his words, no matter the program team or everyone present, they all obeyed his words.

After making sure that no one was watching him, he removed the black gold ancient knife and took out the golden strengthening card from the system backpack.


The golden card turned into a golden streamer and drilled into the body of the black gold ancient knife.

Whole knife!

A bright light erupted in an instant, and the black gold ancient knife advanced domineeringly!

On the body of the knife, a restrained dragon-shaped carving slowly emerged.

The existence of the dragon pattern gives the black gold knife a different kind of law power.

Never wear out, and encounter a special flame such as the underwater dragon fire again, and you are not afraid.

Second, because of the existence of the dragon pattern, even after the recovery of the forbidden land, some enemies on the mysterious side, now the black gold ancient knife can deal with it.

After the strengthening was completed, Lin Chuan wielded a brand new black gold ancient knife, which was very light, only weighing about ten pounds.

But no matter the power or sharpness, the degree of use is far beyond before! As for the fourth reward, it is the one that Lin Chuan favors the most.


A little spiritual light is a charm, and the world mistakes Mo and Zhu!

This is a kind of divine skill that does not need to use cinnabar and rune paper, void drawing runes, and the talisman is completed at hand, breaking through all restrictions, no need

Set up the altar arrangement without any preparation in advance.

Lin Chuan obtained the Maoshan Technique before, which contains some talismans.

It had to be drawn before, but now, what left thunder bureau thunderbolt charm, Wuyue throwing mountain charm, readily available.

After the reinforcement is complete.

Lin Chuan asked, “Who wants to go down with me?”

Huang Lei was the first to raise his hand, he risked his life to enter this place, he really wanted to see with his own eyes what the inside of the Overlord Tomb was really like.

To this end, he can overcome the fear caused by the large number of corpses piled up in three places underwater!

Huang Bo raised his hand for the second time, and the two people in the old chicken strips were up, and the red camp was not willing to lose two people, and also raised his hand to apply to join.

Honey and Naza looked at each other,

Honey instigated: “Naza, do you want to go in with the little brother to have a look?”

Nazha plucked up his courage: “Although I am a little scared, I am still curious about what will be inside, Sister Honey, what about you?”

Honey smiled and said, “Then I’ll accompany you.”

Then there were amateurs Chen Xi, Li Muzhi, and the lone wolf who joined the team, and the rest stayed on it, taking care of other star guests on the one hand, and helping to pull the well rope on the other hand.

There are a total of eight team members, and the underwater boat is just enough to accommodate it.

Just when Lin Chuan was about to take the lead in picking down from the well, Huang Lei’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

After connecting the phone, it turned out to be a joint call from Mark Simon’s expedition.

“I’m Explorers Mark, Mr. Lin Chuan of the yearning group, and I am extremely surprised by your performance.”

Huang Lei couldn’t make up his mind and handed the phone to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan opened the door and asked, “What do you want to say?”

“Oh, cool! The simple thing I want to say is that you can’t enter the mausoleum even if you find it without the key.”

“Now that our two expeditions have two key items, I ask you to send us the location of your group.”

“Wait for us to arrive in place, we will open the mausoleum and protect your safety throughout the whole process!”

“The treasure obtained in the end, we three teams will divide it evenly.”

“It’s a win-win-win, how are you going to choose?”

Indeed, one of the big problems in the yearning group now is that the national treasure fell into the hands of the Xitian people back then.

As a result, now, the two key props to open the Overlord’s Mausoleum, they don’t have

If you don’t agree, it will be difficult to solve the problem of opening the mausoleum gate, and secondly, it will be difficult to deal with the crisis in the tomb without the treasure jade to protect the safety.

But if you choose to agree, even if you finally succeed in breaking the tomb of the Overlord Mausoleum, two-thirds of the treasures will flow into the hands of the Xitian people in vain.

After they entered, they hardly had any help in finding the Overlord’s Tomb, except for the death of some people, and the progress of Ren was basically zero!

Now he wants to get the maximum benefit, he is really greedy and faceless!

Giving away most of the treasures is not what the Dragon Country official wants to see, but if you miss this time, you will have to wait another thirty years.

Thirty years later, will there still be a god-like gold touching master like Lin Chuan? At this moment, even the official of the Dragon Country can’t make up his mind.

In addition, entering the Overlord Mausoleum, the official has granted all explorers the greatest power, as long as they are not killing each other with weapons, they enjoy all the right to choose independently.

At this moment, only Lin Chuan has the power to decide whether to agree or not to agree.

At this moment, the Mojin family, the people of the Archaeological Association, the officials of the Dragon Country, and the hundreds of millions of spectators of the Dragon Country are all nervously waiting, Lin Chuan’s choice:

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