People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 1: Cloud Shinobi's Oni, Senju Hashirama And Uchiha Madara Team Up!

Konoha three years.

The only junction between the Land of Thunder and the Land of Fire is on a vast plain that stretches as far as the eye can see.

"Wood Style, Wood Dragon Technique!"

Accompanied by the roar of First Hokage Senju Hashirama, a huge Wood Style Chakra spewed out from the ground, and a huge wooden dragon with a stature comparable to a tailed beast instantly took shape, rushing towards the two figures fighting in front.

"Fire Style, extinguish the fire!"

At this moment, fighting a man in a black samurai robe is none other than Uchiha Madara, who founded Konoha Village with Senju Hashirama.

Fighting to this point, he used Fire Style ninjutsu again.

Ordinary B-level ninjutsu, but in his hands, the power of S-level ninjutsu has been exerted. The terrifying sea of ​​flames can burn a mountain to ashes almost instantly.

But in the face of the joint attack of these two apex existences in the ninja world, the young man in the broken samurai robe did not have the slightest fear.

Instead, his face was full of unconcealable excitement.


"That's right!"

"Fighting against an evenly matched opponent is the happiest thing in the world!"

The young man laughed wildly excitedly, and the little bells hanging on the hedgehog's head couldn't stop ringing. And this young man's smiling face like a ghost is even more frightening.

Facing the menacing attacks of the two men, the young man clenched a sawtooth-like tattered Taidao with one hand, and swung it towards them without hesitation.


Without training at all, Reiatsu, which has existed since coming to this world, forms a huge sword pressure like instinct.

Immediately afterwards, the sword pressure collided fiercely with the attacks of the two.


A violent explosion was formed like the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking. The shock wave swept over and Senju Tobirama, who was hiding far away and preparing to attack, felt that he could hardly open his eyes.

He secretly said in his heart: Sure enough, as the elder brother said, this guy is a monster capable of suppressing the entire Sengoku era!

If the three of them can't work together to get rid of him today, Konoha will definitely not become the head of the Five Great Ninja Villages.

"How can this be?!"

"Even the combined attack of Shodai and Uchiha Madara can't hurt him?!"

"This evil ghost of Cloud Shinobi, does he really have such a powerful strength?"

"In short, we are no longer able to participate in the current battle, so stay away and watch!"

At this moment, many ninjas in Konoha were sweating coldly within a few kilometers away from the battlefield.

In their hearts, there are two people who are as powerful as a god's mansion.

Can't even take down that Cloud Shinobi ninja!



It was at this time that Senju Hashirama hurriedly came to Uchiha Madara.

Seeing the unstoppable blood flowing from the corner of Uchiha Madara's mouth, as well as the vertical cut on his chest, with bone-deep wounds, even Senju Hashirama couldn't help but burst into a cold sweat.

Not just Uchiha Madara.

They have been fighting this monster for five days and five nights, and the terrain of the entire Qianli Plain is about to be changed by the aftermath of their battle.

During the five days of continuous fighting, all three of them were injured.

Uchiha Madara was the most injured, and Senju Tobirama was less injured because he had been looking for opportunities to attack outside.

As for himself, he relied on the powerful vitality of Wood Style Chakra to support him until now.

Can face the joint siege of the three of them.

That monster-like guy, but his physical strength seems to be a bottomless pit, and he hasn't been tired in the slightest until now.

Not only that, each of his slashes seemed to be more powerful than before.

This monster is indeed like this!

His strength, speed, resilience, stamina, and his combat instincts, which are sharper than that of a tailed beast, far surpassed the ceiling of Sengoku's era.

If this continues, the three of them will be killed by this guy instead!

"I'm fine!"

At this time, Uchiha Madara also recovered.

This guy from Cloud Shinobi is horrible.

If, before fighting against him, someone in the ninja world said that he and Senju Hashirama could not deal with people together, he would definitely not believe it.

But now he knew that it was true!

This guy must still have a stronger power, and he can't continue to consume it like this.


"You should also realize it, right?"

"If this continues, the three of us will die here! The only way now is to use our desperate power, even if it is used up, we will never be able to use it, or even die on the spot!"

"Otherwise, everything will be destroyed by him!"

Hearing Madara's words, Hashirama's eyes flashed with determination.

Konoha was built by him.

He cannot allow anyone to destroy Konoha, and in order to protect the village he cherishes, he is willing to risk his life.


Thinking of this, Senju Hashirama gritted his teeth, and then said: "Madara, wait for you to cooperate with me! The power I will use next has not been fully mastered..."

Hearing this, Madara was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Hashirama, like him, also hides a stronger strength.

He nodded sharply.

Next, Senju Hashirama suddenly folded his hands together, and then a Wood Style Chakra, which was even bigger than before, erupted from under his feet.


That scary Wood Style Chakra should not be said to be a fairy chakra!

Gradually, a black fairy totem appeared on his face, and then he shouted directly: "Wood Style Sage Art, True Art Senju!"


Suddenly, the earth trembled like an earthquake.

Immediately afterwards, under Uchiha Madara's astonished eyes, a huge Senju Buddha statue several times larger than the Tailed Beast rose from the ground.

Looking at the gradually standing on the shoulders of the Buddha, Madara gritted her teeth and shouted: "Hashirama, Wooden Golem Jutsu!"

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama once again burst into Chakra, a direct form of a gigantic Wooden Golem looking at a bitail.

Immediately afterwards, without saying a word, Uchiha Madara frantically activated the pupil power of Eternal Mangekyō.



The terrifying blue Chakra condensed crazily, and Susanoo, who was wearing a Sengoku armor and whose body was as huge as a hill, coveted directly.

Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, able to use the full body Susanoo.

The body is more than ten times larger than the average Susanoo, and the Taidao in his hand is enough to easily split the mountain.

But it's not over yet!

Immediately afterwards, Susanoo, Uchiha Madara's complete body, suddenly slammed onto the huge Wooden Golem.

"Prestige, Susanoo!"

At this moment, the two terrifying moves were completed directly.


"Madara, you put Susanoo on Wooden Golem!"

Seeing this scene, Hashirama couldn't help admiring, the two of them have such powerful moves that no one in the entire ninja world can resist.

But the man in front of them is worth doing.


"Capturing his position, leave this task to me!"

"You just attack me!"

It was at this time that Senju Tobirama, who was remotely assisted, suddenly spoke, and the next step was their strongest move.

In order to prevent the man from dodging, he had to capture his body.

And this, only he who knows Flying Thunder God can do it.

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