At this moment, the sword pressure in the sky almost split the whole world, and the huge power made everyone tremble.

Especially Uchiha Madara.

He was the closest to that sword pressure, and the terrifying shock wave and strong sense of pressure made his Six Paths body unable to bear it.

However, facing such a terrifying attack, Uchiha Madara acted crazier than ever.

"Kenpachi you bastard!"

"Don't underestimate people!"

"I'm also Uchiha Madara, number one under Six Paths!"

Facing this extremely terrifying sword pressure, this time Uchiha Madara did not choose to retreat, but rushed forward without hesitation.

"Six Paths Scepter!"


The next moment, the nine Truth-Seeking Balls behind Uchiha Madara suddenly turned into terrifying scepters, and directly greeted Kenpachi's pressure that could destroy everything.

This time, Uchiha Madara didn't-have the slightest reservation.

He didn't use any Truth-Seeking Balls for defense, but used all his Yin-Yang escape power for attacking.

In other words, he has now completely abandoned the things behind him, and he no longer takes his own life seriously.

This is the real Uchiha Madara!


For a moment, the Six Paths scepter in Uchiha Madara's hand directly collided with the pitch-black sword, and the powerful recoil struck instantly.


Uchiha Madara directly spewed out a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with a large amount of minced meat. Obviously, it was the first wave of impact just now, which directly shattered all the internal organs in his body



At this moment, Uchiha Madara's flesh began to crack rapidly, and his bones also began to break bit by bit.

But even so, he didn't think about retreating.


"I absolutely can't back down!"

"I have long been prepared to die. If I can't overcome the fear in my heart, then what's the point of my resurrection!"

In Uchiha Madara's eyes, blood began to spurt.

But he definitely doesn't want to give up.

Even if he is going to die soon, he doesn't want to back down.

But now he is still holding on at the end of his strength, and the terrifying jet-black sword presses against him all the way and pushes back.

Uchiha Madara will gradually be swallowed by the sword pressure.


The strong shock wave blew away the air within several kilometers.

At this moment, all the ninja coalition forces on the entire battlefield felt a strong sense of suffocation, and they could not hear other voices.

Only the sound of the space being shattered.

Countless ninjas shouted in their hearts.

Just kidding!

Is the battle between these two guys still at the human level?

I'm afraid that even the original Sage of Six Paths couldn't come up with such a powerful strength?


After an unknown amount of time, the air finally gathered again, and a strong explosion sounded suddenly.

A tyrannical shock wave began to spread with the battlefield as the center.

Everything began to shatter under this shock wave, and countless cracks appeared on the ground.

The ninjas are all using their full strength to resist the shock wave.

Time ticks by the minute...

After more than ten minutes passed, Yin Baolie's shock finally dissipated.

People on the battlefield opened their eyes to look.

However, when they saw clearly the damage caused by the battle between the two, they were all stunned.

"This is..."

"This continent has been completely split?"

"How did he manage to split the entire continent?"

"Hehe... No way, are those two guys still human?!"

At this moment, all the ninjas on the battlefield showed dementia-like expressions, and saw that the battlefield that was partly split before had been completely split at this time.

The shock wave caused by the battle between the two of them formed a huge gully on the road, crushing it towards the other side of the land.

The width is at least several thousand meters, and the gully extends all the way to the opposite sea, allowing the sea water to pour in towards the crack unstoppably.

Even the sea level on the opposite side began to sink.

These two battles just now have directly changed the terrain of this continent?!

"Heh...heh, I'm not dreaming, am I?"


"How is the result?!"

That is, when all the ninjas were sluggish, Senju Hashirama and others were the first to react.

0...asking for flowers...

Although they already had guesses in their hearts, they still wanted to witness the outcome of this battle with their own eyes.

However, after they saw the situation of Uchiha Madara and Kenpachi, their faces were still pale.

I see, Kenpachi's condition is fine.

It's just that because of too much use of power, he has now returned to his usual state.

But looking at Uchiha Madara, the situation is very bad.


"You really are disappointing!"

"It's a pity. Even in the end, I couldn't defeat you. Are you too powerful?"

Uchiha Madara's face was ashen, and his eyes were clear.


He lost.

Lost completely.

The last regret is that I failed to defeat Kenpachi even in death.

This guy is really disappointing.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara was lying on the ground. Starting from his neck, a huge wound appeared and extended all the way down.

Split his entire body in half.

The ribs and internal organs inside were all chopped off.

Even with the body of Six Paths, it is impossible to restore the body in a short time.

More importantly, Kenpachi's terrifying Reiatsu shattered almost every cell in his body.

Moreover, it caused irreversible damage to his soul.

Even with the vitality of Ten Tails Jinchūriki, Uchiha Madara would probably die.

"There's nothing to be sorry about."

"On the contrary, I think I should thank you for allowing me to fight with you in such a full state. I am already very happy."

"You were the first opponent who let me show my full strength, I will always remember this day, and I will always relish it in the future.

Seriously, Kenpachi would like to thank the guy Uchiha Madara from the bottom of his heart.

He knows his own strength best.

There is only this guy, Madara, who has been persevering in wanting to gain great strength and continue to fight against himself.

This guy is amazing.

Hearing his words, Uchiha Madara smiled.


"Speaking of which, we can be regarded as a close battle, right Ding?".

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