Zanpakutō is inserted into the ground.

The exhausted Kenpachi clenched one hand to support his tattered body.

After the previous battle, the load on the body has long exceeded its limit.

It has become completely exhausted.


With a burst of white breath coming out of his mouth.

Exhausted, Kenpachi sat down on the ground.

He kept breathing heavily, but the excitement in his eyes was even stronger.

Under such a battle, Kenpachi's Reiatsu has also grown to incredible levels!

Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that a sword pressure can kill the previous self in an instant.

Return to the silent space.

The corpse of the monster in the distance gradually began to decompose, and its flesh and blood suddenly turned into a large number of golden light spots.

The light spots quickly flew around Kenpachi, beating non-stop.

As the light spots gathered, Kenpachi's entire body was turned into a golden cocoon of light.

"What is this?"

He raised his head in confusion, looked at the energy-filled light spot, and touched it lightly.

Suddenly, a strange yet familiar feeling came from his fingertips.

"Is this...the power of swastika 04?"

Kenpachi finally understood the reason why he had been unable to Bankai.

Since Kenpachi has only used the sword as a fighting tool, he cannot hear the voice from Zanpakutō, and his own power cannot be reawakened.

Zanpakutō Nozarashi has been in a semi-Shikai state for a long time.

After a battle with Ten Tails, Zanpakutō was finally made fully Shikai.

Although Shikai's power is already as strong as that of an average person, Bankai.

But for a fighting maniac like Kenpachi, this is not enough.

Through the battle with the monster, Reiatsu and the strength of his body have surpassed the previous limit state.


The moment your finger touches the light spot, soft light spots continue to enter the body.

These points of light continue to mend Kenpachi's broken soul.

The broken arm felt itchy, and the wounds on his body were healing quickly, and the blood no longer flowed out.

Power continuously spurted out from the body, and Reiatsu increased at a terrifying growth rate under the fusion of light points.

Kamui space!

A weak Obito appears in Kamui dimension again.

As soon as he entered, a strong momentum hit him.

There seemed to be an ancient ferocious beast in front of him, and it seemed like a terrifying evil ghost.

Obito's body began to tremble, and just the momentum generated unconsciously made him feel extremely frightened.

Gritting his teeth tightly, Obito raised his head with difficulty and looked at where Kenpachi was.

The dark light continued to emit, and the injuries on the body had already healed.

The surrounding space was distorted, as the momentum exploded crazily.

Click! Click! Click!

The space actually began to shatter.

Obito couldn't believe it and looked at the man in surprise.

"It's just the momentum, but even the Kamui space is about to collapse?"

"It's so unimaginably powerful!"

"You can win, you can definitely win!"

Seeing this scene, Obito became more determined.

As long as Kenpachi appears, the war will end.

Time flies by.

In the next moment, Kenpachi, whose momentum reached its peak, suddenly opened his eyes.

Numerous cracks appeared in the surrounding space the moment he opened his eyes, and wild Reiatsu erupted wantonly.

Obito was directly pressed to the ground, trembling all over his body.

His face was full of excitement, but the powerful Reiatsu still made cold sweat break out on his forehead, dripping to the ground.

Kenpachi stared straight ahead.

During this period of time, Kenpachi, who was constantly absorbing the evolution of light points, finally mastered Bankai's ability.

The moment he opened his eyes, he had already clenched Zanpakutō Nozarashi and grinned.

"It finally came out, and I don't know what happened to Kaguya Ji."

Kenpachi, who just finished his evolution, can't wait to fight Kaguya Ji.

The system's notification tone also sounded in his mind at the same time.

"Congratulations to Host, you have mastered Bankai's ability."

Kenpachi looked at Obito, and then walked over step by step.


With every step you take, the sound of space breaking can be heard.

Kamui space is about to collapse.

When walking up to Obito, Kenpachi took Reiatsu back.

Kenpachi's appearance remains unchanged.

But Obito knew that Master Kenpachi must have become stronger, and he deeply felt the suffocation just now.

Kenpachi looked at the weak Obito in front of him and asked:

"Hey, what's going on outside?"

Obito finally came to his senses and quickly explained the situation.

After hearing Obito's words, Kenpachi grabbed him and raised Zanpakutō with his other hand.

The terrifying black Reiatsu condensed on the sword instantly.


Cut it off with a sharp knife.

The Kamui space, which was already on the verge of collapse, was directly shattered under this blow.

He pulled Obito and rushed in the direction of Kaguya Hime.

The battle between Naruto and Sasuke is coming to an end, and the two are becoming more and more powerless.

With the rapid consumption of Chakra, the attack power is getting weaker and weaker.

Both of them have reached the point where their lamps have run out.

Boom! Boom!

Being knocked to the ground again, their bodies had reached their limits and it was now difficult to even move.

Kaguya Ji looked at them coldly from a distance163.

"This is the final attack, it's time to end this.

Say it.

He raised his hands, and several ashes of a common killer were ready.

Senju Hashirama, who had no strength to fight anymore, watched this scene.

My heart was filled with despair.

"Is there no future for the ninja world? Is this the end?"

“Can everyone’s efforts fail to change things in the end?”

Phew! Phew! Phew!

Kaguya Ji's attack was launched instantly, and the black bone spurs rushed towards Naruto Sasuke.

This time, there is no way to resist.

The bone spurs arrived in front of their eyes in the blink of an eye, just as they were about to pierce their bodies.

Suddenly the bone spur stopped in the air, and Kaguya, who was floating in the air, frowned slightly.

She seemed to feel something and turned her head to look elsewhere.

Immediately afterwards, the space there continued to fluctuate, and after a period of distortion.

Two figures appeared there.

At this time, other people also felt it and looked there one after another.

Kenpachi and Obito appear.

When the desperate people saw Kenpachi, their eyes instantly brightened.

Naruto looked over excitedly.

"It's Kenpachi-senpai, we still have hope, Kenpachi-senpai is finally back!"

"Kenpachi-senpai will definitely become stronger when he returns, and he can definitely defeat Kaguya Hime!"

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