The trembling earth gradually calmed down.

The ultimate blow.

The explosion of terrifying energy swallowed up the air in an instant!

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the air from the outside rushed in.

The strong wind blew away the smoke bit by bit.

The people watching the battle from a distance were already stunned.

Just seeing the aftermath of such an attack made their bodies tremble.

"Did you make it?

Under such an attack, even a being like Kaguya-hime can survive.

It’s impossible to survive!

For Naruto and the others.

This kind of power is simply beyond imagination.

Kenpachi held Zanpakutō in his hand and slowly stared at the abyss in front of him. He raised the corners of his ferocious mouth and said excitedly:

"Awesome, you deserve to be at the pinnacle of the ninja world. Just such an attack makes me feel like my whole body is on fire!"

It's not easy to meet such a powerful opponent.

A guy who can make his blood boil, he will not believe that Kaguya Ji can be defeated so easily.

When the smoke cleared, Naruto, Hashirama and others' moods suddenly became serious.

Under the crack, Kaguya Ji's figure slowly appeared.

Poof! 650

A large mouthful of blood spit out from Kaguya Hime's mouth.

He looked solemnly at the ghost-like man in front of him.

She raised her hand and wiped the corners of her mouth. The attack just now really made her feel the danger of death.

With the help of time and space ninjutsu, he barely managed to dodge the attack before it arrived.

Even so, the powerful force still affects the surroundings.

The shock in space caused her injuries.

She understands that if she does not withdraw and release all her power, the outcome of this battle will definitely be lost.

In an instant, a powerful aura erupted from his body.

Powers that are several times stronger than before are constantly emerging.

Feeling Kaguya's explosion, Kenpachi became even more excited. No one had ever made him feel such pleasure.


"Is there any stronger power? Then I will respond to you with stronger strength."

The terrifying Reiatsu begins to explode again.

The surface of Kenpachi's body began to appear bloody red.

Starting from the forehead and going to the bottom of the eyes, two black lines slowly appeared.

His face became more and more ferocious.

The skull made of Reiatsu, which is as black as ink, is firmly wrapped in the bag.

If you look closely, it seems like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

The desire to fight in his eyes would make most people tremble with fear just by seeing it.

The Zanpakutō held tightly in his hand began to change in form.

The blade of Nozarashi's sword began to break in the middle, and it seemed to have become a broken sword.

The power exuded has been greatly enhanced.

Reiatsu became more and more violent and Yamato became more and more violent, and the air around him was filled with violence and murderous intent.

It is Kenpachi's newly acquired ability, Bankai.

In the Bankai state, Kenpachi's consciousness will become blurred and he will be unable to maintain rationality. He can only attack the enemy based on his fighting instinct.

If Bankai is completely unlocked, he will completely lose his mind.

Become the monster you are in your inner world.

Crazy fighting, but you can't feel the feeling of fighting.

What's the point of fighting if you don't feel the thrill of fighting?

Such a result is intolerable to Kenpachi.

So he didn't quite turn on Bankai.

Instead, use 70% of Bankai's power.

In this case, he wants to maintain a certain degree of reason, so that he can clearly feel the thrill of fighting.


The two forces collided wildly in the air.


Kenpachi let out a roar.

Follow the fighting instinct and subconsciously mobilize the Reiatsu in the body.

For a moment.

Terrifying black Reiatsu gathered, forming a sword pressure on Nozarashi like a broken knife.

Mixed with an unstoppable momentum, he directly slashed at Kaguya Ji's body.


Without any hesitation.

Kaguya Ji (aedi) left the spot in an instant.

With just one simple swing, the power surpasses that of S-class ninjutsu.

Under the power of this black sword pressure, the space is extremely fragile. As the sword pressure advances, black cracks continuously appear around it.

The strong wind caused by the sword pressure directly caused Naruto and others outside the courtyard to be shocked again.


Before the attack was launched, they had already retreated desperately.

Otherwise, they would probably be instantly killed by the aftermath.

Kenpachi unleashes his power wantonly.

Keep slashing at Kaguya Ji with a knife.

The maniacal laughter on his mouth couldn't stop at all.

This is..………

What a pleasure!

It is so exciting to be able to fight against powerful enemies and release your own attacks with all your strength!

The black sword pressed down, constantly flying in the air.

The earth has long been dilapidated, and Kenpachi's wild laughter is mixed with the crackling sound of space.

Kaguya touched his shoulder, where a deep wound appeared.

It was cut directly from the shoulder to the chest, and the wound was extremely long.

If it wasn't for my Grandmaster of space ninjutsu, I am afraid that after a long time, I would have been slashed by that strange knife.

This man's slash is not only powerful, but the frightening thing is that it can actually hurt the soul.

He let out a long breath and adjusted his state.

Facing such a person, she did not dare to underestimate him.

Any mistake may be beheaded on the spot by this ghostly man in front of him.

"Come on! Fight to your heart's content!"

The two figures disappeared instantly.

As the battle continues.

Kaguya Ji unexpectedly began to show a disadvantage.

Under the pressure of countless powerful swords, her body was bombarded and retreated continuously.

Even with the elusive space ninjutsu.

The moment of appearance is also instantly discovered by Kenpachi's beastly intuition.

Then came the terrifying sword presses.

The skull on his body keeps improving with his strength.

Hard to the point of unimaginable.

Kaguya Ji's bone spur bombarded it, and it could only produce some cracks, and it couldn't be broken at all.

After Reiatsu's supplement, the crack will be intact in an instant.

Kenpachi swung Zanpakutō frantically, and the tide of attack came crashing down.

Kaguya Ji, who had exploded with full strength, could only hold on under such an attack.

The continuous burst of ninjutsu is difficult to break even the opponent's defense.

The terrifying Reiatsu has almost reached the point where he can break through everything.

No matter what ninjutsu it is, Kenpachi will just swipe it away.

It's like this attack without any moves, but Kaguya Ji's various ninjutsu-broken.

Bankai's power, even an incomplete Bankai, is no longer something that Kaguya Ji can stop!.

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