
Without any nonsense, Kenpachi jumped up again with his sword in hand.

Black Reiatsu continues to erupt, and powerful attacks follow.

Regarding Kaguya-hime pulling him into other dimensions.

Kenpachi was filled with anger.

One by one, if you can't risk your life to fight, what kind of fighting is that?

The power gained after once again improving the strength and losing a lot of sanity.

Kaguya Ji had almost no power to parry.

He could only passively endure attacks again and again.

For Sasuke who has entered the Tianzhong Space.

What happened at this time was beyond his imagination.

He looked at Kenpachi's violent figure in shock.

He understood it clearly in his heart.

It was so incredible to be able to come out of that space on your own power.

Kaguya creates the space of "six three three" through the Chakra fruit of the sacred tree.

Its hardness has reached an appalling level.

He uses the ability of the Blood Chakra Eye to continuously attack through Susanoo.

Indra's power is also maximized.

It was an attack that almost reached the limit, and could not even crack the space.

As for completely shattering space, this is simply impossible!

The power this man possesses has long been out of the same dimension as ours.

Naruto stared at the battlefield ahead.

"Isn't this a dream?"

Every attack passed by.

All are accompanied by the creation of space cracks.

It is different from the cracks caused by space ninjutsu.

This was a completely powerful burst of power that even space could not withstand.

Feeling the fierce battle ahead, even the aftermath blew away the air.

As the battle continued, the center of the battlefield almost turned into a vacuum.

Even if you are super Kage-level, you will be killed instantly on that battlefield!

Naruto knew in his heart that he still had a long way to go.

Now he is far away from the level of Kenpachi-senpai.

Everyone was stunned.


There are simply no words to describe such a scene.

Only when you see it with your own eyes can you feel the shock.

As a former opponent.

Senju Hashirama's pupils shrank violently, acting unbelievably.

He is worthy of being the man who single-handedly suppressed the entire Sengoku era.

The more powerful power contained in his body.

in this unprecedented war.

It's finally starting to show.

The stronger the enemy, the stronger his power.

Continuous improvement seems to have no limit.

What a natural monster, a monster born to fight.

I am in the same era as such people.

I really don’t know if it’s luck or misfortune.

"If we can win, we will definitely win, and the future of the ninja world will definitely not be ruined!"

Everyone's heart is full of hope.

Kaguyaji became more and more frightened as she fought.

Kenpachi appears again, and the emperor has taken it to another level.

It made her unable to resist at all.

Kenpachi, who has almost lost his mind, is driven by physical instinct.

Knife after knife, without any moves.

She was unable to fight back just by relying on sheer strength.

Kenpachi's eyes flashed.


He stepped hard with his right foot, the space shattered, and his body disappeared instantly.

The next second, a ferocious body appeared in front of Kaguya Ji.

He clenched his hands and drew out with a knife.


Kaguya-hime's left arm was broken and she fell.

He looked at his broken arm in horror.

at this time.

Her body changed, and the severed arm continued to drill out the shape of a tailed beast.

Black Zetsu, who was hiding in his sleeve, was shocked.

"Could it be that mother is now..."

Kaguya Ji frowned in pain.

The body changes more and more.

With a roar!

Naruto looked at the monster in front of him in disbelief.

Said tremblingly:

"Here comes another big guy, what is this?"

Wolf? Tanuki? Rabbit?"

Black Zetsu thought solemnly.

"It's not in human form, it wasn't transformed into Tao by mother's will."


With the sound, the air waves kept rolling.

It turned out that under the pressure of Kenpachi's strong attack, Kaguya Ji suffered more and more injuries.

In absolute rage.

Kaguya Ji can no longer control the power of the fruit of the sacred tree.

Immediately, it became a tailed beast itself.

The ground began to tremble, and waves of Chakra energy began to enter the body.

Immediately afterwards, the huge tailed beast's body changed again.

A huge black sphere slowly emerged.

Immediately Kaguya Hime's body reappears....

"Is this... the same as the ball on my back?"

"The size difference is too much, and it is still getting bigger."

Naruto and Sasuke's eyes widened, the Truth-Seeking Ball in front of them was unbelievably large.

This one draws Chakra's starting ball space directly from the ninjas of Infinite Tsukuyomi.

A special space belonging to Kaguya Hime.

It is a Xueji Luowang that combines all the properties of wind, fire, earth, thunder, water, yin and yang.

Maximized Truth-Seeking Ball, Inflated Truth-Seeking Ball appears.

Black Zetsu, who had lost his hand, started to get excited again.

"A new space has opened, and you will pay with your lives for it."

Just then...


"That's right!"

Suddenly, Kenpachi's voice came to mind.

What a gigantic Chakra, countless times bigger than the previous Tailed Beast Bomb from Ten Tails.

Such terrifying energy, if bombarded down, would be enough to blow up the picture continent directly.

With the huge Truth-Seeking Ball struck under the control of Kaguya Ji.

The huge energy shattered the entire space.

The Truth-Seeking Ball rushed forward, and a huge black crack appeared in the air.


At this very second, Kenpachi crazily threw towards the Truth-Seeking Ball in front of him.

He raised his hand and swung the knife forward violently, on the huge blade.

A huge sword made entirely of black Reiatsu took shape in an instant.

A length of several thousand meters suddenly cut off to the Truth-Seeking Ball ahead.

Getting closer!

At this 0.1 moment, Naruto and others stared intently at the two attacks that were about to collide, and the world seemed to be quiet.

Extremely fast.

The Truth-Seeking Ball and the sword pressure swelled together, and the powerful energy collided, but no sound came.

The air was swept away in an instant.

But the dazzling light made everyone close their eyes.

They could only feel as if two suns were colliding ahead.

A strong sense of suffocation came, and it was difficult to breathe at this moment.

Naruto and others desperately stabilized their bodies.

But it was still blown to pieces by the aftermath.

It's ridiculous!

Almost the pinnacle of existence in the ninja world.

Under such a battle, it was impossible to even take a look.

At this moment, everyone can only feel that the whole world is shaking.

Like a lonely boat in the sea, it can only drift with the current. .

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