As Kenpachi becomes angry, the speed of unleashing attacks becomes faster and faster.

Around the blood-red skin, white mist rises.

The heat generated by the energy burst continuously evaporates the surrounding water.

The veins in Zanpakutō's arm kept pulsing as he held it tightly.

Every blow was nearly full force.

With the arms raised vigorously, under the continuous crazy attacks, afterimages appeared one after another.

The rapid movement of the body is faster than traveling through space.

In this situation.

The spaces in the Heavenly Palace are constantly being shattered.

As he got closer and closer, the anger in Kenpachi's eyes almost reached Ultimate.


Pursuing at full speed, his body directly broke into a space.

Finally, in the final space of the ball, a ghostly figure appeared in front of Kaguya Hime.

Cold sweat kept falling on her forehead and dripping down from her face.

Feel this breath up close.

Kaguya Ji's body seemed to be imprisoned, unable to move at all.

His hands and feet were cold and trembling constantly.

My heart was beating violently and was about to explode.

Every cell in his body seemed to be in fear.


The trembling voice couldn't help shouting.

Kenpachi finally caught up with her.

Time and space ninjutsu is really a troublesome ability for him.

Veins popped up on his forehead, and his scarlet eyes stared straight at her.

Angry voices sounded.

"I burst out with my strongest strength to fight you, but you are actually afraid of me?"

"Isn't fighting just about hacking the opponent to death with all your strength?"

"It was the same before, and it's the same now. Once I increase my strength, you won't dare to fight with me.

For such a battle, he now only feels that he has been fooled.

He clearly valued her so much that he even used Bankai's power.

Just for a happy and satisfying fight.

The final result disappointed him.

Kaguya Ji just looked at him in fear, unable to say a word.

The body desperately wanted to escape.

She was so frightened that her legs moved extremely slowly.

Perhaps it was the silent waiting that made Kenpachi agitated.

He has no patience for a frightened woman.

He raised his feet and walked slowly towards Kaguya Hime.

With every step he took, the violent Reiatsu in his body became stronger.

(aedh) Holding the huge Zanpakutō in his hand, he lightly moved across the space as he walked.

Small black cracks appeared.

Zanpakutō also seems to have been sublimated during this battle.

It's sharp enough to cut through space easily.

Kenpachi could clearly feel Zanpakutō's joy.

But that doesn't matter to Kenpachi.

What we have to do now is to chop down this woman and end this boring battle!

When he walked in front of Kaguya Hime.

The anger in his eyes has reduced a lot.

After all, for him, enemies who have lost their fighting spirit and become desperate are not worthy of his attention at all.

Grasp the handle of the knife with both hands, lift it, and raise it above your head.

Then the furious Reiatsu began to converge on the blade.

Although this woman did not allow herself to use the power to completely lose her mind.

That is 100% Bankai power!

But after all, he was the strongest person he met when he came to this world.

Her presence excited him for at least a long time.

He decided to use his strongest blow to end it all!

The huge Reiatsu turned the entire space into darkness.

Under Kenpachi's control, it quickly condenses onto Zanpakutō.

The sword pressure that shot straight into the sky formed rapidly.

in this case.

Kaguya-hime felt completely terrified.

Chakra, which was usually controlled at will, was now unable to be commanded at all.

Even though Six Paths' bodies will never die.

But the fear that penetrated deeply into her soul almost caused her spirit to collapse.

As she became unable to resist, this last space seemed to be wailing.

Boom! Boom! Crack!

The earth, the sky, everything in this world is constantly collapsing.

The initial ball space is stronger than any other small space.

But under such power, it can only continue to die.

She had no choice but to watch the horrific attack coming towards her.


As Kenpachi exhaled a white breath, he held Zanpakutō with both hands and waved it down fiercely.

The muscles all over his body were tense, the veins on his forehead popped out, and he gasped violently after the attack.

It all shows that with this sword, Kenpachi used his peak strength.

In an instant, a black sword flashed straight down to the sky.

The black sword light condensed to the limit, at this moment, resembles a terrifying giant beast wandering in the universe.

Hungry to devour everything in sight.

The torn space revealed the turbulent flow of space outside, and the sword light seemed to merge with it.

It turned into a huge black screen and instantly enveloped Kaguya-hime's place.

Everything was quiet, it seemed like a long time passed, and it seemed like it was just a moment.

The initial ball space disappeared.

Kaguya Ji's body was instantly cut in half amidst the screams of fear.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A few minutes later.

A terrifying explosion suddenly sounded in the original world.

The explosion caused by the power directly blew a big hole in the sky above the ninja world.

Naruto and the others looked at the sky in shock when they heard the explosion.

A black hole appeared directly in the originally empty sky.

A large amount of magma and rocks kept flying up.

Black holes swallow up the surrounding matter like a bottomless pit.

It didn't take long.

The deafening roar gradually disappeared, and the black hole also disappeared.

Everyone felt relieved at this moment and exhaled a long breath.

They thought something else had happened.

At this time, they have discovered the figures of Kenpachi and Kaguya.

Kenpachi released Bankai's state at this time and returned to his normal appearance.

After all, opening Bankai for a long time is also a huge burden on yourself.

Now that the battle is over, there is no need to keep turning it on.

Da da da!

After Naruto and the others rested for a while, the Chakra in their bodies had recovered a lot.

They rushed over as soon as they realized the battle was over.

Can't see clearly enough from a distance.

When they walked up to Kenpachi.

Looking at Kaguya Hime's body that was split into two.

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Is this still the aloof Kaguya-hime, the founder of the ninja world?

Now her Chakra is almost completely exhausted, and her seriously injured body looks shocking.

Black Zetsu, who was hiding in the corner, saw his mother's miserable condition.

Almost mentally broken!

He kept talking to himself.

"How could a mother fail?".

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