Naruto and the others slowly crawled out of the ruins, supporting each other and rushing out.

Although they had escaped in time, everyone was still seriously injured in the aftermath.

Everyone who came outside walked towards Konoha.

The surrounding ninjas brought them to Kakashi.

When he learned that the entire moon was destroyed, Naruto was also frightened.

If it goes any slower, everyone will probably die along with the moon.

In space at this time, two figures appeared on a meteorite.

The skulls around Kenpachi are covered in spiderweb-like cracks.

As he moved, it slowly dissipated.

In front of him was the seriously injured Ōtsutsuki Toneri.

At this time, there is no light formed by the green Chakra on the body.

He was severely injured and unable to activate Tenseigan Chakra Mode. "500"

His whole body was stained red with blood, one of his arms was broken, and a huge scar on his chest almost split him in half.

Lying on the ground breathing heavily.

The energy contained in the Tenseigan transformed from Hyuga Hanabi's eyes slowly disappears.

Degenerated into white eyes again.

Kenpachi's blow almost completely drained his life force.

Under such circumstances, even if Kenpachi doesn't take action, he will slowly die in a short period of time.

Toneri twisted desperately, his teeth bleeding.

As if to recapture the dissipated Tenseigan, one hand kept waving randomly in the air.

"No, don't!"

Desperate shouts reached Kenpachi's ears.

He was not afraid of death, but he was afraid of not being able to fulfill the ancestral teachings of Hamura's ancestors.

For him, this is something more difficult to accept than death.

The battle with Kenpachi rekindled his fire, and after two years, he finally felt pleasure.

The fight between the two people made him feel like he had a delicious meal.

He recognized this battle very much, with a look of excitement and satisfaction on his face.

It takes such a fight to satisfy a devil like him.

Suddenly Shiren seemed to feel something.

He was immersed in the pain of losing Tenseigan, and his body was no longer twisting.

It gradually became quiet.

Not long after, white eyes appeared next to him.

These Byakugan are all decomposed by the Tenseigan of the Reincarnation Temple.

It seems to have self-awareness, attached to Toneri's body.

Slowly his body was covered with white eyes.

The whispers of clan members kept coming to my ears.

Carrying the expectations of his tribe, he would not allow himself to fail like this.

Powerful beliefs inspire these eye rolls.

Kenpachi watched the scene in front of him with interest.

As the white eyes surrounded him, Toneri's body rose.

Wave after wave of energy entered his body and was absorbed by him.

This is the energy of the sun, and he understands one thing clearly in his heart.

He could no longer complete the ancestral precepts with his own strength.

He could only use these white eyes to absorb the energy of the sun and complete the final blow.

A huge ball of energy appeared in his hand.

As the energy is absorbed, the energy it contains far exceeds that of his previous Tenseigan Chakra Mode.

Ah! Ah!

The energy absorption slowly exceeds Toneri's Chakra threshold.

As a result, his body began to expand and change.

The severe pain made him scream.

The feeling of being stretched is so strong that most people cannot support it.

Every cell seemed to be expanding.

But he gritted his teeth and persisted with all his strength.

"Kenpachi, come on, try it! Try to stop my final blow!"

Although he was in pain, he actually felt excited at this moment.

Is it because of the strength of Kenpachi? Or is it because of the dream that he has to fulfill even at the risk of his life?

I can't explain it clearly, I can't understand it.

Kenpachi's eyes also became excited.

The battle he thought was over took a turn.

"Seren, you are really a good target to fight with!"

"I have to admire your will. That's why I recognize you so much!"

As he spoke, the knife in his hand began to change.

With such powerful energy, he knew that Shikai alone was no longer enough.

"Eighty percent Bankai, open!"

With a loud roar, Zanpakutō began to split in the middle.

The skin turns red like blood, the two horns on the head, the black lines on the face...

It all shows that Kenpachi used Bankai's power and even unlocked most of it.

Even Kenpachi dare not underestimate the energy contained in the sun.

The increase in strength of both sides shattered the surrounding space.

They are all accumulating energy for the final blow. Of course, a truly strong person must face the opponent's strongest attack.

The local Kage-level experts only felt an unimaginable momentum coming from the upper level.

Just sensing it made them tremble unconsciously.

All their strength seemed to have been drained away, and they all stood there blankly, looking up into the sky.

I couldn't see anything, but I seemed to see something.

As you watch, a sun appears?

No, it's not the sun, it's the energy-warming ball that condenses people.

Now even ordinary ninja people can clearly feel it.

"Are these gods fighting?"

muttered a frightened Konoha Chūnin.

Once such an attack hits the ground.

It is estimated that the entire ninja world will be destroyed!

Kenpachi held the big sword in both hands and waved it wildly, and dark sword pressure appeared quickly.

As time passed, the sword pressure continued to merge, slowly becoming larger and larger.

Kenpachi and Toneri's attacks finally gathered together successfully.

The two people launched attacks at each other at the same time, and the attacks with huge power collided with each other in an instant.

The moment 4.8 collided, a huge space crack was torn open.

The explosion light illuminated the entire ninja world as bright as day.

The dazzling light is more dazzling than the sun.

Everyone couldn't help but close their eyes, and what they felt was a vast expanse of white.

Even so, tears still flowed down his face.

At this moment, the world was quiet.

No sound can be heard, and all creatures dare not make a sound.

This is pressure from the soul, and there is no consciousness to resist.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A few minutes later, a huge sound like a planet exploding resounded throughout the world.

Almost instantly, everyone covered their ears.

Panic spread among the crowd.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this miraculous scene seems like the end of the world!

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