By reading the scroll, everyone learned the location of Taoshi and discussed the rescue measures.

Then, Sasuke used Rinnegan to open the portal of time and space.

"Through this, you can get to where they are."

Everyone stepped forward and entered one by one.

When Boruto entered, he looked behind his mother Hinata.

Hinata sees the shadow of Naruto in Boruto now.

"Your father will leave it to you, Boruto."

Sasuke is also very satisfied with his current performance.

Then the two entered the portal.

On Naruto's side, he is being continuously drawn Chakra by Momoji.

His hands and feet were tied to a huge tree trunk, and he couldn't move at all.

With cold sweat dripping from his head, he gritted his teeth and looked at Tao Shi.

"We ninjas will not easily admit defeat."

The corners of the mouth raised slightly, as if laughing at Tao Shi and the others.

Just at this time, the rescue team descended from the sky.

The four shadows controlled Momoji and Jinshi, and Sasuke Boruto saved Naruto.

Seeing his son wearing his own clothes, Naruto was also greatly moved. 223 The father and son finally understood each other on the battlefield and connected with each other.

Then, everyone began to join forces against the enemy.

A red ax appeared in Jin Shi's hand, which was extremely lethal.

His body is strong and his movements are small.

With just a few strokes, a huge scar was drawn on Mizukage's chest.

Just when Jinshi was about to end Mizukage.

Mizukage smiled contemptuously, and Tsuchikage rushed out from the ground.

With one palm, the golden style was knocked into the air.

Just as he stabilized his body, Sasuke appeared behind him in a flash, the dagger in his hand glowed with lightning and hissed.

With one slash, the ax in Jin Shi's hand shattered and fell to the ground.

Followed by several blue attacks to pierce it.

"Blood mist knife technique. Bone pulling!"

Mizukage has already launched an attack.

"Lava Style. Greystone Seal Technique!"

Tsuchikage's ninjutsu kept up, spit out countless lime mud from his mouth, and covered Kinshiki's body.

Gold lost.

On the other side, the battle between several other people and Tao Shi is also going on fiercely.

Kazekage used sand to block Taoshi's route, and Raikage confronted it head-on (aebj).

At the same time, everyone knows that Taoshi can absorb ninjutsu and release it with a boost.

Therefore, they can only attack with body skills, besieging Tao Shi in the center.

"Let you see what our family does."

At this juncture, Taoshi took his time.

Raising his hand to where Jin Shi was, the sealed Jin Shi struggled for a while, and his body instantly broke through the seal.

Rush towards the peach shape, and finally turned into a red fruit.

He opened his mouth wide and swallowed it in a few strokes.

Then, the aura of the tornado soared into the sky, and the dust was flying.

Peach Pose's body has changed.

His eyes changed from white to yellow, and a yellow Rinnegan appeared on his forehead.

The eyes on both hands also turned yellow, the hair grew longer, and multiple black stripes appeared on the body.

The horns on the head become erect and thicken.

Yan Mo, with black Madara tattoos on his face and eyes open on his forehead, slowly emerged.

At this moment, Tao Shi has absorbed all the power of Jin Shi and turned into a human Shura.

There was a whirlwind under the feet, and the body was lifted into the air.

Then they continued to dodge, and after a few encounters, all fourteen shadows of Feng Lei Shui fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Naruto Sasuke began to join forces to fight against Momoji.

Naruto rushed forward, but his physical skills were unexpectedly defeated, and he continued to passively defend under the attack of Momoji.

Sasuke appeared behind him in an instant, Momoshiki had expected it, and sneered.

The footsteps moved, the palms were struck out, and the two were knocked down under continuous attacks.

Naruto Sasuke got up again, and Naruto played Six Paths Sage Mode.

The three fought in a melee, their figures kept moving, and the field was full of lightning and flames dancing wildly.

Every fight is enough to make people dazzled.

With the cooperation of Naruto Sasuke, even though it was only a physical technique, it still caused the earth to collapse and smoke was everywhere.

The attack became more and more fierce, and Tao Shi gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The peach-like arm waved, and the red chain appeared instantly, flying wantonly

While winding back and forth, Sasuke has been restrained.

"Heaven's Hand Power!"

Before Momoshiki could be proud, Sasuke and him exchanged bodies in an instant.

Then Naruto's fist struck, and with a loud cry, it hit Taoshi's terrified face.

The body was knocked into the air, hitting the ground, the stones shattered, and the smoke and dust scattered.

Sasuke opened his eyes and stretched out his left hand.

"Planetary Devastation!"

Before the body in Tao Pose fell to the ground, the ground under his feet had split into pieces.

With a rumbling sound, Vice Admiral's peach body was covered, and boulders were squeezed inward.

Under the joint cooperation of the two, the jumping style has no power to parry.

Although charged with Planetary Devastation, Momoshiki broke the seal with Inukai Kenmei.

All over the sky, the earth dragon rushed out in an instant.

Sasuke was accidentally knocked into the air, but fortunately Naruto managed to resolve the crisis.

In a place far away from here, another battle is quietly unfolding.

Kenpachi, who was wandering again, waited for more than a dozen companies.

Finally came the arrival of the Ōtsutsuki clan.

Ōtsutsuki Urashiki is the leader and the strongest of the three sent this time.

As early as when I first arrived, I already felt the unique power of Kenpachi.

Momoji and Jinshi are then ordered to collect the Tailed Beast Chakra.

And I went to check it myself, and finally met Kenpachi in a deep forest.

Sensing the powerful aura of Urashiki, Kenpachi couldn't help becoming excited.

This time the wait was too long, but when the moment came, these were no longer important.

Feeling Pu Shi's approaching figure quickly, he simply adjusted his state on the spot.

After more than ten years of peaceful life, Kenpachi felt that his body was going to rust.

The moment Pu Shi arrived, the fighting spirit on his body was almost condensed to the extreme.

He knew that he had to use all his strength, so he had already removed the blindfold that suppressed Reiatsu long before.

"Who are you? The energy in you seems to be different from this world."

"My name is Zaraki Kenpachi, I have been waiting for you for a long time, come and fight with me! Ha~ha~"

Before Urashiki could say anything, Kenpachi rushed forward with Zanpakutō in hand.

Reiatsu broke out, imposingly demon.

A casual blow made Urashiki startled.

Numerous cracks were opened in the earth, and trees were uprooted.

Kenpachi's long-awaited battle suddenly started under his violent attack. .

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