People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 145: The Real Head Of The Shell Organization, ŌTsutsuki Ishiki!

The Boruto team also returned at this time.

Also arriving with them were a group of Konoha Shinobi led by Shikamaru.

Everyone asked Kawaki what happened.

"I'm not sure about this, but the pattern that appears with the pain of the wedge is something I've never seen before.

"After that, I saw a gap seemed to open in the space, and then he appeared."

"Time and Space Ninjutsu... Damn it!"

Shikamaru frowned after hearing this, and a drop of cold sweat fell from his brow.

Through Kawaki's description, everyone also learned that Ci Xian could use time and space ninjutsu to carry out sneak attacks.

Fortunately, Naruto shouldn't be dead yet.

Kawaki's prosthetics require Naruto's Chakra to maintain them.

There is nothing strange about the prosthetic limb now, which makes everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

At first, Shikamaru doubted Kawaki's identity and position, and even released the barrier to put Kawaki under house arrest.

Compare it since Kawaki came to Konoha.

First, Diluda, a member of the inner shell organization, invaded.

Fortunately, Mr. Kenpachi happened to meet him, otherwise he would have fought in the village.

No one can estimate what kind of losses 04 will cause.

Now, even Ci Xian, the leader of the Shell organization, has been dispatched.

Although everyone knows that Ci Xian’s purpose is Kawaki.

But now Kawaki is standing here well, while Naruto is missing.

It is also true that there is no conclusive evidence that categorically refutes this hypothesis.

Hokage serves as the symbol and spiritual pillar of Konoha.

After such an incident, everyone can understand Shikamaru's thoughts.

"Look, Uncle Shikamaru!"

"The originally broken vase was slowly repaired by Kawaki."

"Can we still say that he is a spy?

At this time Boruto's voice sounded, and he was holding the broken vase in his hand.

After seeing this, Shikamaru also softened.

Kawaki looked at the prosthetic limb in his hand and the power of this bond.

He suddenly called to Boruto, and the wedges in their hands excited each other.

The next second, a time and space portal appeared from the wedge in their hands.

So, they decided to enter the portal to save Naruto.

However, Shikamaru didn't want them to take risks.

Use shadow binding to stop everyone.

However, Kawaki used a scientific ninja tool to absorb him.

Then, everyone was preparing to enter the portal just before it closed.

A figure appeared and stopped them.

Then the other two appeared.

It was Kenpachi, Naruto and Sasuke who were back.

"Father, you're okay, that's great!"

Boruto saw Naruto appear and immediately felt relieved.

Shikamaru and others took a deep breath when they saw that he was okay.

Later they learned that it was Kenpachi who rescued them.

Sasuke also had Rinnegan's help, but Naruto was facing such a powerful Ji Xian.

It's very possible to be locked up in that space.

Everyone was also sighing and hurriedly thanked Kenpachi.

Kenpachi doesn't care about that, he's thinking about everything right now.

Ci Xian quickly recovered and came to him for the unfinished fight.

After a brief chat, Kenpachi returned to his residence.

Kenpachi also understands the boring system these years.

With the current strength, it is difficult to have an opponent in this world.

So Kenpachi has been thinking about how to enter the universe.

After all, he doesn't have the ability to do space-time ninjutsu.

It's not too far-fetched to want to drift in the universe with your own body.

In this regard, the system told him.

When he breaks through Bankai and comes to a new realm, there will be a surprise for him!

Although Kenpachi's strength is growing every day, he has no clue how to defeat Bankai.

He had no choice but to let nature take its course, and maybe he would break through to a new level under a certain opportunity.

The Guoxin layman in the distance watched Naruto's successful return.

He was also thinking secretly in his heart.

"Did Ci Xian be defeated?"

Based on his understanding of Ci Xian, Naruto was no match for Ci Xian.

Even if Sasuke was among the people who came back together, it would be impossible for the two of them to escape unscathed like this.

Then the problem lies with Kenpachi.

"Is this man powerful enough to defeat Ci Xian?"

"Or maybe Ci Xian consumed a lot of Chakra, became weak, and returned to the base?"

"If this is the case, it might be a good opportunity and it is necessary to go back!

Thinking to himself, layman Guo Xin jumped off the city wall and prepared to rush back to the base.

Now is a golden opportunity to kill Ci Xian.

He came out of that space and put the lid on with his hand.

From the outside, this mysterious space looks like two huge bowls.

Just as Ci Xian was about to open the door to time and space.

The black mass on the abdomen split open again, and the voice of the man just now rang out.

"Cixian, is your body in pain? Or maybe this container is no longer good."

Ci Xian is a matter of the Ōtsutsuki clan, and Sasuke has already collected the information.

He also thought Ci Xian's body was just a disguise.

But judging from the words, his body is occupied by a person named Ōtsutsuki Ishiki.

Ci Xian and Kawaki are both Ōtsutsuki style utensils.

He has the same name as the shell organization, 077 is just a shell.

Leaving the different space and returning to the base.

Ci Xian sat on an instrument.

There was another person beside him, the scientist Amado who had talked with Diluda before.

Although it's tricky with Kenpachi's amazing strength.

But he couldn't help but be happy.

Amado looked at him strangely, not understanding why he was happy.

"That's of course because of Kawaki. His wedge has grown at an alarming rate and is no longer an unfinished weapon.

He sat on the instrument and supplemented the Chakra while sighing at how quickly Kawaki mastered the wedge.

Amado told him that Chakra's remaining stars were almost zero.

It takes two full days to fully charge!

But for him now, Boruto is what matters most to him.

In the exchange between Ci Xian and Amado.

It is speculated that Kawaki was influenced by the strong resonance of Boruto wedge.

Kawaki has developed to the current point, which means that Boruto's progress should be faster.

One day, the two of them will grow into powerful Ōtsutsuki.

Together they cultivated a huge sacred tree.

Devour all life in this world.

"By then, everyone's wishes will come true.

"Your wish will also be..."

In this regard, Amado didn't express much, he just smoked in silence. .

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