People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 151: Amador's Betrayal Of The Shell Organization, The Battle Between Guoxin Layman And

Shikamaru is also caught between his son and the village.

Naruto on the side agreed.

Right now, rescuing Lutai is the top priority.

Can Amador be trusted?

It can only be judged from the information he gave.

Sai unpacked Amador's equipment and stripped off his overalls.

He was escorted into the interrogation room.

The four of Boruto watched everything in the room through the glass.

Chuanmu also chatted about Amador's past to everyone.

Amador used to be the director of the research and development technology department in the shell organization.

All the artificial humans in the shell tissue, including Chuanmu, were made by him.

What's more important is that Amador knows all about the big and small matters in the organization.

"Is he the legendary genius scientist?"

Fang Zhu's face was filled with surprise.

He really wanted Amador to give advice.

Because of this, Ci Xian has been grounded at the base, and he cannot be allowed to go out without authorization.

But now he came to Konoha grandly.

Presumably his rebellious heart has been noticed.

He came to Konoha with the determination to die.

The two parties in the interrogation room negotiated briefly.

Opinions were finally reached.

Amador told Naruto and the others everything he knew.

"Perhaps you all know that Cixian is the Ōtsutsuki style."

"No, to be precise, he became Ōtsutsuki."

Amador told them slowly.

Cixian was originally an ordinary person like us.

As for the Ōtsutsuki, they are alien invaders.

They have only one purpose.

It is to devour all life on the planet.

And the sacred tree is what they use to scarify all life Chakra on the planet.

At that time, all life without exception will die.

After absorbing Chakra, the sacred tree will bear Chakra fruit.

"Those troublesome cosmic beings, why do such things?"

Naruto asked solemnly.

Ōtsutsuki can evolve by eating fruit.

After the fruit is harvested, the planet is useless.

The Ōtsutsuki clan would then go to other planets and repeat the same thing.

The seedlings of the sacred tree are Ten Tails.

It is now sealed in the Ōtsutsuki stele forest that Sasuke visited before.

The crowd couldn't understand it, and Naruto asked the question first.

"So that guy named Ci Xian is going to wreak havoc on Earth?"

Sasuke vetoed it with one word.

"No, it's not Cixian, I'm afraid it's the guy who gave Cixian the wedge mark!"

"Your vision is very accurate!"

Amador admired Sasuke's keen intuition, and actually made the investigation to this point.

"But what I'm going to say next is the point.

Everyone couldn't help but start to look dignified.


At this time, Amador's glasses made a sound, and it seemed that someone had contacted him.

"Shikamaru, please help me take off my glasses and place them on the table facing the wall."

Shikamaru got Naruto's nod and did so immediately.

As soon as the glasses were set up, an image was projected.

What was playing in it turned out to be the situation of Layman Guoxin and Cixian.

"Don't play dumb anymore, I know that you and Amador designed to shoot down the flying ship.

"Fake the scene of the accident and let Chuanmu go."

"You also leaked the coordinates of the Ōtsutsuki Stele Forest to Konoha, what is your motive?"

Ci Xian uttered a series of words.

Layman Guoxin didn't answer, and threw his shuriken at Cixian with his backhand.


Cixian teleported to the back of Layman Guoxin.

Four wooden sticks were inserted into Layman Guoxin's body.

Layman Guoxin vomited blood instantly.


The layman in front of him turned into smoke, it was the Shadow Clone Technique.

Layman Guoxin appeared behind Cixian in a pompous manner and said:

"I'm not interested in the fruit of the god tree [I was created to kill you from the beginning."

It doesn't matter even if he is just a pawn of Amador.

Ninjas originally existed like this.

Layman Guoxin took the lead and made a seal with his hands.

"Fire Style․Flame Bomb!"

Spew out a fireball and rush towards Cixian.

Ci Xian stretched out his palm in an unhurried manner.

Absorbed the flame bomb with a wedge.

Layman Guoxin seized the gap and circled back in an instant.

A bullet of toad oil poured on Ci Xian's body.

Ci Xian suddenly felt her feet slipping and she couldn't stand steadily.

And these ninjutsu were all feints to distract Ci Xian.

Several toads had inadvertently climbed onto Cixian's body.

Layman Guoxin sprayed out the real fire of samadhi with his hands and ten or a few toads.

Then the toad oil bomb increased, and the raging fire exploded on Cixian's body in an instant.

It directly devoured Ci Xian.

However, even the real fire of samadhi that cannot be extinguished like Amaterasu.

But as long as it is ninjutsu, it is meaningless in front of the wedge mark.

Cixian crossed his palms, and the true fire of Samadhi was sucked into the wedge imprint in an instant.

~It really doesn’t work for you?”

All this seems to be within the expectation of Layman Guoxin.

The attack just now seemed to confirm the information he had.

Now it's time for Cixian to attack, and he leaps up.

The two punched and kicked.

They scuffled together, and it was hard to distinguish between equals.

In the fierce martial arts contest, the Shadow Clone of two Guoxin Laymen surrounded Cixian.


Ci Xian also had to get serious.

Raise your hand and shoot three black sticks to kill one quickly.

One of the Shadow Clones turns into smoke.

At the same time, the body becomes smaller to avoid the attack of another Shadow Clone.

Immediately afterwards, the black stick became bigger and inserted into the clone's eyes.

In just an instant, the two Shadow Clones of Layman Guoxin were eliminated.

"You even drew your saber at me, it seems that you (Qian Zhao) are prepared to die!

Ci Xianfei stood on a high place and said lightly.

"I should be the one who said this to you, because Tsutsuki Ishishiki!

Layman Guoxin is arrogant, his face that seems to know everything completely angered Cixian.

Cixian immediately activated the state of wedge imprint.

The whole body exudes the fearsome Chakra.

After shrinking, he instantly moved to the back of Layman Guoxin.

He kicked Layman Guoxin away viciously.

After landing, the layman quickly formed a seal with his hands.

"Earth Style. Huangquan Swamp!"

As if the ground turned into a quagmire, Ci Xian's body was constantly being pulled down.

Trapped him in place.

"It's so boring, you want to catch me just because of this?"

Cixian shrunk his body and quickly escaped from Huangquanma's bondage.

"No, I certainly don't think so."

This is just a cover-up, the real good show is yet to come!.

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