People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 154: Sage Transformation Of Guoxin Layman, ŌTsutsuki Arrives At Konoha!

"Lord Guoxin, your mission has been completed."

"From the moment you forced me out of Ci Xian's body."

The disheveled layman Guo Xin looked very embarrassed.

"That's enough nonsense, let's take it!

But he is still determined and has no intention of retreating.

Step by step towards one step firmly.

He had already made up his mind to die.

At this time, layman Guoxin was not helpless.

He still had one more move to bet on.

I saw layman Guoxin's eyes turning into the word "toad".

"Sage Mode? Humph!

Ishiki saw the change and guessed what he was going to do.

But there was no change in his expression, and he was even very contemptuous.

As Sage Transformation unfolds, red eye shadow appears around the layman's eyes.

Immediately, enter Sage Mode "603".

"Fire Style. Big fire bomb! Right


Without too much nonsense, he opened his mouth and struck with Fire Style.

"Fire Style.Fire Strike!1"

Relying on the cover of the flames, he dodged past and punched hard.

One move instantly catches the fist and shrinks the flames.

Taking advantage of the situation, he punched Jushi Guoxin in the face.

The body was beaten away.

Although Guo Xin Jushi has the bonus of Sage Mode.

But when faced with a complete reincarnation, Ninjutsu and Taijutsu are still far behind.

Rub your feet together to stabilize your body.

Layman Guoxin also realized that the secret technique was a kind of pupil technique.

Need to keep an eye on the target to take effect.


Then his hands merged.

"Sage Art. Five Fire God Flame Fan! 21

The fire was burning wildly.

The super large Fire Style rushed towards Ishiki.

Completely block Yishi's line of sight.

"It's Fierce Fire again, so unoriginal, layman Guoxin!

As Ishiki spoke, he used the pupil technique to continuously shrink the flames.

Take advantage of the gap to reduce the flames.

Guo Xin layman moved his body and decisively moved around.

"Massive Rasengan!"

A super-large Rasengan launches a second wave of attacks from the blind area of ​​​​Ishiki's vision.

"Do you want to be ripped apart or burned? The choice is yours!"

The attack was swift and fierce, and they rushed forward quickly.

When the attack is about to hit.

In one pose, the right eye is closed and opened.


Three stone pillars that had been shrunken before appeared out of thin air.

It hit the layman Guoxin hard.

In an instant, the smoke billowed, and the layman was already crushed under the stone pillar.

His right arm was broken on the spot and his legs could not move.

"The left wrist... and the ribs are all hit? I don't even feel the feet..."

The layman was seriously injured all over his body and could not move.

Yishi explained: "This is a secret technique to summon Mahakala, which can store reduced matter in a static space and call it at any time."

While talking, he took a new piece of clothes from the space and put them on.

Maybe it's because he feels that the current Layman Guoxin is no longer a threat.

He even took out a glass of red wine.

Stand there and taste it leisurely.

"Convenient to take out at any time."

Yishi arrogantly showed off the convenience of this technique to Layman Guoxin.

And mocked that everything Lay Guoxin did was in vain.

Obviously being used by Amado, but still pretending to be willing.

Is this what ninjas do based on their whims?

No, probably not...

Should it just not want to agree with Amador's betrayal?

It's so stupid.

But in a sense, both Yishi and Layman lost to that old fox of Amado.

"What do you want to say to Amador now, I can pass it on for you."

Yishi bent down and listened to Layman Guoxin's last words.

"Say it again? I can't hear you clearly."

"I said...Summoning Technique!"


The steam toad that appeared instantly swallowed Layman Guoxin in one gulp.

He immediately disappeared.

Seeing Layman Guoxin fleeing, he didn't want to waste time on this kind of person.

All of them had no intention of chasing him down.

Finding Kawaki is the top priority.

Then a teleportation time and space door appeared behind him.

Yi Shi's figure slowly disappeared inside.

Konoha interrogation room.

Amado said to everyone:

"With the strength of layman Guoxin, it is impossible to defeat Yishi."

"The only ones who can possibly defeat Yishi are you."

But Naruto wanted to rescue him, after all, he was still fighting!

If we go to support now, maybe we can turn the situation around and develop it in our favor...

"The one who was forced to use Ci Xian's body to reincarnate now only has a life span of two or three days, which means he will definitely come to Konoha to catch Kawaki."

Amado spoke truthfully.

If the village is once invaded and wreaked havoc.

The village will definitely fall into a tragic situation.

Under Amado's suggestion, villagers must be evacuated immediately.

Just when Shikamaru was about to give the order, an impatient voice sounded.

"Looking at how nervous you are, that means that guy named Ishiki will come to Kawaki, right?"

"Isn't that an easy solution? If you don't want Konoha to become a battlefield." 1

"Then I can just take Kawaki and leave. It just so happens that I am impatient to wait.

Everyone turned to look, and it was Kenpachi who spoke.

He yawned as to what tactics and strategies Amado and the others were talking about.

I have long been impatient to hear it.

Why do you think so much, no matter who he is.

"Just let him come to me. I have long wanted to fight with such a strong man!"

After hearing what he said, Naruto's eyes brightened.

Yes, if even we are not sure, maybe this is the safest way.

Having seen too much of Kenpachi's power, Naruto also had great confidence in him.

Amado wanted to say more.

But when Kenpachi insists on taking Kawaki away.

I had no choice but to remain silent.

At this time, Boruto volunteered 0.2 and bravely requested to fight.

Others flatly refused.

"Little brat, just try to practice for a few more years!

Listening to Boruto's cry, Kenpachi refused without hesitation.

Originally, Kenpachi didn't like others to interfere in his battles.

Why are you, a child, making trouble?

Besides, Boruto's strength is comparable to that of Kenpachi.

It is basically a two-dimensional existence.

To be cannon fodder?

Sasuke also stopped him, and Naruto and I were ready to sacrifice at any time.

Obviously Boruto has not yet realized this.

Then Kenpachi grabbed Kawaki with one hand and was about to go outside.

Enemy attack!

At this time, Ino received another urgent contact.

Attention Naruto!

he came!.

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