People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 160: Momoshiki Occupies Boruto, The Awakened ŌTsutsuki Momoshiki!

Naruto's eyes widened.

Lying on the ground, his chest kept rising and falling.

The ferocious attack disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Sasuke and Kawaki also slowly opened their eyes.

Now their hearts are full of doubts.

The attack stopped?

Their backs were soaked with cold sweat from the previous attacks.

His weak body couldn't even move a finger at this moment.

A feeling of survival after a disaster surged into everyone's hearts.

Kenpachi's body stopped in the distance.

The huge Reiatsu no longer explodes either.

The battlefield now became quiet for a moment.

All that was left was the heavy breathing of everyone.


Kenpachi's eyes opened little by little.

Hear movement.

Everyone looked at him with difficulty.

The moment your eyes are fully opened.

Two rays of light shot out.

A strong will emanates from the body.

When making eye contact with everyone.

The emotion of fear arises in everyone's heart.

The moment of sweeping.

That kind of invisible pressure comes out.

Although Kenpachi04 has not released anything at this time.

But Naruto's soul felt trembling.

It seems like the superior is suppressing the inferior.

The scarred body was unable to move, but there was a feeling of crawling on the ground in my heart.

Turning around, he saw that Sasuke and Kawaki looked similar to himself.

Everyone must have felt that strangeness.

That's not a difference in combat power, that's a difference in spiritual level.

"Oops, it turns out Bankai shouldn't have been turned on at all. It's over without feeling anything!"

The voice of annoyance sounded in vain on the quiet battlefield.

Everyone came to their senses.

Kenpachi has returned to his normal state.

"Don't worry. Now that your soul has evolved into a divine soul, you won't lose your mind next time you use the solution."

As if sensing Kenpachi's unhappy mood, the system also issued a prompt.

"Really? That's really good."

Kenpachi was in a good mood after hearing the news.

Seeing the crowd in the distance, he walked over step by step.

Came to the front, squatted down and asked.

"Why are you so miserable? What happened here?"

Everyone calmed down at this time.

Kenpachi, who looked like he didn't know what was happening, was also speechless.

Naruto then told him a series of things that had just happened.

It starts with Kenpachi losing control.

Attacking indiscriminately, this space was almost torn to pieces.

Then send Kawaki over in one form.

He almost succeeded in being reincarnated, but how could he fail?

After Ishiki died, Kenpachi attacked them.

All told.

After hearing what Naruto said, Kenpachi was also a little embarrassed!

After all, they suffered misfortunes because of their own loss of control.

At this moment, Boruto, who had been sleeping just now, rushed over quickly.

A kunai was stabbed straight into Sasuke's left eye.

Just at the critical moment.

Kenpachi gently swung the Zanpakutō in his hand, and slashed at Boruto with a sword.

Forced back his attack.

Both Naruto and Kawaki were frightened by Boruto's sudden attack and looked shocked.

I saw black stripes and horns sprouting from the right side of Boruto's face.

Completely different from usual.

But when he spoke, it was that familiar voice.

"Unexpectedly, you guys really defeated Yishi."

"In this way, the only people who stand in my way are you.

Momo pose after occupying Boruto's consciousness.

Boruto's previous injuries were also gradually healed.

Now Momoshiki can freely use Boruto's body.

Seeing Boruto like this, Kawaki frowned.

He recalled that they had agreed to remove the wedge together.

Defeat the agreement between Cixian and Shell Organization.

At this time, Boruto in front of him is no longer what he used to be.

"One type has been completely eliminated, and you have regained your freedom. You should be very happy!"

Momoshiki looked at Kawaki with a smile.

"Boruto, you can hear me, wake up quickly!"

Kawaki shouted Boruto's name, trying to awaken Boruto's consciousness.

But Momoshiki laughed and said it was a waste of effort.

"I've said it all, stop talking!"

Enraged, Kawaki attacked Momoshiki.

Without a wedge, Kawaki's right hand can still transform into a giant weapon.

Tao style high jump to avoid the back.

Holding the helpless sky, ready to stab Chuanmu on the back.

At the same time, I feel that the thawing of the Chuanmu wedge is progressing very quickly.

At this time, Kenpachi flashed past, kicked Momoshi away, and distanced himself.

"Hey, you are also from the Ōtsutsuki clan!"

"You just ignore me like that?"

Kenpachi's unhappy voice sounded.

Although he lost control, the battle with Yishi was not successful in the end.

But you are too arrogant to ignore me like this!

"You are indeed very powerful, but it shouldn't be that easy to kill me!

Momoshiki, who had just woken up, seemed unaware of the previous battle.

He thought it was through combined force that he finally defeated the first move.

At this time, Kenpachi, who returned to his normal state, did not exude any powerful aura.

Momoshiki didn't pay much attention.

"Then try! Let's do it again.

Kenpachi, who originally lost his mind, did not experience the thrill of fighting.

Now that the Ōtsutsuki suddenly appeared, wouldn't it be just the right time for a fight?

You can also try out how powerful your newly acquired realm is.

The fighting spirit in his eyes began to jump out again.

"Hey, you guy, what do you mean by what you just said?"

Kawaki interrupted the conversation between the two. He seemed particularly concerned about what he just said.

Momoshiki explained to him.

It turns out that even if the mark on Kawaki's body disappears, the thawed Ōtsutsuki data can still remain on Kawaki's body.

And it has been synchronized with Boruto's, and the unfreezing is 80% complete.

In other words, Kawaki can basically be regarded as a Ōtsutsuki now.

Naturally, it can be used as a sacrifice to the sacred tree.

It’s just that the sacred tree will grow slightly smaller.

But it does not prevent the sacred tree from bearing fruit.

It just so happened that I had already obtained the hidden Ten Tails in the previous move.

I want to offer Boruto directly as a sacrifice.

Now Momoshiki can naturally capture Kawaki to sacrifice.

After hearing what Taoshi said, he was furious.

He jumped up and attacked again.

Kawaki and Momoshi didn't take advantage at all in several rounds of competition.

The body was constantly being knocked away.

The entire battle was completely beaten by Tao Shi. .

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