Kenpachi briefly learned about the world through Feiyu.

The people here worship those two gods very much.

Think they brought everything into this world.

So every year, they will pay tribute to the messenger of God.

The offering is a purple ore.

"This is it!"

Looking at the ore in Fei Yu's hand, he felt it when he took it.

It is clear that there is some Chakra in it.

This ore is equivalent to the currency of this world.

And it has the ability to increase the speed of cultivation.

Therefore, whether it is used in trading or self-cultivation, it is an indispensable thing.

This ore is also very useful for those beasts.

Therefore, there will be a large number of beasts wherever the ore is located.

When the strength of these beasts grows to a certain level.

"827" can also issue ninjutsu to attack.

Just like the boa constrictor just now, the average Chūnin simply cannot be defeated.

And the three Feiyu are only at the level of Genin.

Dare to come out to find ore.

Courage is also big enough.

But there is no way, in Fei Yu's narration.

The three of them are just ordinary ninjas.

There is no good talent, and no family.

I want to quickly improve my strength.

I can only come out to find ore by myself.

Several people walked out while chatting.

It didn't take long to reach the edge of the forest.

After identifying the direction, Feiyu set off towards Ninja Village.

The village where he lives is not very big.

There are not many strong people in it.

"Feiyu, you guys are back! Who is this?"

The uncle at the door looked at them enthusiastically.

Also staring at Kenpachi suspiciously.

"This is Master Kenpachi, thank you sir, otherwise we wouldn't be able to come back!"

Before Kenpachi could reply, Feiyu had already said quickly.

The uncle hurriedly asked what was going on.

Fei Yu recounted what happened just now.

Only then did he know that the three of them had sneaked into the forest to look for ore.

"With your strength, you still dare to go to the forest?"

When I heard that they almost died in Shekou.

The uncle wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with his hand.

I was afraid for a while.

Fortunately, Kenpachi made a shot and survived.

The uncle also expressed his gratitude to Kenpachi.

Fei Yu brought Kenpachi to his home.

"My lord, I don't have any good place, so please rest here!"

"Well, it's fine."

It doesn't matter to him, as long as he has a place to stay.

Kenpachi lived here.

Early the next morning.

Kenpachi was awakened by the sound outside the village.

Stand up and walk outside.

There was no one on the street.

Until the entrance to the village, all the villagers are here.

In front of them was a group of people wearing masks.

"Hurry up and hand over all your belongings, or you will all die today.

It turned out that this was a group of bandits who came here to loot some small villages or merchants.

The leader of the group said viciously to the villagers.

The opponent has the strength of Jōnin, no wonder he dared to loot in broad daylight.

The most powerful person in this small village is nothing but Chūnin.

While speaking, a Fire Style ninjutsu came out from his hand.

The fireball instantly burns a villager to ashes.

"You demons!!"

Watching the villagers who were talking and laughing yesterday just die like this.

Fei Yu couldn't bear it anymore.

He rushed towards the bandit leader, and a small fireball condensed in his hand.

call out!

With a strong wave, the fireball went away in response.

But the leader is faster.

With force under the feet, the body disappeared instantly.

In the next second, he appeared in front of Fei Yu.

Lift one foot and kick him flying.

Fei Yu fell heavily to the ground.


Covering his chest, a mouthful of blood spewed from his mouth.

"Fei Yu, don't resist, just give them property.

At this time, the village chief ran over and wiped the injured Feiyu.

He said helplessly, there was nothing he could do.

The village can't stand against the powerful bandits at all.

No more needless sacrifices!

Fei Yu couldn't speak, and could only stare at the leader fiercely with his eyes.

"Since there are still people who are dishonest, don't blame me for taking action!"

The actions just now had angered the leader.

He decided to kill all the people here...

"Fire Style. Bolide!"

With the ninjutsu released by the leader, dozens of huge fireballs appeared above the head.

The villagers were a little desperate, they would all die under such an attack.

The leader looked at everyone with a grin.

With a wave of his hand, the fireball rushed towards the villagers in an instant.

Many people closed their eyes in despair.


After a few seconds.

The villagers opened their eyes one by one.

They did hear the movement, but they didn't even have any scars on their bodies.

what happened?

Did he miss it?

Only Fei Yu, who kept his eyes open, saw it.

The moment the attack is imminent.

An attack rushed out from behind, directly resisting all the fireballs.

His eyes widened.

I already guessed who was coming.

"What are you doing! There was a lot of noise early in the morning."

Everyone looked back.

It was Kenpachi who walked step by step, yawning.

The big knife in his hand also let everyone know that it was Kenpachi who rescued him just now.

"Who are you?"

The leader had a bad premonition in his heart.

The person in front of him actually broke his attack so easily.

You know he is Jōnin!

"You don't need to know who I am, you have to know that you are going to die soon!"

Still that listless look.

"Don't think that you can be arrogant, it's just breaking a Shinobi 2.1!

Kenpachi's gesture completely angered the bandit leader.

Veins popped up on his forehead, and his hands quickly formed seals.

"Fire Style. A sea of ​​fire!"

A Fire Style with a huge range rushed towards Kenpachi in an instant.

The mood of the villagers immediately became tense.

But Kenpachi didn't care.

Take a step forward, pick up the chopping knife and slash forward at will.

A 100-meter-long sword flashed across in an instant.


The pressure of the sword directly sliced ​​through the sea of ​​flames.

The sea of ​​flames collapsed in an instant, and the remaining prestige remained undiminished, rushing straight to the leader.

The attack speed was extremely fast, and it was too late for him to dodge it.

The frightened face seemed to freeze.

In the next second, his body broke in two.

Blood flowed all over the ground.

The scene fell silent for an instant. .

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