People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 181: Entering The Mainland, The First ŌTsutsuki Tribe To Appear!

"Stop, who?"

Kenpachi didn't hide himself either, just walked in so swaggeringly.

Anyway, I came here just looking for the strong to fight.

He can't wait for those people to come.

Save yourself the trouble of finding them.

"Why haven't I seen you, where are you from?"

A small party spotted him as he entered the mainland.

But these people were not from the Ōtsutsuki clan.

But some other races.

The Ōtsutsuki family is already extremely powerful, so there are very few pureblood Ōtsutsuki of their family.

Otherwise the universe would have been full of their people long ago.

So almost all the little things, Ōtsutsuki were done by these slaves.

Under the great power of the Ōtsutsuki clan, these people could not resist at all.

Kenpachi looked at the group of people and felt that the aura was not very strong.

Putting it in the Ninja world is just Jōnin's strength.

Some little ones are too busy talking.

Slowly take out the Zanpakutō with the left hand.

Seeing Kenpachi's movements, the leader also understood that this was the enemy.

"Ready to attack!"

Then get your men ready for battle.

The leader is a murloc with gills on both sides of the mouth.

Although it is on land, it does not affect breathing.

Similar to Kisame from Akatsuki.

Although the murloc leader doesn't know Kenpachi's identity, he is someone who dares to come to the territory of the Ōtsutsuki clan.

Definitely not the weak.

So some tricks are not used.

There are nine people in the team plus the murlocs.

The murloc stood at the front, and the other eight stood in a formation at the rear.

This is a joint attack tactic.

A familiar feeling rises from above.

"Huh? I seem to have seen it somewhere!"

Then Kenpachi remembered, on the planet where Ōtsutsuki Hikari was.

The four gods also used a similar attack technique.

It's just that the envoys are much stronger than their team.

Even if nine people work together, the limit they can achieve is just Kage-level.

There are many people, calendar.

The increase is also so small.

From this point of view.

What they used was just a very low-level augmentation circle.

The murloc team's attack has been condensed.

"Water Style. Big Water Dragon Bomb々々!"

Everyone drank together.

A water dragon tens of meters long rushed out instantly.

Going around in a circle, he opened his mouth and spit out a big water ball towards Kenpachi.

Faced with this kind of attack, Kenpachi is really not interested.

Gently stroke the Zanpakutō in your hand.

The water polo burst instantly.

The scattered drops of water didn't even wet Kenpachi's clothes.

" is it possible?"

The murloc leader had an incredible expression on his face.

The pupils contracted for a while.

Gather the strength of all nine of them.

unleashed attack.

Should have reached Kage-level.

Why is it broken so easily.

Everything in front of them seemed to exceed their comprehension.

Kenpachi then raised the knife in his hand.

Pull sideways.

A sword flew out.

Before they could react, the nine of them were cut off in the middle.

Didn't even have time to make a sound.

He has already died in Huangquan.

Put away Zanpakutō and continue walking towards the center of the continent.

Not long after, we came to a plain.

Suddenly, Kenpachi stopped.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

He felt a group of people coming towards him.

Immediately stop moving forward, waiting for these people to come.

He looked into the distance with interest.

It didn't take long.

The dark spots in the distance gradually become larger, slowly.

A group of people appeared in front of Kenpachi.

One of the first to bear the brunt was a member of the Ōtsutsuki clan.

"Has the Ōtsutsuki clan finally appeared?"

As he thought to himself, his eyes gradually became hot.

The leader has a distinct Ōtsutsuki sign.

You can tell it's Ōtsutsuki at a glance.

Has a pair of white eyes, wearing a white robe.

In this continent, except for the Ōtsutsuki clan, it is forbidden to wear white clothes.

He is the master of this territory.

Ōtsutsuki Kozuki!

"Who are you? You killed my team?"

As soon as Kozuki came up, he questioned Kenpachi with a superior attitude.

Kenpachi thought about the murloc team before.

It seems that there is some special notification device, otherwise how would these people know that they killed them.

In fact, the slaves on this continent.

Devices around their necks.

One function is to control their actions, once they find someone wants to escape.

The Ōtsutsuki clan in charge of this slave can detonate the device around their neck with a single thought.

And another effect is when a slave dies.

His master can know the first time.

So the moment Kenpachi killed them, Ōtsutsuki Kozuki sensed it.

Fighting among slaves was forbidden on the mainland.

The meaning of their existence is to serve the Ōtsutsuki clan on the mainland.

So when Kozuki found out that someone broke the rules.

Just come and see what is so bold.

After asking the question, Kozuki finally noticed.

There are no controls on Kenpachi's neck.

That is.

He is not a slave on the mainland, but an invader.

Thinking of this, he actually laughed instead.

For many years, relying on the strength of the race, they wantonly plundered the living planets in the universe.

Others who have heard the names of their clan.

Wish I never saw them.

Unexpectedly, someone would dare to come to their territory now.

Kozuki has to sigh that he is really courageous!

"`~Yeah! I killed it."

Kenpachi readily admitted it.

Seeing such a relaxed answer to (Nuolihao) Fang, Kozuki immediately felt angry in his heart.

To be so arrogant, he seems to be a fool!

Then don't blame him for taking action.

Kozuki's body twisted.

Slowly disappeared in place.

The next second, Kenpachi appeared behind him.

At the same time, he held a long gun tightly in his hand.

He stabbed Kenpachi hard in the back.


The sound of collision sounded.

The scene of soaring blood did not appear in my mind.

A huge weapon that firmly blocked the spear's attack.

Kozuki's pupils shrank and his body retreated instantly.


He didn't see Kenpachi move at all.

When his attack is about to succeed.

Zanpakutō suddenly appeared and blocked the attack.

Kozuki put away the contempt in his heart, he already understood that the man in front of him was not a small role!.

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