The remaining prestige of the final attack is not much left.

If it is a strong person at the same level as Kozuki appears.

Blocking is also a matter of course.

Kenpachi didn't care about that.

All he wanted to do now was to fight another fierce battle with this strong man who had just arrived.

The purple-black cover slowly disappeared.

The figures of the two gradually appeared.

One of them had the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe in his eyes.

It was just Kozuki.

At this moment, he was in tatters.

The Chakra~ all over his body is almost exhausted.

Get down on one knee on the ground.

The corner of the mouth is still going on - oozing blood.

With his right hand covering his chest, he gasped heavily.

His weapon, the spear, had long since fallen from his hand.

Randomly dropped not far away.

And the person beside him is also vigilant at this time.

Kenpachi looked up and down.

The person's appearance is extremely similar to Kozuki.

He remembered that the Ōtsutsuki clan almost always acted in groups of two.

Presumably the Ōtsutsuki member who just arrived here is a partner with Kozuki.

"Kozuki, are you okay! Eat this."

While talking, the man took out a few pills from his side and gave Kozuki to take them.

Kenpachi recognized it immediately, it was the Chakra elixir.

Kozuki swallowed it in one gulp, chewing.

Kozuki who took the elixir began to recover.

The wounds on his body are beginning to heal, and Chakra is recovering quickly.

In just a few seconds.

Kozuki came here without any serious problems except for being a little embarrassed.

"Dark Moon, be careful, this man named Kenpachi is strong!"

After recovering, Kozuki said to Dark Moon with a solemn face.

It turned out that the two of them were more than just partners.

Also twins born together.

The person who came was the older brother of the two.

Ōtsutsuki. Dark Moon!

Of course An Yue would not underestimate him, someone who could easily defeat his younger brother.

He certainly didn't underestimate Kenpachi in his heart.

And judging from the energy fluctuations that broke out on Kenpachi.

None of their brothers are rivals.

Kozuki stretched out his hand, and the spear on the ground disappeared instantly.

In the next second, it was already available again.

At the same time, Dark Moon drew his weapon.

With the circulation of Chakra, the aura that erupted from An Yue rose to the sky.

Even stronger than his own brother Kozuki.

Two crescent-shaped blades slowly appeared in his hands.

"Let's go together, let me see your history!"

Faced with the two going up together, Kenpachi showed no fear.

On the contrary, the fanatical fighting spirit in his eyes was even higher.


He raised his head to the sky and roared excitedly.

Reiatsu in the body explodes again.

This time, stronger than before.

Even in the face of two people, the momentum is not inferior.

Seeing this scene, Kozuki looked even more incredible.

"He still has hidden strength?"

Face off against the inferno-like Kenpachi.

Although there is fear in my heart, but when my brother stands by my side.

Confidence appeared in his eyes again.

They have practiced together since childhood, plus the twins' natural telepathy.

When the two of them are combined together, the combat power that can be erupted.

It is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

With the cooperation of all aspects, their combined combat power has increased geometrically.

No matter how strong Kenpachi is, he believes that he will be defeated by the two brothers.

Kozuki and Dark Moon exchanged glances.

The body flashed and burst out.

Kenpachi watched as the two attacked.

In the same way, exert force on your feet and step out with one foot.

The ground sank, spreading with a wave of air under the feet.

Kenpachi's body disappeared in place.

next moment.

The two sides have collided together.

The two brothers attacked back and forth.

Zanpakutō in Kenpachi's hand slashed hard, and Kozuki was sent flying.

Not waiting for him to take action.

The two moon blades at the back have already cut down towards the back of the neck.

He suddenly lowered his head and spun around, taking advantage of the trend.

Then he kicked towards An Yue fiercely.

One miss, hands crossed.

Moonblade resisted the kick, but the powerful force made him retreat a hundred meters in an instant.

Gradually, Kenpachi was under the attack of both.

Even slightly disadvantaged.

Under the joint attack of Kozuki and Anyue, the strength has surpassed the former Ōtsutsuki style.

Continue to cooperate with each other and miss a single hit.

Another attack quickly followed.

With this cooperation, Kenpachi is also struggling to cope.

Although the opponent could not break through his defense.

0…Please give me flowers…

But he can't do any damage to Dark Moon and Kozuki either.

The physical skills of the two have already reached their peak.

Coupled with years of combined attack and cooperation.

Even Kenpachi had trouble figuring out how to deal with it for a while.

Simply don't think about it, just slash with all your strength!

As time goes by.

The Kozuki and Darkmoon brothers noticed that Kenpachi's attacks were getting stronger and stronger.

Such a long fight.

Not only did it not consume his physical strength, but he felt more and more courageous as he fought.

Clang! Clang!

Once again the two sides staggered.

The Kozuki dark moon erupted at the same time, and a large amount of Chakra quickly condensed.

A purple-black knife light and a golden spear appeared in the sky.

They know they can't drag on any longer.

Not only did the constant fighting not consume much of Kenpachi's strength.

On the contrary, the Chakra consumption of the two is getting bigger and bigger.

If things go on like this, are they the ones being dragged to death?

Although unbelievable, they still decided to attack with all their strength.

At the same time, in a temple deep in the mainland.

A pair of deep eyes suddenly opened, exuding a frightening light.

It seems that even the soul will be lost in it just by looking at it.

And the direction the eyes are looking at is exactly where Kenpachi and the others are.

Even if it is still far away, it can't stop the observation of these eyes!

on the battlefield.

It almost became a place of death.

There is violent energy everywhere.

Casually revealing a wisp of it can shatter boulders.

The energy at the center is even bigger and violent.

As soon as Kozuki's and Anyue's attacks were condensed, they began to move toward each other.

Until the moment of contact.

There was no explosion.

Instead, the two forces of light and darkness are constantly merging.

The completely different attributes are crazily blending into each other at this moment.

Gradually, a huge energy ball with colorful Madara appeared before Kenpachi's eyes.

This is the strongest joint attack technique of the two.

"Chaos and dead silence!"

Combining the power of two people, the power that the energy ball can erupt can almost easily destroy a planet.

That is, the continent of the Ōtsutsuki family is hard enough.

Otherwise, the ordinary planet would have already been shattered. .

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