People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 190: The Death Of Twelve Tribesmen, The Final Confrontation Between ŌTsutsuki Tenshi And Ken

There was panic in everyone's eyes.

Was it so easy to get rid of one person?

The speed just now was too fast.

Other than Tian Shi, the others didn't react at all.

"Besides Tianshi, you are too weak."

Listen to Kenpachi's arrogant words.

Everyone looked at him angrily.

Then the battle started again.

Tian Shi rushed forward, raised the Short Sword and chopped it down with all his might.


Zanpakutō easily blocked the attack.

next second.

A stick stabbed rapidly from behind.

It was a clansman who used space ability to attack from the side.

at the same time.

A beam of light also followed.

Kenpachi bounced off the Ten-style forcefully, and his body moved instantly.

Ultimate dodged the oncoming attack.

Before everyone could react, one hand grabbed the clansman holding the stick.

Seeing Kenpachi attacking, the clansman hurriedly wanted to open the space and escape.

But how can his speed be as fast as 04 Kenpachi.

Just as he was about to take action, he grabbed onto the stick.

He clenched his hands tightly and waved them around fiercely.

The three tribesmen who were about to rescue ran into each other head-on.

The attack was too late to retract.

It hit heavily on the body of the clansman who was used as a weapon.

The huge energy instantly tore him apart.

Just as the soul was about to take action, Zanpakutō flicked across it lightly.

A clansman died again.

Tianshi felt bad in his heart.

In just a few fights, they lost two clansmen.

But we have already taken action, so we can only continue.

Six of them stood in a circle.

The Chakra in his body exploded crazily, and a complex magic circle appeared instantly under his feet.

Chakra of the six keeps unleashing fusion.

Under the influence of the magic circle.

Produced its terrifying amplitude effect.

The huge Madara energy ball renders the surrounding area into strange colors.

Under the terrifying energy explosion, air waves once again blew past the slave in the distance.

This time, all the slaves died under this breath.

At the same time, Rinnegan was in the hands of the formula again.

White rays are injected into it.

The already huge energy boiled again.

Such an attack made Kenpachi feel in danger.

Then his body exploded again.

Bankai, craftsman!

After a quick transformation, the majestic Reiatsu gathered.

It has been condensed and formed in a very short period of time.


A roar resounded, and the palms were pressed hard.

He swung it in the direction of the six people.

This time.

Kenpachi waved his arms one after another, one knife after another.

The twelve sword pressures carried violent energy fluctuations and rushed away at extremely fast speeds.

The joint attack here has also been prepared.


The six people used their strength at the same time to push out the energy ball that condensed all their chakra.


in a blink.

The energy ball collided with the first sword pressure.

The moment the sword collided, it was pushed back.

But just as the energy ball continued to move forward.

The subsequent sword pressure has already followed.

One after another bombarded the front of the previous one.

And the rapid fusion bursts out with stronger power.

Boom! Boom!

With the integration of the last sword pressure.

It seemed like the straw that broke the camel's back.

The energy ball began to retreat.

From the beginning it was extremely slow until it was completely cut back.

The speed has been brought to extremely fast speed by the fused sword pressure.

The six weak people were unable to escape.

He could only watch helplessly as his attack came along with Kenpachi's attack.

next second.

He was enveloped by the energy explosion coming straight towards him.

The hurricane caused by the explosion forced Tenshiki and Kenpachi to block their sight with their hands.

Not for a while.

The explosion finally disappeared.

As the smoke dissipated, the situation at the center of the explosion was also revealed to everyone.

The six members of the Ōtsutsuki clan had long been wiped out.

With their strength, they simply could not withstand an explosion of this magnitude.

What's more, the Chakra in the body has already been exhausted.

Weak, they already understood their fate the moment the energy hit them.

At this time, eight members of the Ōtsutsuki clan had died.

The situation on the field is getting more and more serious.

Tian Shi clearly understood in his heart that if this continued, they would all stay here.

Then his thoughts went towards the remaining four people.

The other four people looked at each other.

The whole body began to glow with red light.

The four of them jumped at the same time.

He quickly rushed towards Tianshi's location.

On the way forward, the body gradually turned into four red fruits.

It is exactly the method of the Ōtsutsuki clan, when they encounter a powerful enemy again.

Subordinates must unconditionally contribute their strength to their superiors.

Tianshi grabbed the fruit, put it in his mouth and chewed it for a while.

Nibbling quickly, the fruit will be eaten completely in no time.

Immediately, a huge amount of Chakra erupted from Tianshi's body.

The white air flow surrounded him tightly.


There was a loud bang.

The surrounding Chakra exploded to the surroundings instantly.

The generated air wave will once again clean up the already messy battlefield.

Tianshi's figure slowly appeared in front of Kenpachi's eyes.

At this time, he had devoured four tribesmen.

997 Breath has surpassed Kozuki and Dark Moon.

His appearance also changed greatly.

Same as what Kenpachi encountered before.

A new Rinnegan will evolve into the forehead of any Ōtsutsuki that devours its people.

Black stripes began to appear on his body.

With a slight wave of the Short Sword in his hand, a stream of light cut a huge crack in the earth.

"I don't think you have any doubts about such power?"

"But for making my Ōtsutsuki clan lose so many people, I should praise you!"

"But that's it for you!"

Having just finished his evolution, Tianshi felt the power contained in his body.

The fear of Kenpachi gradually dissipated in his eyes.

The powerful power brought him endless confidence.

"Your fighting style is really weird!"

"But this is the only way to be presentable! Come on, let's continue!

Kenpachi is no longer surprised by the Ōtsutsuki clan's fighting style of devouring their own clan.

Powerful enemies are exactly what he's after.

This will make fighting more enjoyable!

The two of them each have their own self-confidence and compete with each other.

After going through the previous warm-up exercise.

Then the battle between Tenshiki and Kenpachi officially begins!.

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