Chapter 228 Sneak Attack

At this time, the Seventh Elder suddenly felt the pain on his forehead, and couldn't help screaming. He really didn't expect that Kenpachi would dare to do so in front of so many people.

He dared to lay a black hand on himself like this, and he really didn't expect that Kenpachi would dare to provoke all of them like this.

For people like them, this is really unbelievable. At this time, the Seventh Elder pointed at Kenpachi and said loudly to him.

"Kenpachi, what do you mean by that? You're sowing discord here, you're doing it all of a sudden,- what are you trying to do?

Do you really think there is nothing we can do about you? We are just following our ancestors. he made - the rules to do

Not all of us are here to be afraid of you. I tell you, if you dare to continue treating me like this again, don't blame me for being rude.

It's not that I can't beat you, it's not that I can't fight anymore, it's just that I can't do anything about you, and you dare to shout in front of us like this, then don't blame us for attacking you. "

Kenpachi looked at the Seventh Elder's forehead, and was lightly tapped by himself, as if he had a red dot on his forehead, like a boy, he couldn't help laughing and stretched out his hand to look at him In this way, he smiled at everyone and said.

"You people are so much fun, why are you here to play this game with me? If you want to play, let's play together.

Don't you people think that your ancestors made you dare not do anything to me, so you can bear us so much, so now I let you fight with me, it's okay.

Don't think too high of yourself, and don't think too much of yourself. To me, you are just little ones.

I don't want to have the same knowledge as you, I don't want to really hurt you, for you Ōtsutsuki clan, you people can be regarded as capable.

They are proud of these people, but if you are so stubborn, then don't blame me for being rude. "

0...ask for flowers‥

These people outside the temple never thought that Kenpachi dared to shout like this, and they also didn't expect that Kenpachi's sudden attack on the Seventh Elder "just made him look like a New Year's doll .

And seeing the appearance of the Seventh Elder, everyone couldn't help laughing, although there wasn't much taunting in their laughter.

But to the Seventh Elder, it seemed like a great insult, expressing his grief and indignation.

After the Seventh Elder looked at the crowd, he glared at Kenpachi directly, and then hit him directly, but his energy was not as strong as Kenpachi.

But being able to become an elder of the Ōtsutsuki clan is also a very honorable thing, and it also shows that his ability is very powerful. "Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to become this elder.

"Kenpachi made you here yelling at me to make you so sorry, I let you get so much blood on my face, I must let you know the consequences.".

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