At this time, when a clansman saw Yuan Shi, he knelt there suddenly and asked bitterly.

"Patriarch Yuanshi, do you really want us? We have worked so hard on this land. We are working so hard for you big bad wolf clan, why don't you want us this time?

After we were plundered from our own planet by you, we have no home to return to. If you really don’t want us this time, what should we do?

Patriarch Yuanshi, can you please give us an accurate statement? Otherwise, we people really have no face to stay on this planet~.

You see, there are so many other tribesmen and others. People of all races, they used to be servants of your big bad wolf clan.

But now that our collar is gone, what do you think we should do? Can we really be your servants?"

It's really hard to say anything about this man's questioning style, after all, this kind of thing is the mistake of their whole big bad wolf clan.

And they used to get such a collar for these slaves in order to be able to clearly understand where they are.

But now it seems that the role that this collar can play is no longer needed at this time.

And these slaves didn't have any at all. The meaning of wanting to leave their big bad wolf clan really made his seventh elder feel a little unimaginable.

Originally, he thought that these slaves were all yearning for freedom, but now it seems that they are all yearning for this kind of comfortable life.

Although people worked hard, they were able to survive in the end, which was enough.

"You man, how can you kneel and kneel, get up quickly, our Ōtsutsuki clan are not so unreasonable, you have been in this place for many years

You are also familiar with the distribution of the territory of the whole wolf family, since you still want to be our slaves, then you should do what you want.

On weekdays, you can do whatever you want. Although there is no restriction on you by this collar, I think it is enough if you can do your part well.

0…Please give me flowers…

And those of us won't criticize you any more than before, isn't that enough?"

Yuan Shi's words immediately made those who feel that they have no love in life. All of a sudden they have found their way of being alive.


And it can be seen that these people really want to get such a job, and they really didn't expect them to feel bursts of joy because of such a thing.

"Master Patriarch, is what you said true? Can we really continue to stay in this place? That would be really great.

We don't know where our own mother has gone now, and we don't know our own planet, whether we can still accept us to stay in this place now.

We are really grateful to the patriarch for your kindness in taking us in. Don't worry, we will work hard to repay you. "


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