Kenpachi walked towards the temple as he spoke. He knew that no matter how many words he said to humiliate him, this ancestor would never come out to meet him.

Maybe this so-called ancestor is long gone, and all of this may be his own original god who is watching over the big bad wolf clan. Otherwise, how could he have never had one for so many years? Have you ever seen such a person?

Kenpachi slowly walked into the temple. As soon as he entered the temple, there was a spacious hall.

Eighteen Optimus Prime. Hold the entire hall.

It also supports an arc-shaped ceiling.

Kenpachi saw a high position in the hall, which should be the place where he often entertained the members of the Big Bad Wolf tribe.

Now the entire hall is empty, there is no sound at all, and a slight cough can echo throughout the entire hall.

Looking at the huge door open next to him, it was like a huge mouth waiting for Kenpachi to enter.

Kenpachi walked through the entire hall and arrived at the door. Seeing that there was no light inside the open door, Kenpachi couldn't help but feel a little curious.

After all, he is also a person who has started over, and he really feels particularly happy about these things.

After walking into the door, there was a long corridor. Kenpachi walked slowly in according to his feeling. Suddenly, there was a burst of light in front of him. Kenpachi could see, "Many torches have been lit in Shiwei.

A winding corridor appeared in front of him. Kenpachi then walked inside, going deeper and deeper. Kenpachi could feel that this hall was actually a palace deep underground.

Keep going down the spiral steps. Finally reaching the bottom of the steps, Kenpachi looked at the place where there was a foot door. After gently pushing it open, the light inside made his eyes dazzle.

After slowly waiting for his eyes to adapt, he could see the whole room clearly, not to mention that it was really magnificent. There were many boxes piled around the room.

It's just that now the lids on the boxes have been opened, and bursts of soft light from the jewelry are emitted. At this time, it blends with the light emitted by the surrounding lights, and some are very dazzling.

0…ask for flowers……

"Young man, are you satisfied with this meeting gift I gave you? I tell you that I have worked hard to prepare these things for you. Shouldn't you be grateful to me?


Let's see if you like these things. I have really paid a big price for these things. You can be resurrected early this time.

I have heard the news, and I know that a person like you is a very strong person, and you really want to be confirmed by everyone.

And your character is already like this, so during this period I really have already. I have put in a lot of effort just to gain your common sense.

Have you seen it? I have worked hard to prepare these things for you. Don’t be dissatisfied. Your coming here can be regarded as part of my plan. I really didn’t expect you to come. After that, I defeated so many people. ".

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