And when Kenpachi saw him like this, he really felt very funny. A person like him can be so dazed in his own small world, which shows that he is not a person with real value. people of strength.

And my own small world is actually a piece of tranquility and peace. Any creature, after entering there, will slowly change its xinxing.

At the same time, in that small world, what can really make people feel is actually some of his other functions. If the ancestor of the Ōtsutsuki family can continue to rest in that small world.

Or stay there for a longer period of time, after the toxins on his face have been slowly nourished by all the aura in the small world, it can directly dissolve those toxins.

It's just that at this time, it is absolutely impossible for Kenpachi to tell such a secret to the ancestor of the Ōtsutsuki clan.

And now Kenpachi saw that the elevator at the bottom had stopped there directly, and a small door had appeared beside it, Kenpachi felt very curious, so he walked along the

The rope that he came up just now jumped directly to the ground.

In fact, the male Kenpachi is really a man with obsessive-compulsive disorder, forcing himself to practice constantly every day, forcing himself to practice in this way of killing.

He, Kenpachi, is destined to never be an ordinary person in this life, and the character he set up in this life has already been spent in constant killing

Even if he, Kenpachi, wants to gradually change such a personality, such an idea cannot be realized in the short term.

After Kenpachi came down, he saw that a small door next to him had been opened. After Kenpachi walked directly into this small door, suddenly (aebh) the light in front of him was much brighter.

Looking at all the activities around him, Kenpachi's eyes lighted up after it was already burning, and he could feel that the water element in this place is really too abundant at this time.

That's right, the whole room is like a sea of ​​king yang, and Kenpachi in the whole room seems to be stepping in the water after entering, and everything he sees in front of his eyes is a land of water.

At this time, Kenpachi seemed to be bathed in the sea, but in this way, there was not even a little sound in the sea.

For him, Kenpachi, how can this be believed? Slowly walking forward, Kenpachi felt that his feet were able to glide freely in the water.

Kenpachi didn't know whether these were hallucinations, or he himself had really entered the sea, anyway, being in this place made him feel confused for a while.

Slowly, he could feel that the small door at this time had been closed long ago, and he, Kenpachi, could also feel that the water [had] slowly and directly penetrated into his calf bit by bit. . thigh.

Then he can feel himself slowly, as if he has really entered the sea, but at this time he can still breathe freely in this water.

All of this has violated many, many laws of nature. .

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