Kenpachi didn't continue to pay attention to the feeling of the octopus prince, but directly left the small foot door and walked in slowly. At this time, he could feel that the more he walked in, the more he felt the waves The heat wave hit.

As he walked further in, Kenpachi felt a fiery red glow in front of his eyes. And the temperature is getting higher and higher, which makes me feel sweaty as soon as I take a step.

At this time, Kenpachi really felt that if he took another step forward. People would really be roasted to death by such a fire.

It's just that there is only such a road in this place. If he, Kenpachi, doesn't go forward, if he wants to go back, he doesn't know when and where he will be able to get out of this temple.

Walking forward with difficulty, after Kenpachi got through the most difficult days at the beginning, he felt that the fires seemed to be playing a joke on him.

At the beginning, those fires were really too fierce, but now these little fires are no longer attacking him as violently as at the beginning, and small flames jump out of the sun from time to time to tease Kenpachi there.

And he, Kenpachi, no longer felt as exhausted as he did at first, and he looked at those naughty ones. Little Huo Miao can also feel their kindness.

But this time Kenpachi seemed to be in front of a huge magma, and the entire front was a huge volcanic magma. (aedi)

And the lava was bubbling in front of Kenpachi.

Kenpachi took another step forward and was about to fall into the magma.

Looking left and right, he didn't see any way to go out, which also made him a little surprised. You must know that such a place, whether it is real or an illusion, is a practice for Kenpachi.

And only after defeating all of this, can Kenpachi himself be able to leave this temple. This is an insight that Kenpachi had in the huge ocean.

At this time, suddenly there was a large ball of magma coming out of the crater. He jumped out directly, and at this time, an extremely ugly animal rushed in front of Kenpachi.

I saw that this animal was covered in fire, with barbs growing on its body, and pointed tentacles on its head. Strong limbs.

Kenpachi looked at such a small animal, and the name "Fire Kirin" suddenly popped into his mind.

At this time, suddenly a sound came from Kenpachi's brain waves, which surprised him.

Why can I feel the brain waves of various animals after I come to this place? Could it be that I have become the same kind as them?

"Where did you come from, human being? Why are you able to come to my territory? Let me tell you, this is my territory.

It is absolutely impossible for you to stay in this place. This is not a place that you humans can tolerate. Get out of here quickly.

Kenpachi was stunned for a moment, looking at the fire unicorn in front of him. It seemed that he wanted to verify his thoughts, but at this time, the fire unicorn glared at Kenpachi, sprayed a stream of flames from his mouth, and said angrily to Kenpachi.

"What do you look at, and then look at it, I'm begging you for your eyes and making you look at me.

I hate it when people stare at me like this. "

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