Already trembling with fright, he also felt particularly curious. There are not many races in such a place, and there are not many foreign creatures in such a place.

They are all the original small races. They have been in this place for many years, and they have been collected by themselves little by little.

Now they have recuperated in this place, and they have become the overlord of this place for so many years.

And the ancestor of the Ōtsutsuki family should be regarded as an alien species in this place. If it is really bullied, it is actually justifiable~.

But looking at him like this, Kenpachi really felt very interesting, he clearly knew what kind of race he put in it.

At the same time, he also clearly knows that those races in this place are not able to bully people casually.

It seems that there are really some stories in it, otherwise, how could the ancestor of the Ōtsutsuki clan be so wronged when he saw himself, Kenpachi stretched out his arms and said to him.

"What's wrong with this? Isn't this the ancestor of the Ōtsutsuki clan? Why has it become like this now? Do you know?

As far as you are now, if the family you brought back knew about it, what would they look like? Look at your current virtue.

I am also really curious, what kind of person can bully you like this, I am really curious now.

Take me to take a look, what kind of person is able to bully you like this, looking at your virtue, "It's really hard for me to imagine how you created the Ōtsutsuki clan in the first place of.

Looking at your virtue, it's really hard for me to imagine how a person like you can cry so much, shouldn't you use all your strength to fight them?

Why can't you treat it with such a mentality. What about those people, why do you cry so much when you see me?

Do you know, even if I see you in your current state, there is absolutely no way I can help you in this way.

0...asking for flowers...

The last thing I want to see is a weak person like you, and the last thing I want to see is a person like you who can only cry when something happens. "

The ancestor of the Ōtsutsuki family felt that he was really wronged at this time. After being brought here, everything went wrong, when he thought he had become the ancestor of the Ōtsutsuki family.


He can achieve the respect he deserves in any place, but when he came to this space, he really found that everything needs to be done by himself.

Even some simple things like eating, drinking, and lazing need to be done by yourself, and his previous spells and abilities can't be used in this place.

Even if he wants to eat something himself, he has to go hunting in person, and how can he talk to Kenpachi about all these grievances.

It must be something that he is ashamed of, and if such a thing is said, he will find it particularly unbelievable. .

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