The legacy continent? Kenpachi found it hard to believe himself, why did he end up in this place?

Moreover, such a continent was really difficult for him to understand, not to mention that he had never seen the birdman he saw.

"Hello, are you an aborigine here? What do you do here? I entered this place by mistake. I want to leave here, can you tell me what I should do?"

The birdman retracted his wings, fluttered them twice and turned into a handsome man.

"Are you a foreigner? We have never had a foreigner come to this place for many, many years.

It’s really interesting. Don’t you have wings? How did you come to this place? Everyone in our place has wings.

If you don't even have wings, you can't move anywhere in our place. Did you see it? Everyone in our place has a pair of wings. We can spread our wings wherever we want to go. "

Kenpachi looked at the birdman's outstretched wings. It is a full five or six meters long, and its huge wings can also carry people flying.

Kenpachi slowly walked up to the birdman, stretched out his hand and stroked his feathers.

"Oh my God, your feathers are so beautiful. Why have I never seen such beautiful feathers before? Who are you?

Can you tell me what race you people are? When I came here outside, I really felt particularly surprised, and I was really curious about being in a place like this. "

Birdman put away his feathers again, and when he went back and looked at Kenpachi, he found it very hard to believe why there was someone in this world who really looked different from them.

At this time, Birdman directly pulled Kenpachi and stroked him continuously. Looking at his back, he really didn't stretch out his wings, and then he felt particularly shocked.

"My God, you are really a person without wings. Our ancestors said before that if we people want to get out of this place.

To return to our original planet, we must see a man without wings on this road. All of us, the bird people, have been waiting silently for so many years.

Just to be able to return to our ancient hometown. Now that we have seen you, our hope of returning to our hometown will really become greater and greater, and at this time we should really thank you 710 for being able to come to our place.

We don't know how you can go back. Let's do this. You follow me and return to our group. In this case, the elders in our clan.

Their knowledge is very profound. They can help you, and they can also help me. You can see if it works. "

Kenpachi really tried his best to get out of here. He nodded towards the birdman. At this time, he saw that the birdman had squatted down, pointing at the pair of wings growing out of his back, Kenpachi said.

"Come up here and I'll carry you."

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