"Kenpachi, I was wrong. I know that what I just said to you did make you feel that I have no strength, but I really didn't do it on purpose.

"I just hope that you can think about it carefully. I don't plan to tell others about this matter. That's because in my mind, I have always regarded you as my good friends."

"Looking at it now, if you really don't have any other unexpected situations, can you go out with me and have a look?"

After hearing this, Kenpachi could only temporarily agree. At this time, Naruto and the others also followed him. When they went out to face this situation, they often still hoped to stand with Kenpachi.

After all, if there is any problem in this magical palace, then it will probably be very bad. In addition, there is already a huge rift between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder.

It is estimated that there will be no complaints. Could it be that the other end of this dry land is the Kingdom of Thunder?

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became. I could only go out and take a look. When Kenpachi and Naruto came to the dry well together, before Kenpachi could say anything, Naruto stretched out a hand, and then he Speak to Kenpachi.

"Wait a minute! Let me go over and take a look!"

Kenpachi quickly grabbed him and shook his head.

"What are you going to do? Let me tell you, this kind of thing cannot be solved by one person. You must be more careful!"

Naruto nodded heavily and then went straight over. When he came to the cave again, he felt that there were indeed ten kinds of electric magnetic fields and a strong suction here.

If it really sucks anyone into it, then in the end I'm afraid it will become like a blender and turn that person into pieces.

All of this was Naruto's fantasy when he first came to the wellhead, but when he closed his eyes and could see it all, he was basically certain that his sixth sense was very accurate.

He hurried back and looked like he was short of breath. Then he took two deep breaths, and Kenpachi quickly said to him.


"Are you okay? Don't scare me. What's wrong?"

0…ask for flowers………

"Is there anything unexpected happening next to the wellhead? Why did it scare you like this?"

Naruto quickly dusted himself off, then pretended that nothing happened, stood up, and said to him.

"Kenpachi, don't get excited. I've seen everything over there clearly. In fact, there is nothing special inside the well. It's just that the position beside the well seems to have been cast by someone else with the Revolving Heaven Eye Technique."

"I think this should be your own specialty, but even with Infinite Tsukuyomi, I don't think it would be possible to solve this matter so easily."

"I hope you can think carefully about the next thing. If you go to find trouble with him by yourself, then you must remember to take me with you. I am willing to be your divine assistant!"

After hearing this, Kenpachi nodded with satisfaction. He guessed that what Naruto said was correct. However, if this matter were to get out and more people knew about it, there would probably be no good results. .

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