Then this is very likely to become even more tragic, which really made Kenpachi feel a little unwilling in his heart, he said to Bai Xiaoyu with a slight smile.

"Nihongya is your childhood sweetheart, and now even Uha Sasuke can't stand it anymore, and she took the initiative to stand up and want to avenge Nihongya, don't you have any thoughts of your own over there?"

In fact, Kenpachi's idea is very simple, that is, he hopes to have a good communication with them. Now it seems that many problems have exceeded their expectations.

Even Kenpachi himself didn't know how to explain it. He just hoped to choose a suitable opportunity. It seemed that this matter had brought them a lot of pressure.

But this is not the most important thing to Kenpachi, he just hopes to make it clear to those people earlier, maybe if this continues for a long time, their relationship will become more sad.

But it still made Kenpachi feel a little helpless in his heart.

He deliberately said this to promote Bai Xiaoyu's current thinking, and he also knew that Bai Xiaoyu's state was different from others,

If there were some disputes with others at this time, then this matter might become more tragic, but Bai Xiaoyu was finally aroused by Kenpachi to anger from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay Kenpachi, I think what you said is very reasonable, so let's go together, I always feel that this situation may be different from others,"

"My thoughts are not much different from yours, I just hope that I can explain it clearly to other people earlier, maybe you don't understand my feelings now.

"Ni Hongya is my closest person, this time I hope to kill One Tail Wild Crane as soon as possible, since there are so many of you now, then I ask you to take care of Chong Hongya for me.

"He has just been subjected to his vicious demon magic. I don't think this number of people may be able to survive. I hope you all can take care of her for me!"

After saying these words, Bai Xiaoyu suddenly disappeared by himself, and when he reappeared in front of One Tail Wild Crane, he was also stunned.

Because One Tail Yehe has always felt that the technique of writing spirits that he just used just now can be said to be quite proud. How could you be so easily discovered by others.

But it never occurred to him that this Bai Xiaoyu would be so powerful, and quickly found his hiding place within three minutes.

* `~Bai Xiaoyu, just think about it carefully, are you the stupidest among these people? Let me tell you, now I am hiding in this place. "

"It stands to reason that it is impossible for someone to find me. The most important thing is that even Kenpachi and the others already know my hiding place."

"They won't come over and tell me, because each of them knows very well that my state is different from yours, and every word I say now means that there is a certain connection between the two of us." .

"If you can't even deal with such a trivial matter, then I think Bai Xiaoyu is really stupid, and then they will just treat you like cannon fodder.

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