“If it continues like this.

"It may make our relationship more sad, but the issues I just thought about will indeed cause some suspicion on us."

Thinking of this, Kenpachi suddenly felt a little strange. He knew that this was definitely not a simple matter, but at this time Kenpachi had already made a new discovery. He knew that this was definitely not a problem that anyone could change. .

But the crux of the problem is not because of this, but because the relationship between them has indeed changed a lot because of this.

Maybe this is a very embarrassing thing in itself, but no one knows why this situation suddenly happened at this time. It seems that this is really not a problem that one person can understand.

Shikagemaru still felt very happy. He smiled silently and stood up, walked a few steps in the direction of Kenpachi and said to him.

"Anyway, I still want to thank you Kenpachi today. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be standing here alive now." "

"I have always felt that if I could have the opportunity to live and die with Neon Glaze, then I think it would be a good thing, but now people don't seem to be able to understand why I would do this."

"I just hope to remind you not to treat me as an outsider. I am willing to accompany you to do something big!"

Hearing what Shikagemaru said, the few people present stopped saying anything. They were silent, and they could feel that this matter was not that simple.

It will give them an even weirder idea. Maybe this is a very tragic thing in itself, but more people don't know how to explain it.

Maybe this would be a very embarrassing question, but at this time Kenpachi had already made a new discovery. He shook his head silently and said.

"Oops, when I just combed all kinds of steam into your body, I found that you are not suitable for staying too much solid ninjutsu, because I feel that this thing seems to cause a strong resistance to you."

"You may be repelled by then and it will cause harm to your body. Why don't you forget it. You are not suitable for action. You might as well stay here and let the rest of us pass by.

After saying this, Kenpachi turned around and left, followed closely by Bai Xiaoyu and Uha Sasuke. They had always thought that Kenpachi was a very capable person.

You are very confident in everything you do, but when you really encountered this situation, Kenpachi had an even stranger idea in his heart.

He knew that there was really no need for him to argue with them, but he also found that this situation would cause some suspicion to others. Maybe (Zhao's) this was a very embarrassing thing in itself.

But I don’t know why we suddenly encountered such a result at this time. Maybe this is a very strange thing in itself, and it may have some bad effects on us.

After all, if this kind of thing spreads, even Kenpachi himself may not know what to do, but the Fire Nation's vigorous and resolute style of doing things has indeed brought some new impacts to him. .

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