People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 43: What Are You Afraid Of! You Have Lost The Qualification To Be Killed By Me!


"Isn't even this his strongest state?"

Hearing Kenpachi's words, Naruto and Killer Bee both looked over in disbelief, and Raikage also explained.

"You heard that right!"

"Kenpachi-senpai is too powerful, so in order to be evenly matched when fighting with others, he has always sealed his power at about 30%."


Naruto swallowed unconsciously.

He now finally knows what is truly powerful.

This man who was reincarnated by Impure World has been sealing himself because he is too strong!

With 30% of the strength, he actually has the same level of strength just now.

So how terrifying would it be if he used 100% of his power?


Just then, Kenpachi took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, the Reiatsu on his body began to riot wildly, and the corner of his mouth split open and let out a breath of white air.

Seeing this scene, Obito's pupils shrank violently.

How can it be? !

This guy actually hides such a powerful power?

When he was fighting with himself before, he actually suppressed his own strength?


Absolutely impossible!

The power he showed just now is already so powerful, how could he have even stronger strength?

But in the next second, something happened that made him almost desperate.

I saw a terrifying sense of oppression coming from the direction of Kenpachi, and golden Reiatsu began to be released with him as the center of the circle.

This Reiatsu is filled with violence, rage, murderous intent and the purest form of madness.

It seemed that the person standing in front of him was not a human being, but an ancient ferocious beast!

Look at Kenpachi again.

His whole body was now covered in golden Reiatsu, and the blindfold on his face could no longer contain his power.


At the very next moment, Kenpachi suddenly took off the blindfold on his face.

The moment he took it off, the Reiatsu on his body began to multiply exponentially, and all the ruins within a few thousand meters were blown away by his Reiatsu.

The moment they felt this Reiatsu, those in the Ninja Alliance couldn't help but fall to the ground.

The feeling of oppression was as real as a mountain pressing down on them.

Force them to stand up at all.

Obito, who was closest to Kenpachi, felt unprecedented pressure at this moment.

Now he wants to escape with the help of space ninjutsu.

But now the terrifying Reiatsu has distorted the entire space within a few hundred meters, and he can't run even if he wants to.

"How can it be?!"

"How can there be such a person in this world?!"

"I obviously have the most powerful eyes in the world, but why can't I still see the way forward clearly!"


Obito seemed to be going crazy, looking at Kenpachi's figure that was as dazzling as the sun, his body was shaking uncontrollably.

That's right!

Even though he dared to betray Uchiha Madara, at this moment he couldn't stop trembling because of this man's strength.

This is not a psychological fear, but a natural choice of the body.

After realizing this situation, Obito's teeth almost broke.


"How can I be afraid of him?!"

"It's obviously been agreed, I've already promised Lin!"

Obito forcibly stood up, blood began to flow from both his eyes, using the power of Rinnegan's pupils to resist the terrifying pressure.

However, at this moment, he felt that his pupil power was venting out like a flood.

But it's still like Mayfly shaking a tree.

This guy, where did he get the power from!

That is, at the moment when Kenpachi's Reiatsu had been raised to the limit, he suddenly grasped Zanpakutō with both hands and stepped forward.


Taking this step, Kenpachi seemed to be in front of Obito.

Zanpakutō from top to bottom.

This knife was much more terrifying than the previous fight.

It was filled with the purest killing intent, and the terrifying sword slashed down on the head.

In an instant, Obito was stunned.

Facing this terrifying sword pressure, he felt that he would be split into two in the next second.

Sweat soaked all over his body instantly.

Even with Rinnegan's pupil power, he felt like he couldn't resist.

"No! Can't win!"

"I can't beat this guy in front of me!"

"He's a monster, born strong, and I'm just weak!"

"Can't win!"

The threat of death filled Obito's mind.

Even if his own reason tells him that he will no longer be afraid even if he dies, he must activate Infinite Tsukuyomi to revive Lin.

But his body instinctively chose fear.

At this moment, that Zanpakutō was almost ironed on his face, and Obito's body fell to his knees uncontrollably.

In an instant, Zanpakutō was on his face.

A trace of blood dripped down his face.

However, the pressure of the sword, which was strong enough to split everything, disappeared in an instant, and Kenpachi stopped.


Obito didn't know what happened, but what made him feel even more humiliated was that after the man stopped, he felt lucky that he was saved.

That is, in the next second, Kenpachi's angry voice suddenly sounded.


"Who made you fear me?"

"Who asked you to give up!"

"Isn't the fight between two people the determination to slash each other until death?!"

"Why are you afraid of me? I just acknowledged your tenacity and wanted to respond to you in my strongest state, but you actually became afraid of me?!"

Kenpachi's angry voice roared.

He was so angry!

damn it!

Didn't he keep saying that even if he died, he would activate Infinite Tsukuyomi and wipe out all those who stood in his way?

As a result, he had just admitted his tenacity, and this guy actually became afraid of his own power?

This is disrespectful to him!

Is this fooling him? !

Immediately afterwards, all Kenpachi's anger turned into disdain.

"never mind."

"You look like this, you are no longer qualified to be killed by me."

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