"I'll leave first. As for whether the Qilin Beast will come to you again for revenge, or what, then I don't care. Goodbye!"

Kenpachi said coldly.

Seeing that Kenpachi was about to leave, Bai Xiaoyu and the others felt a little emotional in their hearts and quickly chased after him, standing in front of Kenpachi.

"I think it's better for you to stop duplicity in this kind of thing, is there any use for you to talk like a knife and bean curd.

"Now all the ninjas in the ninja world basically know the existence of your Kenpachi, but I hope you can not make these things so serious."

"Isn't it good to tell him everything we want to know as soon as possible? Also, you'd better pay attention to the friendship between brothers."C""

"Just leaving inexplicably like this, and leaving everything to others, I think you are simply too dishonest."

When Bai Xiaoyu said this, Kenpachi just smiled slightly, he naturally knew that this matter had nothing to do with others, and he himself just wanted to remind them.

In many cases, if you really can't even handle this little thing well, then it is never necessary to consider that you have your own place in the ninja world.

"Now there is no one's name on the various lists in the ninja world. It is not important to me to rank first or other positions."

"I naturally hope that each of you can improve your aura, and it's best to be able to quickly increase what you should do in a short period of time. You don't have to worry about the next thing!"

After Kenpachi said this, he turned around and left alone, and the disappearance of his flash this time did bring them a lot of pressure. Maybe more people don't know how to solve it These questions, however, are indeed a very embarrassing thing for Kenpachi. I had an even stranger idea.

"Oops, why do I smell the ghost lamp family..."

This was the first sentence Kenpachi said to the crowd who had just left. In fact, he didn't dare to imagine what the problem was. He just felt that this matter might indeed be a bit beyond their expectations.

In the following situation, it is even more impossible to tell these situations together with several of them, and there is already a new discovery in Kenpachi's heart.

He just felt that this matter was really not that serious to them, but from Kenpachi's point of view, it seemed to have become a very embarrassing problem.

It might make their relationship more tragic, but this made Kenpachi feel a little hesitant deep in his heart, and he didn't know how to solve these problems for a while.

But if the Ghost Lamp Clan really appeared near them, would it prove that many things can only be answered with the other party in this way.

And if everyone can't understand the relationship between several of them with their heart, then they hope to find a suitable way to solve the emotions between several of them. Now it seems that it doesn't make any sense to say these things.

This can only make him feel a little tangled in his heart.

It seems that many things cannot be solved perfectly.

But Kenpachi's fight with the Kirin Beast has already begun in earnest, so he thinks that he can even have a chance to truly fight against the Ghost Lantern clan.

This must be something that must be resolved in his mind, but at this time, Bai Xiaoyu and Naruto felt that Kenpachi was behind him. Now that he has not come back for such a long time, they knew that he must have really lost his temper.

But this doesn't mean anything.

"Bai Xiaoyu, thank you for knowing Kenpachi for so long. Now Kenpachi has run out of here alone. Aren't you worried at all?"

"I think you should go out and search. In short, you should let him come back early by himself. Don't wander around outside, otherwise there will be great risks here."

So when he heard the other party say this, Kenpachi felt very surprised for a moment. He knew that his current mood might be very different from theirs.

But if it continues like this, it may cause a huge change in their relationship, so Bai Xiaoyu just shook his head silently.

"Don't stand there talking, don't mind the pain in your back. There are various Qilin beasts near us. Don't you know why they haven't appeared until now? It must be because Kenpachi uses his own abilities or his other Ninjutsu suppressed the arrival of Kirinmon!"

"Because maybe Kenpachi had a fierce fight with him a long time ago, and he is injured now. Maybe you are still here making sarcastic remarks."

"If you have this ability, it's best to help him. Don't act like you are showing off when talking to others. If you are alone, you will be nothing!"


Hearing what Bai Xiaoyu said, Naruto suddenly became speechless. He didn't know how to resist him.

I just feel that what I just said will indeed have a big impact on them, but no matter what, since this matter has happened, I should still let him know how I feel now.

The two people almost had a fight when faced with this situation.

In fact, in Uha Sasuke's eyes, he always felt that what they did was indeed inappropriate, not to mention that these things could never be changed by the two of them quarreling with each other.

"That's enough. Do you really find it interesting that you two and 5.7 people are arguing over there? Let me tell you Kenpachi, although I am not here now, I can take his place and teach you two a lesson. If the three of us really If a fierce battle breaks out."

"Then those watching the fun in the end must be our enemies. Maybe Kumano Honmichi and the others haven't disappeared completely. They are probably watching us from a corner. Do you really hope that our fun can be seen by others? ?”

When encountering such a problem, Kenpachi was naturally confused for a moment and didn't know how to explain it, but he still hoped to find a suitable solution. He hoped to let more people know how he felt.

But I still don't know why it suddenly became like this. .

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