"And it's time for all of us to choose a suitable opportunity to show clearly the problems between the few of us. Maybe this situation will cause some bad effects in the end."

"It's possible, and we all have to make corresponding preparations earlier, Kenpachi, I already sensed a danger nearby, didn't you sense it?"

In fact, when Kenpachi heard what Naruto said just now, he felt even more strange in his heart. The various space ninjutsu he practiced was by no means a simple problem.

Maybe this kind of ninjutsu will cause a huge change in the situation he has learned. These things are definitely not so easy to get a real upgrade

When the village head Shanmu and the others saw what Naruto said, they felt even more sad. He understood that this kind of thing might really have nothing to do with others, but the various beasts that often appeared in the village were by no means theirs. A few people can easily deal with it.

"Do you young people really have to stay here?"

"I told you that Longyin Village is definitely not a suitable place for you to stay here. If you are not careful, you may all die here in 780. Don't blame me for not telling you!"

Hearing what Village Chief Shanmu said, Kenpachi suddenly felt a little emotional. He never thought that one day he would encounter this kind of thing, but since he has chosen to stay, he must let himself go in a short time. Get a real boost quickly.

In addition, this is also a good opportunity to train Nara. Perhaps the Nara clan must improve their personal strength in a short period of time.

Otherwise, even if he goes back, no one will really think highly of him. This time, Kenpachi gave him a very profound order.

Now that the village chief Shanmu had already said this, Kenpachi still hoped to make himself stronger, but he didn't expect that while the few of them were still standing there chatting.

All of a sudden, thunder and flashes in the sky seemed to have a new understanding of this matter. He couldn't understand what the situation was. He just hoped to find a reasonable solution as soon as possible. Maybe this itself is a very tragic thing.

But it also happens to be able to prove that Ghost Deng Xuanyue and the others are coming soon, maybe this is the gift of God to each of them.

It is a very good ending to have the opportunity to enter here, but at this time Kenpachi just shook his head silently, he said to Nara Ichiei.

"Brother, it's time for you to play. I don't know if you are afraid. If you really can't, you should hide for a while!"

Kenpachi would not talk to Nara Ichiei with such an attitude [Actually Tadashi just hopes to let him really know how simple what he is doing now.

This situation is by no means easy, if you often use this method to multiply with the other party.

That is very likely to cause an inherent collapse of my emotions in the end.

"Kenpachi, aren't you looking down on me by saying this? I think if that's the case, then you shouldn't tell me directly."

"After all, no matter what, our relationship should be carefully considered."

"In my mind, I have always wanted to treat you as my best friend. Can we all think about the inherent relationship between us?"

"Besides, I think you will know how powerful our Nara clan is. If anyone wants to call me a big devil in front of me in the future, I think he should think about it carefully! "

When Kenpachi heard Nara say this, he still felt very emotional for a moment (aedj) in his heart. He never thought that one day he would encounter such a thing, and he also hoped to have a good communication with him. .

It seems that this situation is indeed not that easy, but at this time Kenpachi has already developed a new direction for this matter. He gently patted Nara on the shoulder and said to him.

"Then I must be impressed by you. After all, I have to leave the matters here to you. There are so many magical things that Village Chief Shanmu said just now. I also passed by here. I think I should fight with them. A face-to-face meeting.”

"But now that you are left to fend for yourself, I still feel uneasy. Do you need me to teach you some spells?"

In fact, Kenpachi's ideas are completely different from theirs. Sometimes he can't understand what the problem is, but he still hopes to find a suitable solution. Maybe this kind of thing will make them happy in the end. All kinds of relationships will undergo the biggest change as a result.

But Kenpachi never wanted to make things so complicated, which might make him feel a little hesitant deep in his heart.

But now that the problem has occurred, he still hopes to let more people know his thoughts, so this time Kenpachi just smiled silently.

He hoped to see from other people some of the small problems that had to be solved in their hearts, so at this time Kenpachi just smiled silently and looked at Nara in front of him, but Nara was facing he said.

"Kenpachi, I really admire you. It seems that you really don't trust me. If that's the case, then I hope I can prove my strength in front of you."

"Maybe this kind of thing will make our relationship more uneasy, but I don't know why I suddenly don't have such strong strength. Maybe you don't believe it now, but I have to show you that I My own state..."

"Otherwise you all might think I'm a loser, haha!"

When Kenpachi was communicating with a few of them, he actually had a brand new idea. He had no idea why he suddenly encountered such a thing at this time, but suddenly there was lightning and thunder, and those wild green beasts suddenly appeared.

When Kenpachi felt that he was competing with them in the first round, he should quickly grasp what each of them was thinking and handle the matter more clearly.

Nara Yirong also took a closer look, and found that their expressions and states were completely different. .

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