
Ten Tails' angry roar shook everyone's minds. Even Tsunade and the others had to cover their ears desperately to bear it.


Is this the resurrected Ten Tails?

Moreover, this is not a complete body, it still lacks the Chakra of Nine Tails and Eight Tails.

If Ten Tails were allowed to get the other two tailed beasts to be fully resurrected, even if they were put together, they wouldn't be a match, right?

That damn masked man, he actually resurrected such a monster!

In fact, even Kenpachi-senpai is no match.

Everyone quickly looked in the direction of Kenpachi. If even this man failed, the direction of this war would be completely messed up.

But when they saw Kenpachi's expression, Tsunade and others were suddenly stunned.

At this moment, Kenpachi didn't show any signs of discouragement on his face. Instead, he looked at Ten Tails in front of him with great excitement.


"That's it, this is so powerful that even my 100% Reiatsu is no match for me!"

"It can even make me feel the power of death-like fear!"

"As expected, I still love fighting the most!"

Kenpachi was so excited.

Ten Tails is so powerful that even his body wants to act on its own.

That's right.

Just now, Kenpachi didn't attack intentionally, but his body acted on its own.

But now it seems that the behemoth in front of me is worthy of using all my strength to fight it.

You know, the opponents Kenpachi encountered in the past, even Senju Hashirama, could not make him completely happy.

In order to fight on an equal footing with others, he even did not hesitate to seal his own power.

But even so, the gap between others and him was still like a huge gap, which made him uninterested at all.

But now, Kenpachi feels it's time.

Even if he freed all the sealed Reiatsu, he was still no match for the Ten Tails in front of him.

Since this is the case, the power that I have been unwilling to accept should be brought out.

That's right.

Kenpachi is not deliberately rejecting Zanpakutō's power.

However, whether it was the Sengoku era or the current era, he had never encountered an opponent who could allow him to free this sword.

Even once and Senju Hashirama.

He was already able to draw a tie with them without applying the post-liberation Zanpakutō.

If this knife is released again, what else can be fought?

Isn't fighting meant to experience the kind of evenly matched battle?

What does seckill mean?

But now, Kenpachi feels it's time.

I just hope that the first time I liberate Zanpakutō, the body of this Impure World Reincarnation can support that Reiatsu!


With this thought, Kenpachi slowly closed his eyes.

Strange to say, this Zanpakutō is a part of his soul, but it can only be sealed because it is too powerful.

It is also unknown what will happen to the first release of Zanpakutō.

It was at this moment that the voice that had appeared in Kenpachi's mind countless times sounded again.

"Call me by my true name!"


"I'm right here, my name is..."

A golden Reiatsu flashed in Kenpachi's eyes, and a gust of white air spewed out from the corner of his mouth.

It seemed that something powerful was about to break out of its shell.

"Your name is..."


At this moment, the pupils of Tsunade and others are contracting violently.

They all felt a strong sense of oppression, spreading from Kenpachi's direction.

Aware of this situation, all the members of the Ninja Alliance were shocked.

"No way?!"

"Senior Kenpachi is already so powerful, does he have any other cards that he hasn't shown?!"


"His own strength has already surpassed Five Kages, and if he really hides even stronger power, wouldn't he have reached the Six Paths level?!"

"Could it be that..."


All the ninja coalition forces are aware of an unimaginable possibility at this moment.

But how is this possible?

Are there really such people in this world?

His own power has already reached super Kage-level, but now he still has a stronger power that has not been liberated?

If all of this is true, how strong is his real strength?

Kenpachi's move has subverted the three views of the Ninja Alliance.

Does such a person really exist?



The first thing that comes to mind from the Ninja Alliance is disbelief, not because they don't want Kenpachi to defeat Ten Tails, but because they think it's impossible.

But in the next second, a scene that left them speechless appeared.


I saw that the sense of oppression pervading from Kenpachi's body suddenly increased, and the terrifying golden Reiatsu began to be released around him.

There is no sense in this force, it is full of violence, anger, murderous intent and the purest madness.

It seems that an irrational ancient ferocious beast is about to break out of the seal.

Look at Kenpachi again.

Both of his eyes are covered in golden Reiatsu.

The clothes on his body were blown up crazily.

"Your name is..."

"name is..."

"Devour it, Nozarashi!!!"

Roar! ! !

The moment Kenpachi called out that name, an inhuman roar erupted from the jagged Zanpakutō in his hand.

In an instant, the entire battlefield with a radius of hundreds of miles was filled with a sense of oppression that caused the ground to crack.

All ninjas are dominated by fear.



"what happened?!"

"Why is my knee out of control?"

"It's my body. My body is instinctively afraid of him!"

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Immediate recharge (activity time: August 10th to August 20th)

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