People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 57: The Sword Pressure That Even The Flying Thunder God Can't Dodge!

"bring it on!"

"Senju Hashirama, I've been looking forward to this fight for sixty years!"

Lowering his own Reiatsu to a sealed state, Kenpachi felt the calmed Reiatsu and started to get excited.

Almost instinctively.


It should be said that his body moved by itself.

Kenpachi exploded into Reiatsu, slashing at Senju Hashirama with his knife.


"Come and fight!"

Kenpachi smiled wantonly, and moved towards Senju Hashirama with a sword pressure.

No one expected that Kenpachi would make a move without warning, and at this moment Senju Hashirama did not say anything, and directly formed a mudra with both hands.

“Wood Style, Wood Expulsion Jutsu!”

In an instant, a strong Chakra spread from his body, and a huge grimace shield instantly formed, enveloping his whole body in it.

The defense of this move is very strong.

Even, it can directly resist Uchiha Madara's prestige Susano.

But in the next second, the terrifying sword pressure hit it directly, and the wood as hard as steel began to shatter.

Senju Hashirama rushed out from the flying wood in a hurry, avoiding the pressure of the sword.

But the pressure of the sword still continued unabated, plowing the ground for a length of tens of meters before it slowed down.


Dead quiet!

At this moment, everyone on the battlefield was stunned.

Especially Senju Tobirama and the others, you must know that they have seen with their own eyes how powerful Wood Style of First Generation is.

But that ninjutsu, which was enough to withstand even the mighty Susano, was slashed by Kenpachi's casual sword.

It's scary, isn't it?

"Damn it, did this guy really seal his own power?"

"He has sealed all his own strength, and there will be such a terrifying Po Wan?"

"It's true, it's unbelievable!"

The faces of Senju Tobirama and the others were extremely ugly, while Hashirama said directly: "Tobirama, don't doubt! Kenpachi must have suppressed his 723 power, but now it seems that it is not for other reasons, just because he is too strong."

"Even if he suppresses his own strength, his attack is still irresistible. It can only be said that he is now several times stronger than in the last war!"

Hearing Hashirama's explanation, Tobirama and the others felt very solemn.

Is this guy already so powerful?

Even if they suppress their own strength, it is not something they can handle.

Say Senju Hashirama again.

After seeing Kenpachi's power, he also had to admit a fact.

He is a natural strongman.

He doesn't even bother to practice, otherwise he is already so strong, and if he continues to practice, he really won't be able to find an opponent.

In order to be able to fight with him on an equal footing, he even did not hesitate to seal his own strength.

But even so, there still seems to be a huge gap between himself and him.


"Now I finally understand why you sealed your own power."

"A force powerful enough to suppress an era, even if you deliberately don't cultivate, the gap between others and you is still increasing day by day!"

"This situation must be very painful for you, right?"

Looking at Kenpachi's eyes, Senju Hashirama couldn't help but said: "Since this is the case, then I said I will give you a perfect fight, how can I not give my best?"

"Next, I will use the former Sage Art Chakra! I couldn't fully control this power in that battle at that time, but I'm used to it now!"

As he spoke, Hashirama looked at Tobirama and the others and shouted: "Give me a little time, collecting Sage Art Chakra is slower!"

That's right!

Having just returned to flesh and blood, Hashirama hasn't adapted yet, so it will take him a little time to collect Rishi Chakra.

As soon as the words fell, Hashirama immediately acted.


"That's right, hurry up and use your strongest strength!"

Kenpachi began to look forward to it.

The original Sage Mode really posed a great threat to me.

Now, Hashirama has completely got used to Sage Mode, I don't know how powerful he can use it.

It was at this moment that Second Hokage spoke suddenly.


"Fourth Generation project!"

"Everything is ready, use your strongest strength to buy time for big brother!"

"This guy, if you can't guarantee to escape in front of him, maybe even your soul will be killed!"

Said solemnly, Second Generation immediately prepared to wait for the opportunity to move.

After hearing his words, both of Minato couldn't help frowning.

Does this man in front of him really have the ability to kill souls?

"Flying Thunder God's Formation!"

With this thought in mind, Namikaze Minato didn't dare to take it too seriously, and immediately launched his own pre-war preparations.

Flying Thunder God needs special kunai as a tool.

As for the continuation of the battle, the more places where Kunai is scattered, the wider the range he can teleport.

But in order to deal with the man in front of him, he threw all his kunai across the battlefield as soon as he came up.

He must ensure that he can transfer in all ranges at any time.

"Fumo Shuriken!"

"Shadow Shuriken Clone Technique!"

Suddenly at this moment, Sarutobi Hibari summoned a huge Fuma Shuriken and started ninjutsu.

More than a dozen Fumo shurikens blasted towards Kenpachi with great momentum.

But is this kind of attack useful to him?


"Old guy, scrape harder!"

"Didn't you eat?!"




Kenpachi rushed all the way towards him, those shurikens really seemed to be worse than scraping, Kenpachi didn't even have to swing the knife, the bursting Reiatsu on his body took it all away.

But in fact, this is just Sarutobi Hiruzen's trick to lure the enemy.

"Earth Style, Tianlong bomb!"

"Fire Style, fire dragon bomb!"

Water Style, Great Waterfall Technique!"

"Wind Style, practice empty bullets!"

"Lightning Style, false dark!"

"Five escape compound ninjutsu, because of the bed of bombs!"

Suddenly, Sarutobi Hiruzen launched the Shadow Clone violently. With the help of the time when the shuriken was launched just now, each Shadow Clone circled around the sword (aefj) and surrounded Kenpachi like a circle.

The next moment, the five Shadow Clones simultaneously launched the five escape ninjutsu, forming a compound ninjutsu that would directly destroy Kenpachi.

This trick is actually quite powerful.

Although each move is not up to the level of S-level, but the superposition of the species Chakra's form changes, the power formed is at least S-level.

"It really is!"

"Being submissive in life, you punch hard after death!"


Facing Dr. Ninja's five-sense ninjutsu, Kenpachi laughed wildly, and then the Reiatsu on his body exploded.


When the compound ninjutsu bombarded him, it formed a violent explosion.

The power of the explosion shook the battlefield.

But in the next second...

Everyone suddenly saw that Kenpachi was not injured at all in the smoke, and the Reiatsu on his body formed a substantial protection, canceling all the five escape ninjutsu.

"Master Third Generation!"

"Flying Thunder God!"

In an instant, Namikaze Minato keenly saw that a terrifying golden sword pierced through the smoke and aimed directly at Sarutobi Hiruzen's body.

As for why he was able to find the body?

Because, only the body has the soul, which is too easy for Kenpachi.

"So fast!"

In an instant, Third Hokage suddenly realized that the Dao sword was pressing too fast.

And the power is huge, if he is hit, he will definitely die, but now he can't escape at all.

But in the next second, Namikaze Minato came to Sarutobi's side.

Grab him and instantly unleash Flying Thunder God.

Seeing Minato approaching, Sarutobi's heart finally fell to the ground, no matter how fast the sword pressed, it couldn't be faster than Flying Thunder God.

But at the next moment, a scene that made them almost desperate appeared.

I saw that the Flying Thunder God actually failed for the first time, and Namikaze Minato and the two of them were able to watch the sword pressure wreak havoc.

"not good!"

"I can't activate the Flying Thunder God!"


In the minds of the two of Sarutobi, a word instantly appeared.

They never imagined that the Flying Thunder God would fail in front of this man. What is going on here?

"Summoning technique, fivefold Rashomon!"

At this moment, Senju Tobirama's voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Senju Tobirama was seen coming in front of the two of them, and his hands were suddenly sealed and slapped on the ground.


In an instant, a huge Rashomon rose from the ground.

There are five layers in total, blocking them in front of them.

This is his original Forbidden Technique, and it can naturally use the highest level five-fold Rashomon just like First Generation.

In an instant, the terrifying sword pressure hit Rashomon, causing Rashomon to explode violently.

Without the slightest surprise, the First Army was directly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the second level, the third level...

The fifth level Rashomon couldn't resist the pressure of the sword, and when the fifth level was also broken, Second Generation grabbed the two of them and immediately dodged to the side.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying sword pressure flew past several people, crushing all the way to the rear, and the ground was shattered inch by inch.

When the smoke and dust cleared, several people looked behind them again, and they were all stunned by the destructive power of the sword.

The earth has been torn apart by hundreds of meters of gullies?!"

"It's really terrifying destructive power. Did the five-level Rashomon just press the sword's direction and change it a little bit?"

"What a power to despair!"

A few people couldn't believe it. The most important thing was the Flying Thunder God Technique, which belongs to space ninjutsu. How did he do it?

In front of that sword pressure, even the Flying Thunder God Technique is ineffective?

"My lord, Second Generation?"

"How the hell did he do it?"

Namikaze Minato asked in disbelief, and Second Hokage also said in disbelief: "I don't know the specific situation, but what is certain is that this guy definitely doesn't know space ninjutsu, and he doesn't know how to counter space ninjutsu.

"But how on earth did he do it?"

At this moment, even Senju Tobirama doesn't want to admit his failure, after all, Flying Thunder God is the Forbidden Technique he specially studied to deal with Sharingan.

"How did you do it?"

Hearing this, Jian Ze said impatiently: "Use the power that can even cut off the space, isn't it enough?!".

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