Ten Tails Jinchūriki never appeared.

So, no one knows how powerful he will be.

But the legend left by Sage of Six Paths is too extensive, and no one in the ninja world has ever thought that in this era, there will be someone who can surpass Six Paths.

"Damn, is he really going to turn into Ten Tails Jinchūriki?!"

Senju Tobirama stared at the sphere in the sky with an ugly face, which he couldn't have felt when facing Ten Tails.

But now, the sense of oppression he felt from that sphere was twice as strong as before, which was not right.

did you win?


He compared it in his mind, and Senju Tobirama immediately realized that it was impossible to defeat Ten Tails Jinchūriki with his strength.

Even with the strength of his elder brother, it is probably impossible.

Ten Tails Jinchūriki!

That can be said to be the source of all Chakra, even if I have reached this level, I still have an instinctive fear of Ten Tails Jinchūriki.


It's a desperate feeling of oppression.

Damn it, that man probably has nothing to do now, right?

It must be so, not because they are weak to fear, but because the Ten Tails Jinchūriki are too strong.

Maybe even that man is helpless against Ten Tails Jinchūriki, right?

However, when he turned his head and saw the excited expression on Kenpachi's face, he suddenly froze.


"Awesome, what a perfect oppression!"

"That's it, this is my dream quad kill target!"

"You get stronger!"

"You must still become stronger, right, you can let me experience the pleasure of death, this is the perfect target for killing!"

Kenpachi was so excited.

Because the Ten Tails Jinchūriki hadn't fully appeared yet, it even gave me a feeling of fear.

That's right!

Kenpachi could clearly feel a sense of fear in his heart.

You know, even facing the previous Ten Tails and Senju Hashirama who are super Kage-level, he never had the thought of fear.

Because, his power is too strong.

Even against Senju Hashirama, he suppresses his own Reiatsu.

But the upcoming Ten Tails Jinchūriki gave him a premonition that he might die if he didn't pay attention.

That's just awesome isn't it?!

Although Kenpachi knew he was afraid, he wasn't afraid.

Instead, he was even more excited.

Isn't that the way it should be when fighting?

If your opponent scares you, face that fear and beat him.

Even if he died on the spot after this fight, it doesn't matter!


"Are you going to use my power?"

"Wait a minute, let the Ten Tails Jinchūriki fully appear first, I want to experience how strong the Ten Tails Jinchūriki are!"

Kenpachi was so excited.

This upcoming Ten Tails Jinchūriki, will allow him to use that hidden power without suppressing his Reiatsu at all.


The so-called Ten Tails Jinchūriki exists entirely for fighting!

Thinking of this, Kenpachi couldn't help but get red eyes.

He was so touched, he never thought that such a thing that exists purely for fighting actually exists.


Do you know how handsome you are now?!

Show up quickly, I want to fight to the death with you, the Ten Tails Jinchūriki!

At the same time, look at the Ninja Alliance.

They all stared at the sphere in the sky with fearful eyes.

Because at this time, the sphere suddenly made cracking sounds, and the aura erupting from the sphere's cracking was constantly rising.



A hand suddenly pierced through the shattering sphere.

The color of that hand was very pale, and the aura released from it also changed the color of the entire battlefield.

Although it is daytime now.

But because the power in the sphere is too strong, the dark clouds have even covered the entire sky, just like black Yoruichi.


It was at this moment that the sphere in the sky finally shattered completely.

With the shattering of the sphere, the true appearance of Ten Tails Jinchūriki was finally revealed to everyone.

It can be seen that Obito's whole body has now turned into pale skin, and the Six Paths feather coat composed of unknown substances appears on his body.


After breaking off the feather on the right cheek, he revealed the Rinnegan.


And, it's icy cold!

At this moment, the strong sense of oppression displayed by Obito made everyone feel like they were about to stop breathing.

"Is this the oppression of Ten Tails Jinchūrikiw"?"

“It’s unbelievable!”

"Comparable to the power of Sage of Six Paths, is this the existence that surpasses Kage-level and reaches the strength of Six Paths?"

At this moment, the faces of the Ninja Alliance did not dare to breathe. Even Senju Hashirama and others looked at the King of Songs in the sky with serious eyes.

At this moment, Obito's expression seemed to be a little off.

He seemed to have lost his feelings as a human being, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

He just looked at everyone on the battlefield calmly.

But the more calm it is like deep water, the more it puts extremely strong pressure on everyone.


"Increase the output of Chakra!"

At this point, Senju Hashirama immediately shouted.

Right now they have no choice but to crank up Chakra's output and find a way to trap him inside with the Four Red Yang Formation.


So, along with their Chakra output, Four Red Yang Formation is more solid.

This is enough to seal all the Tailed Beast Bombs of Ten Tails. It is hard to believe that a mere Ten Tails Jinchūriki cannot be trapped.

But in the next second, a scene that made Hashirama and the others break out in cold sweat appeared.

I saw that Obito floated directly from the air, and there was no emotion in his eyes, as if he was unconscious.


Immediately afterwards, a stunned scene appeared in the next second.

He just casually raised his hand and swiped at the barrier, and then the Four Red Yang Formation, which could resist even the Tailed Beast Bomb, was so easily shattered by him!


Seeing this scene, Senju Hashirama's cold sweat couldn't help but flow down.

Are you kidding me?!

The Four Red Yang Formation jointly launched by the four Kage-levels was as fragile as glass in front of him?

can he win

You know, in that era, he was known as the god of ninjas, able to suppress the Nine Tailed Beasts alone.

Even, even Ten Tails can be sealed.

However, the Ten Tails Jinchūriki in front of him gave him unprecedented pressure.

If you really want to fight against such an opponent, are they opponents?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Kenpachi.

But when he saw Kenpachi's eager eyes, he couldn't help being stunned.


Even though you know you are facing Ten Tails Jinchūriki, do you still have no intention of showing weakness?

It seems that I really will never be able to catch up with you.

You're more of a monster than Ten Tails Jinchūriki!



"This is the perfect opponent I'm after!"

"The Ten Tails Jinchūriki that is so powerful that it can no longer be explained by reason, surpassing everyone!"

"It's so handsome! The existence of the Six Paths level is so beautiful, I can't wait!"

At this moment, what Kenpachi saw was not Obito, but a most perfect work of art.

Under this emotion, the crazy surge of fighting spirit has made him unable to control his body anymore.

His body took the initiative to attack.

∼Drink it!"

In an instant, Kenpachi erupted with a terrifying Reiatsu, which burst out with 100% power without any suppression.


"You are so handsome!"

Kenpachi laughed wildly, a completely different from before, without any restraint, he slashed directly at the past with a terrifying decompression.

For a moment, no one expected that Kenpachi would take the initiative to attack the mighty Ten Tails Jinchūriki Kenpachi.

That sword is extremely powerful.

At least it was seven to eight hundred meters in length, tearing apart the battlefield along the way, blasting towards Obito in a devastating manner.

Immediately, everyone present widened their eyes.

With expectant eyes, he looked at the sword pressure.


"Certainly possible!"

"He's Cloud Shinobi's demon, and he'll defeat Ten Tails Jinchūriki!"

"That's right! Even Master Hashirama is no match for him, he will definitely defeat Ten Tails Jinchūriki!"

At this moment, the mentality of the people of the Ninja Alliance even changed.

Originating from the fear of Ten Tails Jinchūriki, they all put their expectations on Kenpachi.

You know, they were very afraid of Kenpachi before.

Seeing this scene, Senju Hashirama couldn't help swallowing.

This is from the appeal of strength!


Now that you are strong, you can already control the direction of this war, have the ninja coalition put their hopes on you? No good)!

Thinking of this, even he couldn't help but look towards the sword.

But just as everyone was expecting, a scene that stunned everyone appeared.

I saw that Obito's left hand was suddenly lifted towards the sword pressure.

A black sphere appeared on the back of the hand, and then suddenly passed through the palm, forming a huge black sickle.

Without making a sound, he directly greeted the sword pressure.


In an instant, a huge sonic boom sounded.

You know, this is the Yin Yang escape of Sage of Six Paths, which can invalidate all ninjutsu in the world, except for immortal jutsu.

If it can be fully mastered, it can even directly destroy the body of Impure World Reincarnation, making it impossible to recover.

Those who are attacked, even the park will suffer heavy losses.

Of course, Obito hasn't fully grasped the power of Ten Tails yet.

But even so, he already has the ability to fight Kenpachi head-on.


Immediately afterwards, everyone was stunned by the next scene.

I saw that the golden sword pressure and the swamp spear composed of Yin Yang Dun collided violently, and a huge explosion sounded loudly.

The tyrannical shock wave blows away all the air within a radius of several kilometers, and no one can hear the sound inside.

A full two minutes passed, and when the air condensed again, everyone looked towards the battlefield again.

Then, they were directly overwhelmed by what happened next. .

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