Just after Kenpachi shouted this name, the terrifying black-red Reiatsu immediately spread, causing the entire battlefield to begin violent earthquakes.


The earth continued to shatter, and the ninja coalition retreated again.

"what happened?"

"I can't even stand up!"

"His strength is really not in the same dimension as ours!"



At this moment, all the ninja coalition forces were forced to their knees by an invisible pressure. Even Senju Tobirama was sweating coldly.

"Is this guy...really hiding such a weird power?"

Senju Tobirama couldn't believe it, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

He has been the leader of the Senju clan since he was a child.

Later, he developed countless ninjutsu and was honored as "Dr. Zero-One" Ninja.

But the strength he was proud of, in front of Kenpachi's black and red Reiatsu, actually produced fear.


"Stop him quickly, we can't let him continue!"

Senju Tobirama's worry is not unnecessary. If he continues to explode this terrifying power, maybe the Ten Tails Jinchūriki will really sense it and completely control Ten Tails.

But at this time, Senju Hashirama shook his head and said: "Tobirama, do you think there is anyone among us who can stop him?"


This sentence actually knocked Tobirama down.

Only then did he react.

Not to mention the Ninja Alliance, I am afraid that even if they work together now, they will not be able to stop what Kenpachi has done.

It really is!

Kenpachi this guy!

Is his appearance a blessing or a disaster for the ninja world?

With him appearing on the battlefield of the Fourth Ninja War, any powerful enemy seems to be defeated by him.

But what is even more troublesome is that there is no one in the ninja coalition who can order him.

damn it!

When there is no danger on the battlefield, he is the greatest danger.

At this time, looking at Senju Hashirama again, he suddenly continued: "Besides, it is no longer a question of whether Kenpachi can be stopped."

"Didn't you see, that Ten Tails Jinchūriki, he has already started to react. I guess I won't be able to intervene in the next battle."

Hearing this, Senju Tobirama looked suddenly.

He suddenly discovered that Obito, who was about to be swallowed by Ten Tails' power gradually, actually stopped expanding his body at this moment.

From the looks of it, he seemed to have really sensed Kenpachi's power.

"damn it!"

"how so?!"

Senju Tobirama is helpless, but he also understands that now they can only choose to stand by and watch.

"Did you see that, the kid from Ten Tails!"

"Become stronger!"

"All power is just a tool to be controlled by others. Don't let me look down on you!"

Kenpachi was so excited, he knew he was going to fight the real Ten Tails people next.

Now, look at Obito again.

Ten Tails' Chakra is simply too huge.

Even if he had already prepared, he couldn't control this power in his heart.

In the end, he was swallowed by Ten Tails.

However, he can't just give up!

At this time, in Obito's consciousness space, his body seemed to be pulled by the power of Ten Tails, and he was about to be torn apart.

The memories belonging to him in his mind also gradually became blurred.

The photo that recorded the beginning and beginning of everything began to become fragmented.

Once a close friend, now an enemy!

The former teacher, as well as his own passionate words.

At this moment, it seems that it will be forgotten.

However, only that smiling face, even if he died, he didn't want to forget.

"who are you?!"

"who the hell are you?!"

"I obviously don't even have a heart, and I don't care if I lose everything!"

"But why do I feel an inexplicable heartache when I feel like I'm going to forget you!"

At this moment, Obito's heart was roaring crazily.

He has long since lost his mind.

So even if he loses anything, even if he forgets his own existence, he will not feel heartache.

But that figure, that past her!

Her every frown and smile made me feel that if I lost it, I might not even die in peace...

But why can't I remember it?

Who is she?!

Everything I have done so far, for whom?!

"Tell me quickly!"

"Who the hell are you and why do I feel heartache!"

"Why if I forget you, I feel like I'm going to lose everything, and everything I've done so far has no meaning anymore!"


Incomparable pain filled my heart.

It was more painful than Ten Tails' Chakra was about to tear his consciousness apart.

I don’t want to forget it, I absolutely can’t forget it!

"You...you are!"

"You are Lin!"

"Nohara Rin!"

"And I am Uchiha Obito, and I must never forget you!"

"Even if I lose my heart, even if I have nothing to lose, I will never forget you!"

"I finally remembered!"

Obito's consciousness suddenly gained the upper hand at this moment, and his obsession and love for Nohara Lin made him break through his own limit.

give me back!

Give her back to me!!

Obito's heart was screaming crazily, and under this willpower, his consciousness, which was already on the verge of fragmentation, suddenly began to piece together again.

The 2.7 photos that had long been fragmented were gradually reorganized at this moment.

It started with Kakashi!

Then there’s Namikaze Minato!

Then there are the heroic words that he himself once made.

Finally, the smiling figure also appeared in this chapter of photos.

Until this moment, Obito finally had the upper hand.

At the same time, his body was also undergoing drastic changes in the outside world.

The body that had originally expanded to the limit gradually lifted into the air, and then the body began to contract violently. Countless hard scales and feathers grew out of his body.

Seeing this scene, Senju Hashirama and others were stunned on the spot.

Did he actually succeed in defeating Ten Tails?

The incomplete Ten Tails Jinchūriki was already so powerful, but how powerful will he be after he completely controls Ten Tails?

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