Chapter Seventy-Six Su is building the Peace Hotel and Paramount Gate! Sensational on the beach!!

There are many islands in Modu, mainly several relatively large islands, namely Chongming Island and its nearby Changxing Island, Hengsha Island, Hengxing Island, and 23 uninhabited islands.

Uninhabited islands are mainly islands and reefs, and do not have much effect.

Chongming Island is the third largest island in China, is the alluvial island at the mouth of the Yangtze River at the eastern end of the Yangtze River Delta, the largest estuarine alluvial island, the largest sand island, with a land history of more than 1300 years, known as the ‘Yangtze River Portal, East China Sea Yingzhou’, the whole island area of 1269.1 square kilometers.

Because Chongming Island is formed by the large amount of sediment released by the Yangtze River under the interaction of the river and the sea, the island is flat, covered by the Quaternary loose strata, the terrain is low, the soil is fertile, the climate is warm, the four seasons are distinct, the sun is sufficient, it belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate, suitable for planting rice, three wheat, corn, cotton, rapeseed, vegetables, and the nearby waters are one of the main aquatic fishing bases in Modu.

So even if there is no money, Chongming Island certainly cannot be sold.

But Hengxing Island is different.

The area of Hengxing Island is not too large, only about one-fifth of the area of Chongming Island, that is, 272 square kilometers.

The entire Hengxing Island is currently under the management of Huajie.


Hengxing Island is relatively deserted, the terrain on the island is also rugged, and there are not many families on the island.

The island has fresh water, with the sea to the east being deeper and the sea to the west being shallow.

In short, Hengxing Island is a relatively worthless island.

Because of this, several people intend to sell Hengxing Island.

Warlords are fighting, and now there is a shortage of money everywhere.

Zhao Liang’s suggestion was to sell Hengxing Island.

This wind has long been heard.

Otherwise, Feng Guansheng would not have been able to learn this news, so he told Su Zheng in advance.

Mayor Wu Zhen listened to Zhao Liang’s suggestion, frowned slightly, and said: “Although this Hengxing Island is relatively barren and does not have much value, it is also the land left by our ancestors!” ”

“If it is bought by foreigners…… This is the cession of land……… I don’t think selling Yokoko Island is the best option! ”

Zhao Liang looked at Wu Zhen and said, “Mayor Wu, but we don’t have any money in our hands now.” ”

“No money, not to mention the development of people’s livelihood and development, our magic capital……… Even whether or not you can keep the demon is a problem! ”

Zhang Tiecheng also said with a solemn face: “Yes… We are also tight on military salaries now. ”

“There are many people within us who defected to the Anhui warlord Lu Yongxiang for military pay, and became the people of the Anhui warlord… That’s a problem! ”

At present, it is the direct warlords who control the magic capital.

However, in the case of direct warlords who have no money or insufficient salaries, some people within the direct warlords have been bribed by the Anhui warlords.

The open and secret struggle between the warlords of the direct family and the warlords of the Anhui clan has never stopped.

Wu Zhen looked at Zhang Tiecheng and Zhao Liang, hesitated for a moment, and said, “Actually… We can follow the model of the concession. ”

“We don’t sell Hengxing Island…… But we can rent out Hengxing Island, and the lease period is tentatively set at 50 years… Or 100 years, that’s all negotiable. ”

A concession is a lawful alien’s residence (nationalization of land) established in the territory of one of the countries for the other country with administrative autonomy and extraterritorial jurisdiction (consular jurisdiction) after two countries have agreed on a lease or charter of the concession.

The French Concession, the Public Concession, etc. were all forced by the imperialist powers through unequal treaties.

But this time the rental of Hengxing Island is active leasing.

The nature is not the same.


Zhang Tiecheng and Zhao Liang looked at each other, thinking about Wu Zhen’s proposal.

Renting is definitely better than selling.

Because if you rent it……… The land still belongs to the state.

If it is sold……… Whoever buys it is whoever buys it.

This is a cession.

Wu Zhen looked at Zhang Tiecheng and Zhao Liang and continued, “I think the rent is more reliable, and it is also easy to get the support of the above!” ”

“Our land cannot be less than an inch…… In the past, a lot of land was forced to cede out by us……… Now we can’t take the initiative to cut off our land! ”

“So we can rent Yokoheki Island out!” But the lease has arrived……… Then we can get it back. ”

Wu Zhen still has a bit of national backbone and dignity.

Or maybe there’s a bottom line.

Half a nationalist.

Zhao Liang was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly, “Mayor Wu, what you said makes sense, Commander Zhang… What do you think? ”

Zhang Tiecheng said slowly, “I think Mayor Wu’s proposal is still more in line with our current national conditions!” ”

“Although the money obtained from the lease is not as good as selling…… But the land leased out is always ours……… We can take it back. ”

Wu Zhen: “That’s right, that’s what I think!” ”

“We also don’t stipulate the price of renting Hengxing Island, we can hold an auction, the price is the pricer, which will greatly increase our income!”

Zhang Tiecheng patted the board and said, “Okay, that’s it!” ”

Zhao Liang also had no opinion, and said, “Well, I also agree.” ”

After the discussion of the three people, it was finally decided to take out the relatively barren island of Hengxing Island for rent, and it was carried out by auction!

This is naturally done to make more money……….

Time flies fast.

Public concessions.

East Derry Restaurant.

The upper classes of the public concession are holding an exchange cocktail party.

Su Zheng is also among them.

Now Su is the chief inspector of the Hongkou patrol house in the public concession, and his status is not low, so in the time when he was the chief inspector of the Hongkou patrol house, Su Zheng also got acquainted

There were many powerful, rich and powerful people in the concession.

Today’s Su Zheng is wearing a suit and shoes, quite handsome.

Su Zheng appeared at this meeting, the main purpose is to find opportunities and find the right people.

At this cocktail party, Su saw Miyazaki Jun again, the old devil.

Miyano Saki Jun hated Su Zheng to death.

But Su Zheng didn’t care.

Su Zheng was chatting with these people.


The two young men were attracted Su Zheng’s attention and attention.

Su is talking to someone else, and vaguely learns the identities of the two… They are all professionals with architectural backgrounds.

Now Su Zheng lacks this kind of talent.

Because Su was about to build the Peace Hotel and Paramount Gate.

Su Zheng came to the two of them with a wine glass and said, “Hello, my name is Su Zheng, it is a pleasure to know you!” ”

One of the men in the suit was also humble and polite and said, “Hello, my name is Yang Bao!” ”

Another young man in a suit said, “Mr. Su, hello, I’m Liang Cheng.” ”


Su Zheng communicated with them and probably understood their basic information and information.

Yang Bao, a native of Nanyang, Henan, came from a well-to-do family, and in 1907, he entered the family school to study, read poetry classics, and practiced calligraphy and painting.

In June 1912, Yang Bao left his hometown and went to Kaifeng to apply for the preparatory department for studying in the United States

The class, in the end, was lucky to be selected and began to receive a more systematic education in Chinese and Western cultures in the American preparatory class.

Later, due to the shortage of funds for the Henan preparatory class in the United States, in order to reduce the scale, Yang Bao, with the support and encouragement of President Lin Boxiang, was admitted to the Tsinghua Preparatory Class for Studying in the United States with the first result in the province.

In 1915, at the age of 14, Yang Bao studied at Tsinghua University and jumped three grades because of his excellent foreign language results.

Once again, by accident, Yang Bao developed a strong interest in architecture that can perfectly combine applied science and art hobbies… In this way, Yang Bao made up his mind to go to the beautiful country to study architecture.

In 1921, Yang Bao crossed the ocean to study architecture at the University of Pennsylvania.

There, he studied under his famous French mentor in architecture, Paul-Philippe-Gret, and received a complete and systematic artistic edification from the academic school.

During his stay in the beautiful country, Yang Bao completed four years of credits in just over two years, and took another year to complete the master of architecture course, and successfully obtained the degree Yang Bao’s excellence is obvious to all, as the only Chinese student in the Crane class, after graduation, he was invited to work in the ‘Crane Architect Office’, which is famous in the architectural circle of the beautiful country.

From a draftsman to participate in the design, to the independent completion of the design work, Yang Bao gradually became able to stand alone.

However, he has always had his heart set on the motherland……… So Yang Bao, who was in the ascendancy of his career, resolutely returned to China despite Crane’s repeated retention.

To put it simply, Yang Bao is the process from an art student to an architectural designer, and Liang Cheng, another talent in architecture, is also very good.

In 1915, Liang Cheng entered the Peking Tsinghua School, graduated from the Tsinghua School of Advanced Studies, went to the Department of Architecture of Pennsylvania University in Philadelphia to study, and obtained bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and then went to Harvard University to study architectural history, research ancient architecture… After completing his studies, Liang Cheng also returned to China.

Su Zheng has always been looking for architectural talents with professional knowledge

Sure enough, he met the slave at this meeting.

After Su Zheng roughly understood the situation of Yang Bao and Liang Cheng, he said: “Mr. Liang, Mr. Yang, I have two big projects in my hands now, I don’t know if you dare to be interested?” ”

Yang Bao: “Oh? Mr. Sue? What project? ”

Liang Cheng: “We have been back to China for a while… I am also looking for a cooperation project, I don’t know what project Mr. Su has? ”

Su Zheng looked at the two of them and slowly spoke:

1 “I want to create an entertainment landmark and a city landmark on the beach!” ”

Entertainment landmarks……… That’s Paramount.

City landmarks……… That is the Peace Hotel.

Now Su is preparing to build Paramount and Peace Hotel, which will definitely be a big project that will sensationalize Shanghai Beach………

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