After the waiter left, he said, “I heard that Boss Wang didn’t bring any money? Zhang has invited him for this meal. It just so happened that Zhang had a business and wanted to talk to Boss Wang.”
Wang Feng said with a smile: “This will cost shopkeeper Zhang a lot of money, but before discussing the business, Wang has a question to ask.”
“Boss Wang said it bluntly.”
“Fang Cai Wang looked at the menu of this restaurant, and the price of the food on it was sky-high. But just now Wang saw a lot of people coming and going in the restaurant, and even saw a few silk merchants in the city. The food is so expensive. Under the circumstances, they are willing to come to this restaurant.”
Wang Feng asked Manager Zhang with a smile.
“Boss Wang, you went to Hunan some time ago, and naturally you didn’t know it. The price of this Shengqing Restaurant is very expensive, we all know that.
The service here is good. In fact, we don’t care much about our status. That’s what those dignitaries care about.
Those of us who do business, what are we looking for? ”
Shopkeeper Zhang said that Wang Feng reacted.
“Relax, I understand.”
As soon as shopkeeper Zhang said it, he understood what was going on. He was also a businessman and had been deceived a lot these days.
“Boss Wang is right. Some time ago, Zhang met a jade merchant who claimed to be from western Yunnan, saying that he had a lot of rough jade in his hands and wanted to come to Jinling to sell it.
Zhang was deceived by him for a deposit of 1,500 yuan, and he regretted it when he found out.
But the business negotiated in this Shengqing Restaurant has not been deceived. Gein can’t afford a place like this with liars.
Where is Shengqing Restaurant? Those who can come here to spend once are all people who are either rich or expensive.
If you come in here once, if you have a meal, you can easily go out for six or seven hundred yuan, plus the box fee and service fee, a meal will cost eight or nine hundred yuan less, those liars can’t come rise.
So now the ten Shengqing restaurants in Jinling City are the places where we big businessmen talk about business. ”
Wang Feng fully understood that in these days, the big businessmen who are doing business are most afraid of being cheated. This Shengqing Restaurant just prevents those cheaters from coming.

At this moment, Su Yun was sitting in the teahouse opposite the restaurant.
Since the restaurant opened, he has beenWatch how the business is doing.
Basically, it doesn’t take long for wealthy people to enter and leave the restaurant.
In this regard, Su Yun is not too worried.
“It would be nice to have more guests. We’ve all come here once, such an expensive meal, a ghost will come!”
Su Yun muttered to himself happily.
Two days before the opening, he had expected the number of guests.
After all, the advertisement he advertised was that Shengqing Restaurant only served social elites.
Those who are rich or rich can’t help but wonder.
Once the novelty wears off, those people will naturally be impossible to come again.
The price of Shengqing Restaurant’s dishes, Su Yun had asked the system before, if it was simply the price, the system would not agree.
The rationale is that this would disrupt market prices.
However, the service of Shengqing Restaurant was very good, and it took the high-end route. The system agreed with the price and thought it was reasonable.
However, if the system thinks it is reasonable, he may not think it is reasonable.
It’s just a meal. It may be the first time to try this kind of sky-high price, but there will never be a second time!
But a small fried pork with green peppers costs 30 yuan.
Even Su Yun felt that it was almost like stealing money.
Those dignitaries are rich, but it does not mean that they are taking advantage of them!
“It’s definitely going to be a loss this time, so nice.”
Su Yun can already imagine such a scene.
It is certain that these ten restaurants will lose money. As long as they open one more day, they will lose money for one day.
As soon as the one-month deadline is up, even if the two million thugs from the ocean are slaughtered and waited to die for a lifetime, there will be no problem.
Not to mention that he can sell all these ten restaurants.
“Don’t say too much, how can you get one hundred thousand yuan ocean?”
Just thinking of this, Su Yun felt a little overwhelmed.
The rest is left to time.
early morning
After Su Yun got up and washed briefly, he ate something at will.
At this moment, he stood in front of the window and looked at the scenery outside with his eyes a little dazed.
“It’s been half a month already…”
Su Yun felt that it was almost time to see how much money he had lost.
He estimated that the ten Shengqing restaurants should have no business now.
Xinyue Restaurant belongs to the headquarters of Shengqing Restaurant. Every night, the turnover account book of the day will be sent to Xinyue Restaurant for Su Yun to check.
There is a small courtyard behind Xinyue Restaurant. This small courtyard is not big or small, it is equivalent to a one-entry courtyard.
A wooden chair is placed beside an old locust tree.
Su Yunzheng was leaning back on the chair lazily, savoring the tea cup in one hand.
Unspeakable leisurely in appearance.
“The shopkeeper, what are your orders?”
At this moment, Qian Tong was standing in front of Su Yun with a respectful face, waiting for dispatch.
Sitting up slightly, Su Yun said slowly, “How much money have I lost during this time? How much money is in the account now? Report to me.”
When he thinks about it, he must have lost his underpants during this time.
This time he can be sure that he has not made any mistakes.
Now is the time to enjoy the fruits of victory.
“Yes, the shopkeeper.”
After speaking, Qian Tong took out a ledger from his arms.
Su Yun knew that Qiantong’s ledger was not inseparable from his body.
After opening the account book for a while, Qian Tong raised his head and looked at Su Yun and said, “Going back to the shopkeeper, it has been half a month since the ten Shengqing restaurants opened. The number of guests two days before the opening and the following The number of guests for more than ten days varies greatly.”
Su Yun’s face showed a look that was as expected, and he was almost laughing in his heart.
Your decision is really right, the number of guests is very different?
The difference is just right. Who would come to eat such an expensive meal?
So there must be no money in the account now. If you open the door every day, you will lose money. What kind of money can you have?
But that’s right, it’s right to lose money. When the two million yuan is in hand, he will be a veritable rich man.
Su Yun felt that he was about to float away. After a few days of hard work, he was also a rich man, and the feeling of being rich was different!
Qian Tong glanced at Su Yun and then continued: “In terms of turnover, there is absolutely no way to compare the turnover of the first two days before the opening and the turnover of the next ten days, the difference is very big, according to the current situation. , it should be better in the future.”
Hearing this, Su Yun’s face almost burst out with laughter. There are no customers behind and the turnover cannot be compared, that’s for sure. The guests who came two days before the opening were all here to eat something strange, it was the first time.
After eating this time, how could it be possible to eat a second time? Do you really think that other people are stupid and have a lot of money? .
Chapter 10: The whole world is plotting against me
“Qian Tong, continue to say, this shopkeeper can hold on.”
Su Yun pretended to speak and asked him to continue reporting, already drawing a bright blueprint for the future in his heart.
“The half-month turnover of these ten restaurants, after deducting various expenses and paying taxes, totaled a total profit of 300,000 yuan.”
A crisp sound suddenly sounded.
Su Yun was suddenly stunned, the smile on his face gradually subsided, and it became difficult to look.
“Ying… made a profit of 300,000 yuan now? Qian Tong, you read that right? It’s not a loss of 300,000 yuan, but a profit of 300,000 yuan?”
The expression on his face was a little stiff, it shouldn’t be! Only half a month to make a profit of 300,000? Are those rich people all idiots?
Such an expensive restaurant, business is getting better and better? Are you sure you’re not lying to me?
How is this still profitable? Shouldn’t it be at a loss?
The expression on his face was stiff, and the whole person was completely numb.
“The villain never dares to deceive the shopkeeper. It is indeed a profit of 300,000 yuan. According to the current turnover growth, the final profit this month is about 500,000 to 600,000.”
Qian Tong said to Su Yun very seriously.
“Give me the ledger!”
Su Yun directly dragged the ledger into his hand regardless of his image.inside.
As his eyes scanned, his face gradually began to turn green.
After reading it, he threw the ledger aside.
The above content only makes him feel that his liver hurts!
Basically, each of these ten restaurants has an average profit of 30,000 yuan.
Just don’t be too outrageous!
What went wrong this time?
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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