Su Yun thought about it.
Play with a big one.
In addition, the establishment of a company group has more things to manage and more people are needed, which can add another expense.
“Everyone is a company executive, is it okay for the benefits to be higher?”
Su Yun began to play his little abacus.
Company executives.
Benefits are high.
Is this reasonable?
“System, this shouldn’t be illegal, right?”
However, Su Yun was still worried, he asked the system.
If it is a violation, his money will be gone.
“As long as the employee’s salary does not exceed the maximum 50% of the market price, it is reasonable!
In terms of benefits, it can only include bonuses, commissions, holiday gifts, holidays, five insurances and one housing fund, etc. ”
The system gave the answer, but Su Yun thought about it. It seems that the construction of the staff dormitory seems to be in the welfare package!
Those companies in later generations did not cover food and housing, but many of them provided subsidized meals and housing, and they built their own dormitories, which seemed very reasonable! .
Chapter 16: Huayin Company
Time passed without knowing it, and it was finally time for the system to settle.
“Host, in view of your poor execution, increase the funds in the restaurant’s account to 1 million, and lose all of it within a month, and include the money the restaurant made during this period.”
“Complete the task to get 15 million cash rewards!”
The relentless mechanical sound of the system rang out.
The corner of Su Yun’s mouth twitched. Well, he thought it was a matter of hundreds of thousands of cash, but now…
Just looking at the reward at the back, Su Yun couldn’t help but feel naïve.
Fifteen million in the ocean, how much does it cost? Even if you spend your whole life abroad, you won’t have to worry about eating and drinking.
Thinking of this, Su Yun felt that he still had to continue to lose money, no matter how big the difficulty was, he would have to lose it all. He didn’t believe that he couldn’t finish it.
After thinking about it, the total funds in the restaurant’s account are now one million cash.
Ten Shengqing restaurants and one Xinyue restaurant, according to the current profit situation, a month’s profit is about 800,000 yuan, which means that he will lose 1.8 million yuan in cash this month.
“No, I have to start a company now, I can’t wait for a moment!”
Su Yun decided that he couldn’t wait any longer. He could get 15 million cash rewards for completing the task this time.
Go out from Xinyue Restaurant, find a rickshaw and go straight to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. If you want to play a big game, you have to register a company, and then put both Shengqing Restaurant and Xinyue Restaurant under the name of the company.
After half a day, Su Yun walked out from the door of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
“Sure enough, I have money and do things well, and I registered a company in half a day.”
He turned to look at the door of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and then looked at the business license and other things in his hand, which had the words Huayin Group Corporation written on it.
Back at Xinyue Restaurant, he immediately called Zhao Lin, the manager of Xinyue Restaurant. Speaking of which, Zhao Lin has now become the general manager, in charge of Shengqing Restaurant and Xinyue Restaurant.
However, the talents given by the system are indeed elites. Under Zhao Lin’s management, everything seems to be in order.
“Zhao Lin, you go to Qinhuai District and buy ten acres of land in the most prosperous area. Money is not a problem. Go and do it for me. The sooner the better.”
Su Yun called Zhao Lin to give instructions. He decided to locate his company’s headquarters in Qinhuai District. Qinhuai District is a bustling downtown area in Jinling City. The land price there is not cheap, and it is not cheap. It is good to spend more money.
Zhao Lin left, but Su Yun was thinking about it in his heart, and now he has already figured out a few points for spending money.
Build a company headquarters, and then build a staff dormitory. The last big part is the school district housing and school town outside the city.
We have to pay close attention to these matters. We can talk more and less in a month. 1.8 million is now in the ocean, which is not a small number.
After half a day, Zhao Lin came back in a hurry.
“The shopkeeper, they said they want 25,000 yuan for the ocean, land, and housing. As long as we agree, we will sign a contract after a while.”
Zhao Lin looked at Su Yun and said that he asked the head of the household in that area to discuss it together.
“Give them 30,000 cash, I will see the contract today, and they must move out before tomorrow night.”
Su Yun made a decision on the spot, how long will it take? How can this be done? You only have one month, so hurry up.
When Zhao Lin heard the words, he let the people in the restaurant carry Xian Dayang away, and by the way, he also drafted dozens of contracts, which he would need later.
Not long after Zhao Lin left this time, he soon returned with a contract.
Su Yun looked at the contract in his hand and nodded with satisfaction. The most prosperous areas in Qinhuai District were all taken by him.
“Zhao Lin, you have two more things to do tomorrow, go to Qinhuai District and take a look around, and get another ten acres of land, the sooner the better, the price is not a problem, get it as soon as possible.
The second thing, tomorrow you will send someone to invite the construction team in the city to demolish all the houses we bought on the road. The faster the better.
By the way, I will find someone else to design the company headquarters and staff dormitory, and the price will be favorable. ”
Su Yun said to Zhao Lin, but he was thinking in his heart, is it?Hire useful people. There are still too few people running errands for themselves.
“The shopkeeper, Wang Qing, the purchaser of our restaurant, is a native of Jinling City and is familiar with many things. It is better to leave the construction team to him.”
Zhao Lin told Su Yun that there were too many things to do, and he couldn’t be too busy.
“Okay, go tell him!”

The next morning, Su Yun sorted out his thoughts and came to the city hall.
It’s time for the school district and the school town to come to an end.
When he came to Wang Yuan’s office, Su Yun didn’t talk nonsense with him, but explained his intention directly.
“Brother Wang, I would like to ask you to help introduce the Minister of Education…”
After Su Yun greeted Wang Yuan, he explained his purpose.
The company is nothing but drizzle.
Education is the big deal.
“Brother Su, it’s not that my brother doesn’t help you, but it’s really inconvenient today.”
Wang Yuan looked at Su Yun in front of him, a flash of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.
“Brother Wang, just a recommendation, it shouldn’t be difficult for you, right?”
Su Yun looked at him with reluctance, and was a little puzzled. Running a school is not bad for Wang Yuan, only good, his expression?
“Brother Su, to be honest, Wang drank too much that day, so…I’m not familiar with the Minister of Education, but I know the Deputy Minister of Education, and I have a familiar face, so I can show you a try.”
At the door, Wang Yuan told the truth, Su Yun twitched at the corner of his mouth.
Well, bragging after drinking, this is simply characteristic.
“If that’s the case, then it’s okay.”
Su Yun said, but he was a little unhappy in his heart. Can this matter be bragged?
On the day of the relationship, Wang Yuan just took advantage of it, couldn’t he entertain himself?
But now it’s time to do business.
Then Su Yun asked his subordinates to immediately prepare 20,000 Xian Dayang to take to the Ministry of Education.
Wang Yuancai took Su Yun to the Ministry of Education.
“Wang Yuan of the city hall has a request to see the deputy minister.”
Wang Yuan and several people came to the secretariat. After he explained his intention, he asked the secretary to report.
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, this is the second-in-command of the Ministry of Education. It doesn’t mean that anyone can meet him.
For ordinary people, that is a serious boss.
“You guys are waiting here now!”
The secretary nodded, got up and left.
After a while, the secretary took Wang Yuan and the others to the office of Duan Xipeng, Deputy Minister of Education.
The office door was open at this time.
After the secretary knocked on the door and got the approval, Su Yun and the others were able to enter.
After Su Yun and others entered, they only saw a middle-aged man in a plain robe writing something with a brush.
He raised his head and looked at Wang Yuan.
“Wang Yuan, right? You’re not staying at the City Hall, what are you doing here at the Ministry of Education?”
Wang Yuan put down the brush in his hand and said lightly.
“Today Wang just brought someone to visit Deputy Secretary Duan. This boss Su has something to ask for.”
Wang Yuan replied, and then introduced Su Yun who was beside him.
Chapter 17: The Big Brother’s Appreciation
“Boss Su? Merchant?”
Duan Xipeng glanced at Su Yun slightly and asked lightly.
“I have some assets in my family, so I am a businessman.”
Su Yun didn’t like his attitude very much, but he still didn’t care.
The second-in-command of the Ministry of Education, if he didn’t have some authority, he really wouldn’t believe it.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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