It’s not that you can eat what you want. The people in the city find jobs, earn a few dollars a month, and they can beat their teeth every month. The farmers outside the city are not so lucky.
The daily cost of food for the construction workers is already three hundred yuan.
This is just rice and vegetables, and the cost is already quite large.
If you add meat, I’m afraid it will cost more.
“Workers are exhausted. How can they not eat meat? Let’s add 500 cash for food every day to buy meat.”
Su Yun said that the five hundred yuan for meat in the ocean can buy about 1,800 catties of meat at the current price of meat.
Just kidding, is it possible to save such a large cost of food?
He also counted on the construction team to provide a few more edibles to help him consume more.

Time goes by rapidly, and the funds in the account are also continuously decreasing.
However, the more time this happened, the less Su Yun dared to relax.
Last month, he was careless, and a Shengqing restaurant almost couldn’t get up.
This time, he absolutely did not dare to neglect the project.
Su Yun calculated the consumption of the construction site almost every once in a while.
Make your direction clearer.
“Currently, the daily food cost on the construction site is about 55,000 yuan, and the cost of masonry, cement, and steel bars consumed on the construction site is about 55,000 yuan.”
Su Yun calculated the daily consumption of various building materials and meals on the construction site.
He found that the expense was not small.
Because 10,000 people started work at the same time, while the progress was faster, more materials were consumed.
Work faster and eat more.
Is it more than fifty-five thousand yuan?
Not much at all.
Su Yun even thought that he could consume one hundred and eighty thousand oceans a day.even better.
“But even according to the current situation, when the settlement time arrives, is it not a sure thing to lose money?”
Su Yun secretly said in his heart, and his mood was also much happier.
He finally kept the clouds open to see the moon.
This month, under his wise leadership, he finally saw the hope of losing money.
It’s not easy.
He decided that when the 15 million ocean is in his hands, he must reward the construction team.
Without them.
I don’t have my current self.
not easy.
It’s not easy.
How hard is it to lose once.
Only Su Yun himself knew.
Su Yun lives at two o’clock every day.
Running around the project outside the city and Xinyue Restaurant, running back and forth between the two places.
The business of Xinyue Restaurant and Shengqing Restaurant in the city became more and more popular.
He was engrossed in the big project of building the school district housing and the school town, and he had no intention of taking care of Xinyue Restaurant and Shengqing Restaurant.
It’s just that I go in and out of Xinyue Restaurant every day, and I feel that the business of Xinyue Restaurant has become better than before.
As for Shengqing Restaurant, I didn’t even pay attention.
However, there is one person who has been watching Su Yun silently.
“Such a patriotic person, can’t let him chill!”
Minister of Education Zhu Jiahua has visited many times and cannot help but sigh.
He could feel that Su Yun’s whole family was immersed in education for the revitalization of the country, and he didn’t even care about the voice of his own restaurant.
Such a patriotic young man, Zhu Jiahua did not want Su Yun to end up in a poor situation.
In order to reverse this situation, Zhu Jiahua emphasized this core store in a conference of the Ministry of Education.
“It is planned to make Shengqing Restaurant the first choice for the Ministry of Education to have dinner parties…”
After Zhu Jiahua’s summary work as always, he finally concluded and planned to modify the dining location of the Ministry of Education.
As soon as these words came out, the officials of the Ministry of Education present all had expressions of surprise on their faces.
Since the last time Duan Xipeng and Su Yun had been in close contact, everyone had inquired about this young man.
Naturally, he found out that Shengqing Restaurant belongs to him.
“What is the origin of this young man, why does the minister value it so much?”
The conference site seemed a little restless, and everyone had such a question in their hearts.
Why did Su Yun get the attention of two big figures in the Ministry of Education?
After the Ministry of Education decided to designate Shengqing Restaurant as a dining place, other departments of the Jinling government also noticed this move.
Chapter 21: The Last Moments
“I think the city hall can also use Shengqing Restaurant as the first choice for gatherings and dining in the future.”
Wang Yuan, the secretary general of the city hall, also proposed at the meeting of the city hall.
He must have a small plan in his heart.
Now Su Yun’s construction of a school town outside the city can be described as mighty.
He had to ride this east wind and soar upward.
As for other departments of the government, they have also begun to turn their attention to Shengqing Restaurant.
After a series of investigations and experiences, the consensus was that high-end restaurants such as Shengqing Restaurant were worthy of their status.
So far, they have made a decision and designated Shengqing Restaurant as a dining place.
Many officials will come to Shengqing Restaurant on the first day of their debriefing in Jinling.
After more government officials came and went in Shengqing Restaurant, more wealthy people and businessmen noticed Shengqing Restaurant.
These people often need to deal with government officials.
The reputation of Shengqing Restaurant has spread throughout the Jiangnan region.
“When you come to Jinling to do business, you don’t need to talk more if you are not in Shengqing Restaurant.”
There was even a saying in the business circle of Jinling City that if you want to do business in Jinling, you must first pass the Shengqing Restaurant.
For a time, no matter the big businessman from south to north, as long as they do business in Jinling City, the first choice will always be Shengqing Restaurant.
What? You don’t even know Shengqing Restaurant? You’re not a liar, are you?
In this case, ten Shengqing restaurants have become the gathering place for these social elites.
The interesting point is that the No. 1 stores such as Xuanwu Road and Jingdong Road are basically gathering places for government officials, and the No. 2 store is a place for officials and businessmen to talk about things.
Other Shengqing restaurants, such as Huanghe Road and Jianye Road, are gathering places for big businessmen.
When you walk into these places, you will find that most of them are businessmen, each of whom has gradually formed its own circle.
It is common to see a group of people walking around with goblets and talking about things.
During this period of time when Su Yun did not pay attention, the business of Shengqing Restaurant was completely booming.
The daily total profit of the ten Shengqing restaurants has even exceeded 50,000 cash!
Shengqing Restaurant has completely become the first restaurant.
Not only within the scope of Jinling City.
But the whole country!
Shengqing Restaurant has truly become the first restaurant in the country.
Whether it is an official or a big businessman, Shengqing Restaurant is the first choice.

A month and a half passed before I knew it.
“There are still about ten days before the settlement date.”
Su Yun secretly thought, and began to calculate the cost of these days.
This time is so busy, the cost is not small.
Buying land, hiring construction teams, workers’ salaries, food, materials, management officials, and restaurant employees, etc.
All the miscellaneous items are added together, and the various expenses are calculated to be about one million.
“It costs money outside the city, and it also costs money inside the city.”
Su Yun muttered to himself, and tapped the table with his hand.
While the construction site outside the city started, the inside of the city was not idle.
What kind of staff dormitory, the company headquarters should not control him and ask for money?
These are all money.
It’s just that all the money Su Yunke had given in advance.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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