Su Yun roughly glanced at it, and there were about forty or fifty people.
When Su Yun appeared, several gazes came over, but none of them had any malicious intent. After all, everyone who could be invited here had an unusual identity.
They are more curious.
And at this moment, a middle-aged man in his fifties walked out and walked towards Su Yun with a smile.
Chapter 25: Industrial Blueprint
“I think this little brother is the famous Boss Su in Jinling City today!”
This person is naturally Zhang Qinglai, he greeted him and said with a smile.
“It’s in Xia, I think you are the boss of Zhang Qinglai Zhang, right? In Xia Suyun, I first arrived at the treasure place today. If there is any rudeness, please look at Haihan.”
Su Yun cupped his hands and said with a smile.
“Haha, if Boss Su is here, take a seat. You’re welcome.”
Zhang Qinglai said with a smile, and then invited Su Yun to come and sit down.
After Su Yun was seated, the big businessmen around looked at him curiously. They were even more interested in seeing him so young. They wondered if this was the descendant of the big businessman, or a rising star?
Zhang Qinglai glanced at the expressions on everyone’s faces, and then said loudly: “I want to come here and everyone is wondering who this Boss Su is. Today, Zhang Mou will introduce you to one or two. With Su Yun, the owner of Xinyue Restaurant.”
When the names of the two restaurants came out, everyone’s faces were full of surprise. Everyone was a little restless and whispered.
They may not go to Xinyue Restaurant, so it’s normal if they don’t understand.
But Shengqing Restaurant is different.
Which of today’s dignitaries, businessmen and rich people don’t know Shengqing Restaurant.
That’s a status symbol.
I didn’t expect it to come from this young man.
Really amazing.
“Boss Su has done this at a young age. He is ashamed of being a young hero, so the old man thought that Boss Su had far exceeded the membership requirements of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce, and invited Boss Su to come here today. Isn’t that what it is for?”
Zhang Qinglai said with a smile, the words made people feel like a spring breeze.
Su Yun naturally knew that what Zhang Qinglai said was just a few scenes, in fact, he also noticed the key points in Zhang Qinglai’s words.
That is the Jinling Chamber of Commerce.
He didn’t know about this Jinling Chamber of Commerce, and he already had some doubts in his heart.
“Boss Su has made this achievement at a young age, which is really commendable.”
A big businessman reached out and stroked his beard, his face full of admiration.
“Xinyue Restaurant and Shengqing Restaurant are unexpected and do not take the usual path. One is small profits but quick turnover, and the other is huge profits. They mainly focus on celebrities. They are business geniuses. If even Boss Su can’t join the Jinling Chamber of Commerce, how can it be? It’s not to shame the old man and others.”
Another big businessman nodded and said with a smile, his eyes full of admiration.
“The bosses are serious, and Su is extremely frightened, but there is one thing that I don’t understand. Su knows very little about the Jinling Chamber of Commerce, and I hope you seniors can help the boy.”
Su Yun cupped his hands and expressed his doubts. He didn’t know the Jinling Chamber of Commerce, but he was curious and wanted to know.
“The members of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce include all the big businessmen, grain merchants, cloth and silk merchants, etc. in Jinling City. The Chamber of Commerce is just a platform for everyone to exchange business experience. Of course, the most important thing here is to share business opportunities.”
Zhang Qinglai smiled and explained to Su Yun.
“Business opportunity sharing?”
Good thing.
Su Yun couldn’t help sitting up slightly, interested in this.
After Zhang Qinglai looked at Su Yun, he continued with a smile: “In addition, Jinling Chamber of Commerce is also under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce on weekdays. It needs to help the government maintain market prices and does not allow major fluctuations in the Jinling market.”
When Su Yun heard this, he already knew it in his heart.
Sounds like this, this Jinling Chamber of Commerce doesn’t seem to be doing any harm to him.
Moreover, there is also a Ministry of Industry and Commerce on the Jinling Chamber of Commerce. Even if the members of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce want to do things that harm the interests of others, I am afraid they have to weigh them.
The most important point is to exchange business experience and share business opportunities, which is very important forFor Su Yun, it is a great thing.
Many members of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce are older than him.
Maybe they can hear the tricks of losing money for so many years.
Don’t you make a lot of money yourself?
Jinling Chamber of Commerce is a good place!
“Su agreed to join the Jinling Chamber of Commerce.”
Su Yun said with a smile.
Zhang Qinglai had a smile on his face.
He didn’t expect it to be so smooth.
“Okay, then we warmly welcome the addition of a new member to our Jinling Chamber of Commerce today.”
Zhang Zhang said with a smile.
There was warm applause from the scene.
As for the procedures after joining the association, Zhang Qinglai felt that there was no rush. After all, the Jinling Chamber of Commerce’s usual management was not very strict.

Then everyone started talking.
The business world is changing rapidly, and if you are not careful, you will miss it.
“In the past few years, the best thing to do is light industry. If you want to make money, you have to do light industry.”
Many businessmen present said that their eyes were on light industry.
Everyone stated their own views and explained the rise of light industry.
But everyone can’t get around a reason.
The reason why so many people think light industry is easy to do. Or because of the subprime mortgage crisis in the West, Western countries are even more unable to take care of themselves, and they are even more powerless to care about China’s industrial product market.
The subprime mortgage crisis swept across Western countries has given many Chinese companies a chance to breathe. Many companies have also ushered in a golden age. More and more people are joining in, and light industry is undoubtedly their best choice.
“Light Industry, how could I forget about this?”
Su Yun listened to their rhetoric, raised his brows, and muttered to himself.
It seems that you have come to the right place.
Isn’t there a place where you don’t lose money?
Does light industry make money? Definitely earn. There is no doubt about that.
Whether it is a flour mill, a garment factory or whatever, it belongs to light industry. Light industry itself is closely related to the lives of ordinary people.
Why are they all talking about light industry? It is said that light industry is to be developed. In fact, there is another reason, that is, because the light industry has a short cycle, the benefits can be obtained quickly, and the investment will not be too large.
Domestic businessmen are short-sighted, put interests first, and only have immediate interests, so they hardly engage in heavy industry.
“I remember that after the cooperation with Germanic in the past, many heavy industry machines were sent to China, but these businessmen did not use them to engage in heavy industry, but sold them to other countries.”
Su Yun recalled in his heart.
Of course, no one is engaged in heavy industry, so there is no competition, so that the domestic heavy industry is almost a blank slate.
When the annual output of steel in the European and American powers is already several million tons, or even tens of millions of tons, the domestic steel output is only 50,000 tons.
“What if I do the opposite and engage in heavy industry?”
Su Yun’s eyebrows stretched, and there was a smile in his eyes.
Chapter 26: All for the sake of burning money
Light industry represents the economy.
Heavy industry stands for national defense.
Heavy industry is important.
However, heavy industry has a long cycle and large investment, and it is very likely that there will be no income, and eventually lead to loss.
“But isn’t losing money just what I want?”
What Su Yun wants is to lose money, and what he wants is to lose money, it is best to lose everything.
“If I want to start with the smelter…”
Su Yun has already started to imagine.
If you want to build an iron smelting plant, you must first have a machine, right? Only machines can work.
As for a machine that can be used to smelt iron, he needs to import it from abroad. The price of such a machine is not something that can be solved by tens of thousands of oceans, but dozens or even millions. , some millions are possible.
This is just a problem of machinery and equipment. It has already cost millions of dollars just to buy equipment. This may just be a small iron smelting factory. If it is replaced by a larger heavy factory, the consumption of funds is even more. fear.
The more Su Yun thought about it, the more he felt that this way was feasible.
Heavy industry is simply a walking beast of gold.
Heavy industrial machinery and equipment are extremely expensive.
In addition, there is a need for technical personnel. Without technical personnel, mechanical engineers, and senior technicians, the iron smelting plant will not be able to operate, even start up, let alone start production normally.
And it’s all money that must be spent, which can’t be saved.
An iron smelting plant takes a long time from the installation of machinery and equipment to getting on the right track, basically eight to ten months. Like the commissioning of a machine and equipment, it is a separate commissioning, not several times. That’s it, let the machinery and equipment reach the best condition.
Normal production, normal pig iron output, and smelted pig iron quality pass, which requires countless debugging, etc.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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