Then he told the two of them the location of the new residence, and the two of them immediately started preparations.
After finishing the work, Su Yun calculated that he should live in the house in Xingdaoli in two days.
“Jingle Bell!”
At this moment, the phone rang, Su Yun picked it up, and Chen Bo’s voice came from there. After the two greeted, Chen Bo said on the other end of the phone: “Boss Su, if you are free now, Please also come to the Ministry of Industry.”
“Su Mou is leaving now.”
Su Mou replied softly, and there was already a guess in his heart, I am afraid it was a matter of talent recruitment.
After Chen Bo hung up the phone, he immediately set off for the Industrial Department.
After a while, he came to the building of the Ministry of Industry, and after a briefing by the secretary, he soon met Chen Bo, Minister of the Ministry of Industry.
“Boss Su, you’re here, come, come and sit!”
With Su Yun knocking on the door and entering, Chen Bo got up and said with a faint smile on his face.
“Minister Chen, I’m harassing me.”
Su Yun cupped his hands and said softly, after Chen Bo returned, he nodded with a smile, and then Su Yun sat down,
“Minister, Su took the liberty to speculate, but there is news from the talent recruitment side?”
Su Yun said softly, with a question in his tone.
“Boss Su guessed right. This time I asked you to come here to tell you about the recruitment of industrial talents.”
After Chen Bo returned the salute, he nodded and said softly, with a faint smile on his face.
“At present, there is news in the United States and Britain. Many mechanical engineers and senior technicians have been found. At present, there are more than ten mechanical engineers, and there are about fifty senior technicians.”
Chen Bo said, pondered for a while, and looked at Su Yun.
“A lot indeed.”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and replied softly, with a thoughtful expression on his face.
“Of course if you want more, I can get someone else to look for it.”
Chen Bo’s face was straight, he sat up slightly, and said straightly, he looked at Su Yun and seemed to be waiting for his answer.
Su Yun thought for a while. At present, iron smelting plants and steelmaking plants will definitely be opened, machinery manufacturing plants must also be established, and tractor factories can also be established.
There are definitely not enough people for this, and it doesn’t cost a lot of money for this person.
He needed to lose about 9.3 million in two months. The monthly loss is more than 4.5 million, and the construction site outside the city is only about 1.5 million a month.
If you don’t spend a lot of money, you won’t be able to complete the task.
“Minister, Su has just pondered for a while, and feels that there may be at least 30 mechanical engineers, and at least 100 senior technicians.”
Su Yun looked at Chen Bo and answered truthfully. There was seriousness in his eyes. It didn’t seem to be fake. He really needed this group of professionals.
After Chen Bo heard Su Yun’s words, there was a shocked expression on his face.
Then he sat up straight and said with a serious expression: “The salary of a mechanical engineer is not low. Even in the current subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, the monthly salary of a mechanical engineer will not be less than two thousand dollars. Two thousand dollars is equal to Five thousand oceans.”
In the 1920s, one dollar was equal to four oceans, but after the subprime mortgage crisis, the exchange ratio between the dollar and the ocean was 1:2.5, and after the Silver Agreement in 1936, it was determined to be 1:3.3.
“In addition to mechanical engineers, there are also senior technicians. The salary of senior technicians is not low. In the United States, the monthly salary of senior technicians is not less than 800 US dollars, which is 2,000 cash.”
Chen Bo went on to explain that he looked serious and serious. Whether he was a mechanical engineer or a senior mechanic, their salaries were not low.
From his point of view, the amount of money Su Yun needs to spend is quite large, and the pressure must be very high. And the salary is not one-time, but needs to be settled every month.
“These talents are scarce in China, and a little more money is a trivial matter. Nowadays, the domestic industry needs to develop, and talents are indispensable. Su is willing to do his best for this.”
Su Yun expressed his intentions, his eyes were burning, and he was very sincere.
However, in reality, this amount of money, for him, is just a fraction of the 9.6 million ocean that he needs to lose for two months.
Even the fractions are still a lot worse, and together they can’t even use half a million oceans.
“That being the case, I’m asking people to snoop and snoop.”
Chen Bo looked at Su Yun and said seriously, his face showing emotion.
United States, on the streets of Philadelphia
A loud voice came from a house.
A young man in his thirties, wearing a scruffy suit, seemed to be pushed by something and fell to the ground.
Followed byA small suitcase was picked up by a fat hand and thrown out.
The small suitcase hit the ground directly, and all the clothes and sundries inside fell out.
Chapter 40: Robert in the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
A middle-aged man in his 40s with a somewhat fat body was standing at the door and looked coldly at the young man in front of him.
The young man got up with a bitter face and packed up the luggage scattered all over the place. The cold wind was blowing, and the streets of Philadelphia in the United States were a little depressing.
No one cared about the loneliness of this 30-year-old young man, because things like this happened every day.
The young man was named Robert, a mechanical designer.
But two years ago, his factory went bankrupt and he lost his job.
After losing his job, he discovered that the entire United States was involved in a wave of unemployment, and people were looking for jobs everywhere.
Robert thought that he was a mechanical designer and a high-level talent, and it was impossible for him to find a job.
But he really didn’t find it, because he hardly saw any factories that were hiring.
Almost all factories are laying off workers, few factories are recruiting, and it is almost impossible to find them.
And even if there is, there will be thousands, or even tens of thousands, of applicants for a position.
For high-level talents such as mechanical engineers, it has become a burden at this time, because no factory is willing to raise a few more mechanical engineers.
Their wages are too high!
Robert sorted the clothes and put them back in the small suitcase, then stood up and lifted the small suitcase again.
He didn’t speak or make any noise during the whole process, just turned around and left silently, looking very lonely.
He had very few things, and the small suitcase seemed light.
He was helpless, but there was nothing he could do. He can’t pay the rent, and naturally he will be kicked out.
Robert was walking on the street in a daze, when suddenly a car sped past him,
At this moment,
The car directly hit the small suitcase in his hand.
And he was almost knocked out!
A young man in his thirties got off the car. He was from China. He was dressed in a black suit and was very neat.
“It’s unlucky!”
After the young man got out of the car, he scolded and took out two dollars from his arms and handed it to Robert, saying, “This is compensation for you, don’t trouble me.”
The young man, Yang Qing, is the Commissioner of the Ministry of Industry in the United States.
“No, I’m fine!”
Robert looked at the handed money and didn’t extend his hand. He waved his hand and said softly, while staggering to stand up.
“Take it, I don’t want to owe anyone.”
Yang Qing said impatiently, as if insisting on giving it to him.
After Robert stood up, he grabbed the small suitcase at hand. After checking that the suitcase was all right, he raised his head and said, “I really don’t need it.”
However, both of them were stunned when they looked at each other!
“Yang Qing!”
Robert looked at the young man in front of him, exclaimed in surprise, and couldn’t believe it.
Yang Qing looked at Robert and was also shocked. He didn’t expect it to be so coincidental.
In front of him at this moment, Robert’s figure began to overlap with the figure from when he was in college. After a while, Yang Qing said softly, “Damn, how could you look like this?”
At this time, Robert was wearing messy hair, wearing a sloppy suit, sunken cheeks, and heavy dark circles under his eyes, and he looked like he couldn’t support it.
Looking at his appearance, Yang Qing knew that he had not eaten for several days.
Before Robert was about to speak, Yang Qing quickly helped him to the car, and Yang Qing drove him to a nearby restaurant.

“Waiter, another steak!”
Robert devoured another steak and reached out for another. His hands were already stained with sauce, but he didn’t care at all, and his stomach was still screaming.
He seems to want to eat a cow now.
Yang Qing held his hand, looked at Robert seriously, and said, “Robert, you’ve already eaten five steaks, and I don’t want to see an old classmate die suddenly in my house on the first reunion after graduation. before.”
Robert in front of him still looks like the college classmate he knew. He didn’t have the vigor and high-spiritedness he had in college at all, and some were just endlessly lonely.
Yang Qing couldn’t even find any match other than this face and name.
Hearing this, Robert smiled bitterly and said, “If you were also hungry for three days, you wouldn’t say this. For the past three days, I have only eaten half a piece of bread, and the rest have been drinking water to satisfy my hunger.”
There was nothing he could do, he was just too hungry.
“You are also a top student, how did you get to such a level?”
Yang Qing was silent after hearing the words, and after a long time, he sighed slightly and said that he didn’t know what happened to Robert.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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